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  Algeria - Star and crescent with one goal: Victory! 阿尔及利亚:星月结合只为一个目标:夺取胜利!

  Argentina - Last stop: Glory 阿根廷:一切只为最后的荣誉

  Australia— Dare to Dream, Advance Australia 澳大利亚:敢于梦想,澳大利亚前进.

  Brazil - The whole of Brazilis in here! 巴西:巴西全部的力量都在这里!

  Cameroon - The Indomitable Lions are back 喀麦隆:雄狮回来了

  Chile- Red is the blood of my heart, Chile will be Champion 智利:我的心中流淌着红色的血液,智利将会是冠军.

  Cote D'Ivoire - Elephants, let's fight for victory! 科特迪瓦:非洲大象,让我们为胜利而战!

  Denmark - All you need is a Danish team and a dream 丹麦:你需要的是团队和梦想.

  England - Playing with Pride and Glory 英格兰:为了骄傲和荣誉而战.

  France - All together for a new dream in blue 法国:团结起来,为了又一个蓝色梦想.

  Germany - On the road to get the Cup! 德国:我们在夺冠的路上

  Ghana - The hope of Africa 加纳:非洲的希望

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