你是我整个世界 We'll be okay, won't we? The one thing that matters more to me than anything else in the world... is you and me. You are my world. You're the one who gets all my love and my wishes and my prayers. But somehow... despite all my best intentions, I never feel quite safe enough or sure enough to rest assured that I'll always be able to make you happy. I need to know. I need you more than my words can say. I need to always feel the warm peaceful feeling that I get when you hold me. I need to experience the beauty of our love that I gently receive when we caress. I need for us to remember all the love that's been given and all the love that will unfold each day, between the wonder of you and the warmth of me. Notecaress v. 爱抚,接吻 unfold v. 打开,呈现 And sometimes, I just need to know that we'll be okay... won't we? |
- 人生,犹如一对矛盾体,奋斗不只是吃苦,也是一种享受
- 心累的时候,这样来安慰自己(很真实)
- 为什么没有老伴的老太太多半能健康长寿?
- 这样回你信息的男生,才是真的喜欢你
- 女人若是对你有好感,这5个表现会越来越明显
- 与其等待 不如不爱
- 这三种宝藏女人,每一个都拥有“旺夫”相,男人遇到好好珍惜
- 你是我心里的一道伤
- 老人出现这4种现象,子女要当心了
- 青春期的“热叛逆”和“冷叛逆”,是孩子求救信号!很多父母没懂
- 听不懂的情话
- 异性聊天时,对方总发“4字消息”,不是讨厌你,而是喜欢你
- 爱的路,谁能陪我一起走
- 爱情隧道
- 骨子里自卑的男人,有这三个特征,遇到要远离
- 今天是个好日子,三八妇女春意浓,巾帼英姿映花红