1、曾经的美好回忆,再也回不来了。 Once the good memories, never come back. 2、我从来不自欺欺人。我只看真实。 I never told you. I only see the truth. 3、不是风动,不是幡动,是仁者心动。 Not the wind, not streamers move, is benevolent heart. 4、是你太坦然,回忆过眼飘散。 You are too calm, eyes drifting memories. 5、我怀念的不是你而是你给的致命曾经。 What I miss is not you, but you give the fatal once. 6、天空再阴再暗,有迩在身边就是晴天。 The sky is dark and Yin, have you in the side is sunny. 7、你去,我也走,我们在此分手。 You go, I also go, we break up. 8、除非黄土白骨,我守你岁月无忧。 Unless loess bones, I keep you free time. 9、我心中有N把锁,都叫做猥琐。 I have my N lock, called the wretched. 10、我们到底谁更失落,更寂寞。 We in the end who is more lost, more lonely. 11、是你给的爱不够、还是我要的太多。 Is the love you give is not enough, or I want too much. 12、曾经想做你的蝴蝶,在梦的世界。 Ever wanted to be your butterfly, in the dream world. 13、没有你的生活,犹如天空失去了蓝色。 Life without you is like the sky without blue. 14、什么时候想嫁人了就告诉我,我娶你。 What time do you want to marry me, I marry you. 15、我剩余的微笑,已经不够展露给你了。 The rest of my smile, you have enough to show. 16、时光走的太快,忽视了我的等待。 Time goes too fast, ignoring my waiting. 17、爱情里别死扛,亲情里别呼慌。 Love do not carry the dead, the family had called. 18、以前我不懂得,未必明天就有以后。 Before I do not know, may not be tomorrow. 19、沵是莪的,就像莪是沵的一样。 You are my, as I was like you. 20、期待你能明白,没有你一片空白。 Expect you to understand, without you a blank. 21、别离让我深深的体会,命运里面有痛。 Parting let me deep experience, there is pain in the pain. 22、温存后的离别,孤单永远都爱着寂寞。 Warm after parting, always love lonely lonely. 23、生活最沉重的负担不是工作,而是无聊。 The heavy burden of life is not work, but boredom. 24、没动力的时候我就会想到你的笑。 When no power, I will think of your smile. 25、是你太假太假,还是我太傻太傻。 Are you too fake, or I was too silly too silly. 26、得不到的付出,要懂得适可而止。 Not to pay, to know not overdo sth.. 27、骗自己成全他,根本没那么伟大。 Fool yourself into him, not so great. 28、你来了,就不许走,这是我的命令。 You come, you are not allowed to go, this is my order. 29、你走了,换一个寂寞和俄对坐。 You go away for a lonely and Russian sitting. 30、睫毛下的伤城,途经了谁的风光谁的心。 Eyelash under the city, passing through the scenery of the heart of who who. 31、有钱不一定有道,敢摸不一定敢操。 The money is not necessarily the way, dare to touch do not dare to exercise. 32、你要一直陪我,就像我一直陪你一样。 You should always be with me, just like I always accompany you. 33、命运负责洗牌,但是玩牌的是我们自己! Responsible for the fate of shuffling, but is our own brand! 34、用白水般的平淡,来度过逝水的年华。 Use the white water like light, through the passing time. 35、向日葵盛开的夏天,空气中幸福泛滥。 Sunflower in full bloom in the summer, the air in the flood of happiness. 36、我不怕千万人阻挡,只怕自己投降。 I am not afraid of tens of thousands of people stop, afraid to surrender their. 37、我说我不再自作多情变得爱我所爱。 I said I will not become romantic love I love. 38、我一定要给你幸福,谁也别想拦着。 I must give you happiness, who also don't want to stop. 39、深到骨子里的爱,那是离不开。 Deep into the bones of love, that is cannot do without. 40、原谅我面无表情,无法谈笑云间。 Forgive me blankly, and not the clouds. 41、如果你忘了苏醒,那我宁愿先闭上眼睛。 If you forget to wake up, then I would rather close my eyes. 42、女人要自爱这样才有人爱你。 A woman to love yourself so that you are loved. 43、你只是随口一说,我却是认真的难过。 