1、There is someone that is coming or passing away in your life around. 2、How can I forget the bitterness you gave me. 3、Your life only lasts for a few decades, so be sure that you don't leave any regrets. Laugh or cry as you like, and it's meaningless to oppress yourself. 4、Don't cry because it came to an end. Smile because it heppened. 5、No man or woman is worth your tears, and the one who is, won't make you cry. 6、Remember what should be remembered, and forget what should be forgotten. Alter what is changeable, and accept what is mutable. 7、The worst way to miss someone is to be sitting right beside them knowing you can't have them. 8、Maybe God wants you to meet many wrong people before you meet the right one, so when this happens ,you'll be thankful. 9、It hurts to love someone and not be loved in return . But what is more painful is to love someone and never find the courage to let that person know how you feel. 10、There will always be people who'll hurt you, so you need to continue trusting,just be careful. 11、Cry me a sad river. 12、How can I forget the bitterness you gave me. 13、Don't cry because it is over, smile because it happened. 14、Don't spend time with someone who doesn't care spending it with you. 15、The sad past is heartbroken. 16、The worst way to miss someone is to be seated by his/her side and know you'll never have him/her. |
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