A Slumber did my Spirit Seal 睡眠封闭我的魂灵
A Slumber did my Spirit Seal——William Wordsworth 睡眠封闭我的魂灵 陈绍鹏 译 A slumber did my spirit seal; 睡眠封闭我的魂灵; I had no human fears: 我已无人世的忧虑: She seemed a thing that could not feel 仿佛已无法感受 The touch of earthly years. 尘世岁月的触动。 No motion has she now, no force; 纹丝不动,身不发力; She neither hears nor sees; 对外界闭目塞听; Rolled round in earth's diurnal course, 与岩石,石头,树林一起, With rocks, and stones, and trees. 随世界的进程而流转,日夜不停。 (m.taikS.com) |