You just casually said, I was seriously sad. 44、谁会懂烟花散尽后,那难过有多痛。 Who will understand the fireworks cleared, the sad have much pain. 45、姊长期奔放,找不到矜持的方向。 Sister long unrestrained, can not find the direction of modesty. 46、爱人在身旁,处处是天堂。 Love in the side, everywhere is heaven. 47、经受不了,你这种所谓的性格。 Can't stand this kind of character. 48、终于连一句不咸不淡的问候都像是打扰。 Finally a word of greeting commom;cynical like disturb. 49、全世界就这么一个你,我拿了命去珍惜。 The world is such a you, I took my life to cherish. 50、时间的河入海流,终于我们分头走。 The time of the river into the sea, finally we separately. 51、回忆淹没我们,时间拆散我们。 Memories drown us, we break up time. 52、秋风无情吹不散叶,落叶多情留不住它。 The relentless wind blowing the leaves, keep it sentimental. 53、回忆之所以美丽,是因为谁也回不去。 Memories are beautiful, because no one can go back. 54、两人若在长久时,吵嘴拌架也是美事。 If two people in long, quarrel mix frame is also good. 55、你的爱是个梦,却有真实的痛。 Your love is a dream, but there is real pain. 56、我的世界里没有了你,我该怎么办? There is no you in my world, what should I do? 57、一颗心,遍布皱纹。一个人,始终如一。 A heart, all over the wrinkles. A man, consistent. 58、人成各,今非昨,秋如旧,人空瘦。 People into each, today is not yesterday, autumn, such as the old, people empty thin. 59、怕爹是孝顺,怕老婆是爱情。 Afraid of father is filial, afraid of his wife is love. 60、请给我一次机会,这话是多么的可笑。 Please give me a chance, this is how ridiculous. 61、爱的最高境界是,经得起平淡的流年。 Love is the highest realm, withstand insipid unease. 62、路灯再多再亮,街角也终究是黑暗得。 The street lights are more bright, the corner is also dark. 63、环境不会改变,解决之道在于改变自己。 The environment will not change, the solution is to change their own. 64、无论多么想念,却不曾再见面。 No matter how much I miss, but never meet again. 65、悲伤重叠悲伤,寂寞沉淀寂寞。 Sadness, loneliness, and loneliness. 66、没有眼泪,又怎么衬托这世界的苦乐? No tears, how bittersweet against this world? 67、爱所有人,信任少数人,不负任何人。 Love all, trust a few, do not bear anyone. 68、才发现眼泪可以流这么多。 Only to find that tears can flow so much. 69、对不起,我忘记我还是孩子。 I'm sorry, I forgot I was a kid. 70、人生如戏,挫折,是剧情发展需要。 Life is like a play, frustration, is the development needs of the story. 71、喝醉了我谁也不服,我就扶墙。 Drunk I who is not satisfied, I will help the wall. 72、我还没有傻到去坚持一个不切实际的梦。 I'm not so stupid as to hold on to an unrealistic dream. 73、没有什么过不去,只是再也回不去。 What can not be too, just can not go back. 74、已麻痹的腳,怎麽也走不到眼前的幸福。 The foot has been paralyzed, how can not go to the present happiness. 75、离开你,我一样坚强,甚至铁石心肠。 Leave you, I like the strong, even the heart of stone. 76、站在奈何桥前,不愿喝下孟婆汤。 Standing on the bridge, do not want to drink soup. 77、我们隔着一颗星的距离,哭着笑着回忆。 We are separated by the distance of a star, cry to smile to recall. 78、什么是幸福?幸福就是筷头上的肉丝。 What is happiness? Happiness is the head of the shredded meat. 79、我曾那么幼稚的以为,那就是我的永远。 I was so naive to think that it was my forever. 80、你只是个小伤口,可是随时碰就随时疼。 You are just a small wound, but always touch the pain. 81、吻你,是爱你,任你无理取闹,是疼你。 Kiss you, love you, you are unreasonable, it hurts you. 82、你知道我不会拒绝,可你还是开不了口。 You know I won't refuse, but you still can't open your mouth. |
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