赭山广济寺 编辑点评: 山林幽静,古寺庄严肃穆。雕梁画栋,金碧辉煌。苍松翠柏掩映小路,梵音起,涤荡心灵。早上来到景区,风摇动着寺院上的铃铛,前面有牌匾,后院有墓园。坟茔中埋有烈骨,有花木陪伴。抬眼望喧嚣处,禁不住泪潸然。走进老城,树木茂盛,有藤萝缠绕古树,树叶沐浴长风。天高远,落日红。攀登到这峰顶,方看到如此美景。一首诗一幅画,诗画相融,余韵无穷。好作品,推荐共赏,感谢赐稿,问候作者,期待精彩继续。 摘自: m.taiks.com |
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Crossing the Bar Sunset and evening star, And one clear call for me! And may there be no moaning of the bar, When I put out to sea. But such a tide as moving see
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——Wrote by Cassini(何以信言), Edited by Jessica Liu * Cassini(何以信言) ——My Sincere to my old friend,DCC. Runner meets runner You encountered yo