十二月发朋友圈的句子 正能量
美好的十二月到了,也到了一年的最后一个月,小编整理的这些适合十二月发朋友圈的正能量句子,收藏起来吧! 1、生活不会偏袒你,但也不会忽略你,所以在接下来的十二月要好好加油啊! Life won't be partial to you, but it won't ignore you, so in the next December, we should refuel! 2、只要遇到自己喜欢做的事情就去试试吧,失败不可怕,总比心中留下遗憾好。 As long as you meet what you like to do, try it. Failure is not terrible, it is better than leaving regret in your heart. 3、十二月,马上就要来了,十一月还没有完成得,加紧时间努努力。 December is coming soon. If we haven't finished it in November, we should step up our time and work hard. 4、给十一月一个温暖的拥抱,给十二月一个坚定的眼神和满脸的笑意。 Give November a warm hug, give December a firm look and smile. 5、十一月和十二月的好运都拍了拍你,我们的十二月一定要比十一月过得好。 The good luck of November and December has taken pictures of you. Our December must be better than November. 6、马上就要到今年的最后一个月了,那些想见还没有见到的人,赶紧去见吧。 It's going to be the last month of this year. Those who want to meet those who have not yet met, go to see them. 7、愿十二月的日子里,即使单枪匹马,也勇敢无畏。 May the days of December be courageous even on your own. 8、愿十二月的我们温柔上进,每一天都能过得足够好。 May we be gentle and progressive in December and have a good enough day. 9、十二月就不要在丧了,2020年的最后一个月了,好好努力。 Don't be bereaved in December, the last month of 2020, work hard. 10、愿所有的烦恼,都会埋藏在十二月的雪堆里,愿十二月,多喜乐,长安宁。 May all the troubles be buried in the snowdrift in December. May December be more joyful and Changanning. 11、愿你今年所有的心事,所有的愿望,都能在十二月如期而至。 May all your thoughts and wishes this year come as scheduled in December. 12、希望十二月的阳光可以照亮你,给你阳光,给你温暖。 Hope the sunshine of December can illuminate you, give you sunshine, give you warmth. 13、不管是好的还是坏的,通通收下,然后放下所有的包袱,好好生活。 Whether it's good or bad, take it all, and then put down all the burdens and live a good life. 14、希望大家的十二月都跟我一样,暴富,暴瘦,诸事如愿。 I hope everyone's December is just like me, rich and thin, and everything will be as you wish. 15、崭新的十二月会给我们带来更多的好消息,崭新的十二月愿所有人平安喜乐。 The new December will bring us more good news. May everyone be happy and safe. |
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