“In maintaining our accomplishments,we must instil in our young generation the importance of political stability,racial harmony,resilience in mind and spirit.” 这话后头三个当宾语的词组,成串的排列,增加议论气势,使文句生动流畅,引人入胜. 这种三项式的排比句,往往是为了表达意思上的顺序先后、程度轻重、范围大小,以便逐层深入,达到良好的修辞效果. 三项式排比句,例子俯拾即是,现在分类举例,供大家参考. 一 主语,如: (1) The conceit,complacency,and ignorance of some people are beyond belief. 二 谓语,如: (2) The investigator reached the gate,hesitated and rang the bell. 三 宾语,如: (3) We expected friends to have warmth,friendship,humanity. 四 形容词,如: (4) She was talkative,vivacious and boastful. 五 分词,如: (5) The driver walked near the car,inspecting,criticising,musing deeply. 六 不定式动词,如: (6) The police started to search,investigate and interrogate. 七 介词宾语或短语,如: (7) Studies serve for delight,for ornament and for ability. (8) Anne is a person of poor understanding,little information,and uncertain temperament. 八 分句,如: (9) Some books are to be tasted,others to be swallowed and some few to be chewed and digested. (10) The research shows that translation problems are primarily language problems,that the translator must have a good command of both languages,and that a translator weak in any language must upgrade it. 九 动名词及短语,如: (11) Thinking logically,speaking eloquently and writing explicitly are important elements of good communication. (12) From my observation,many people today spend their time receiving more and more education,working more and more hours,and making more and more money. 最后,回到文前的引句,如果能把“resilience in mind and spirit”稍作调整,使形式更接近前两者:“political stability,racial harmony”,情况会更好,如: “……political stability,racial harmony,mental resilience,and spiritual equilibrium.” 上述例句证明三项式或多项式排比句是富有表现力的整齐句型,是一种可取的修辞手段,不妨多多使用. |
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