英文诗歌Leviathan and the Mermaid 利维坦与人鱼(未完)
It was the flowery time of year 这是鲜花盛开的季节 the sky can never be purer 天空无以复加地澄清 The sun gave a brilliant beam over mother earth, 阳光把明媚的光洒在大地母亲之上 Which seems to pour the life into her vast body. 好像要在她广阔的身体里注入灵魂 The little mermaid waited for her fifteenth birth, 小美人鱼在等待她的第十五个生日 That would allow her to emerge into the world earthly. 这样她就可以浮出水面,去看看陆地上的世界 A short glance, or an adventure waited to be taken. 也许只是短暂的一瞥,也可能是一段等待着的冒险 The inner dream of the little mermaid, seemed to be awaken 小美人鱼内心深处的梦想似乎即将被唤醒 See, the youngest princess of the kingdom submarine, 你们看,这是海底王国的小公主 Was dressed in the prettiest attairs by her grandmother, 她穿着奶奶给她准备的盛装 Silently, solemnly did she wandering, 静静地,肃穆地游荡在海里 Scarlet Lily as the crown, which we can never find another, 头戴殷红色百合花冠,在世界上并不能找出另一个 And the mussels on her fish tail, 还有在她鱼尾上做装饰的牡蛎 Which gave an evidence to her royal blood 为她高贵的皇室血统提供见证 Her skin silken against the pearl, now a bit pale, 她的皮肤在珍珠的映衬下如丝绸一般,现在却略显苍白, As if there would come tremendous flood. 好像有巨大的洪水即将到来 It might be real, at the same instant 这可能是真实的,就在此时 A monstrous creature, as we called Leviathan, 一个怪异的生物,我们叫做利维坦 Was secretly watching her aimed prey 此刻正默默注视着自己的猎物 With an eye squinted, another opened widely with envy 她眯起一只眼睛,另一只圆圆瞪起,伴随着妒忌 A scheme was formulated with evilness 一个计谋在邪恶的思想中浮现出来 that was to wreck a ship in navigation, 那就是摧毁一艘航行中的船, Then persuade the mermaid to emerge out without permission 然后劝小美人鱼在不经过同意的情况下浮出水面 Thus she might die by carelessness 这样也许可以让她死于粗心大意 Let‘s take a brief look at the hidden monster 让我们大致地看一眼这个隐秘着的怪物 In onder to understand the peril for our little mermaid better 这样我们就更能理解小美人鱼的危险处境 A body like a whale, or a drip from the aether 鲸鱼一般的身体,或者说像太空滴下的水滴, With fiery eyes, one seemed to devour the other 还有喷着火的眼睛,好像一只要吞下另一只 Driven blind by inherent envy, 她被天生的妒火蒙蔽了眼睛 One to another seemed to convey 妒火像是从一头烧到另一头 If I talk more to you about the mutant offshore, 如果我继续和你谈论岸上这只怪物 We might doubt the God we both adore 我们都会对彼此爱戴的上帝产生怀疑 Now a ship‘s navigating on the ocean waves, 现在有一条船正在海面上行驶 With the shadow like dark clouds on the sky. 形成乌云般的阴影 In the envious eyes of Leviathan it can be a grave 在利维坦嫉妒的眼睛当中,这就是一个为船上每一个人铸造的 For people inside. The ocean was about to fly, 坟墓,海浪汹涌澎湃,好似 Into fury, But with the eyes purest 勃然大怒,但是在小美人鱼 From the little mermaid, it‘s an epitome of paradise 最纯洁的眼睛里,这就是天堂的剪影 Where‘s beyond the place she has been furthest. 象征那个比她去过最远的地方还要遥远的地方 She once wish to go thither, as if with the wings of dream she could fly. 她曾经无比想去到那里,就好像能够乘着梦想的翅膀飞翔 The ship was turned over by the power of Leviathan, 轮船在利维坦的力量下被彻底掀翻 Whose fins spun fast like natural fans 她的鱼鳍就像天然的扇子一样高速旋转 The mermaid, almost out of instinct 小美人鱼几乎是出于本能地 Swam to the ship about to sink 游向了那艘即将沉没的轮船 Where she found a lad whose hair black like the ink 在那里她看到一个乌发如墨的少年 And his skin slightly tanned, she could feel the hearty link 他有着被太阳晒成金色皮肤,她仿佛感受到自己 Between them, or maybe it‘s just what she could think 与少年之间的连接,或许这只是她想出来的事情 She seized the head of the lad, and dragged him ashore 她抓住少年的头,将其拽向岸边 The moments she wished to last forevermore 这样的时光她希望永远不会结束 The stars generously gave them the light 星星慷慨地给予他们自己的光芒 As a leader, to the safest place at the night 像一个导航一样领他们来到夜晚最安全的地方 The mermaid stared at the lad gently, 小美人鱼温柔地注视着这个少年 His roselike lips now cold, breathing slightly 他玫瑰般的双唇如今是冰冷的,伴随着轻微的呼吸 As she was going to touch his lips with hers, 正当她准备去亲吻他的嘴唇的时候 There came a sound from a church that can hardly be heard. 教堂传来了一些很难被听见的声音。 The mermaid hid herself in the placid ocean, 小美人鱼在平静的海水中藏起来 As Leviathan consumed she’s already dead. 利维坦猜测她已经死去 There came a striking young girl, to whom the God has given 远处走来一个美丽的年轻女孩,上帝似乎在她身上 All definition of beauty and life 倾注生命与美的所有定义 She rescued the lad with crowds around 她在人们的帮助下拯救了那个男孩 Lifting him from the ivory ground 将他从象牙色的地上抬起 Little mermaid returned back to the seabed 小美人鱼转身回到自己在海底的家园 She could never afford such a dangerous bet 因为她永远无法负担这样危险的赌注 |