Imitation 模仿
A schoolboy went home with a pain in his stomach. Well, sit down and eat your tea, said his mother. Your stomach's hurting because it's empty. It'll be all right when you've got something in it. Shortly afterwards Dad come in from the office, complaining of a headache. That's because it's empty, said his bright son. You'd be all right if you had something in it. 一个男孩放学回家时,觉得肚子痛。来,坐下,吃点点心,妈妈说,你肚子痛是因为肚子是空的。吃点东西就会好的。 一会儿,男孩的爸爸下班回家了,说是头痛。 你头痛是因为你的脑袋是空的,他那聪明的儿子说,里面装点东西,就会好的。 整理:zhl201612 |
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