1、你的眼睛,如花般斑斓。 Your eyes, like beautiful flowers. 2、一次的邂逅,一辈子的伤。 A chance encounter, a lifetime of injury. 3、曾经相遇,总胜过从未碰头。 Once met, total than never to meet. 4、原先笑靥如花,后来满是伤疤。 The original smile, then full of scars. 5、删了一个好友,空了一个分组。 Delete a friend, a group of empty. 6、电影散场,你等的人却仍然没有来。 The movie, you and other people still do not have to. 7、太怕失去你,所以笑里都写满孤寂。 Too afraid to lose you, so smile all write full of loneliness. 8、无人与我立黄昏,无人问我粥可温。 No one with me in the evening, no one asked me porridge. 9、后来我继续喜欢你,继续心酸与孤独。 Then I continue to love you, to sad and lonely. 10、我还留在原地等待,你却从未回头看。 I still stay where you are, but you never look back. 11、曾被爱伤得彻底才把自己关的那么紧。 Once you have to completely shut myself so tight. 12、你的世界如此辽阔,我会在哪个角落。 Your world is so vast, I will be in the corner. 13、你真幽默,用分手来试探我有多爱你。 You really humorous, with the break up to test how much I love you. 14、你不要再回来了我已经没有力气讨好。 You don't want to come back, I have no strength to please. 15、你微笑着站在远方,我在这里寂寞流浪。 You smiled and stood in the distance, I am here lonely wandering. 16、若未来你能想起我,希望那是温暖瞬间。 If you can think of me in the future, I hope it is a warm moment. 17、最恐惧寂寞、却总是被这种恐惧缠绕着。 The most afraid of loneliness, but is always haunted by this fear. 18、如果你不能爱我,就不该打扰我的平静。 If you can't love me, don't disturb my peace. 19、老师唯一没骗我们的就是,三年真的很短! The only teacher didn't deceive us is that three years is really short! 20、你若对我沉默,对不起,我只好对你冷漠。 If you are silent to me, I am sorry, I have to be indifferent to you. 21、我只能任凭回忆,嘲笑我自己到底有多孤单 I can only let the memories, laugh at me in the end how lonely 22、陪你走完这一段路,你也变成我路过的路。 Accompany you to go through this section of the road, you have become my way through the road. 23、黑白色的心底最柔软的地方也被你击碎了。 The black and white color of the bottom of the heart of the most soft place you have shattered. 24、其实,我一直都在你身后,就差你一个回头。 In fact, I have been behind you, you will be sent back. 25、我若不爱你,又怎会允许你践踏我的自尊心? If I don't love you, how can I allow you to trample on my pride? 26、你想要一个关于永久的承诺,我真的给不起。 You want a permanent commitment, I really can not afford to. 27、对于你,我始终只能以陌生人的身份去怀念。 For you, I always can only to the identity of a stranger to miss. 28、不要接近我,熟悉我,心疼我,然后离开我。 Don't be close to me, know me, love me, then leave me. 29、我没有饮过最烈的酒,但我放弃过最爱的人。 I have never drunk the strongest wine, but I have given up on the most loved one. 30、我就是一个笑话,逗笑了别人,笑疼了自己。 I was a joke, laugh others, smile hurt yourself. 31、承受自己能承受住的,忍受自己不能承受的。 Bear oneself can bear, bear oneself can not bear. 32、喜欢喝白开水,因为这样可以温暖我冰凉的心。 Like drinking water, because it can warm my cold heart. 33、我喜欢笑,因为我想把悲伤融合在我的笑容里。 I like to laugh, because I want to put the sadness in my smile. 34、远离对你忽冷忽热的人,别做别人寂寞时的玩伴。 Apart from the people you don't do what others sometimes hot and sometimes cold, lonely playmates. 35、据说,一个男孩喜欢你,他会一直不叫你的名字。 It is said that a boy likes you, he will not call you by name. 36、要么一直骄傲的单身,要么全心全意只为一个人。 Either have been proud of single, or heart and soul only for a person. 37、曾经我爱你爱到骨子里,如今我恨你恨进血液里。 I love you, love to the bones, now I hate you into the blood. 38、能不能。有那么一个肩膀。让我可以一辈子依靠。 Can not. There is a shoulder. Let me be able to depend on. 39、以前觉得撕心裂肺的事,变成回忆后就成了笑话。 I think the piercing thing, become a memory after a joke. 40、你是我的可遇不可求,可遇不可留,可遇不可有。 You are my can not seek, can not stay, can not have. 41、我多想画个圈,把自己关在里面,把一切挡在外面。 I want to draw a circle, put myself in it, and put everything in the outside. 42、幸福的事不是有很多人爱你,而是你爱的人也爱你。 The happy thing is not that there are many people love you, but you love the people who love you. 43、错爱,是喜欢却不合适的鞋,穿了脚疼,扔了心疼。 So, love is not the right shoes, wearing foot pain, threw distressed. 44、我拒绝了所有暧昧,只为等你的一个不确定的未来。 I refused all ambiguous, only to wait for you an uncertain future. 45、上学换座位的时候,和喜欢的人一桌,是最幸福的事。 Go to school for a seat, and like a table, is the most happy thing. 46、曾经莪以为念念不忘旳人,也就在一念之间都忘记了。 Once I thought about the people, also it have forgotten. 47、少走了弯路,也就错过了风景。无论如何,感谢经历。 Less detours, but also missed the scenery. Anyway, thanks for the experience. 48、幸福请了假,漂流在何方;若不曾迷茫,又何来悲伤? Happiness please leave, drifting in where; if not lost, and what to sad? 49、相遇,是一种美丽,像一座小城向晚,映着夕阳的绚烂。 Meet, is a kind of beauty, like a small town in the evening, reflecting the splendid sunset. 50、时光你总是那么自以为是,我的心却被你伤的零零落落。 The time you are always so opinionated, but my heart was hurt you and zero zero. 51、孤单不是与生俱来,而是由你爱上一个人的那一刻开始。 Alone is not born, but by the moment you fall in love with a person. 52、我说我爱他。他说他也爱我。那么。这样可以继续很久吧。 I said I loved him. He said he loved me too. Then. This will continue for a long time. 53、害怕太主动反而被敷衍,只好把自己的想念和热情都收敛。 Fear too much initiative but be put to a superficial, have their own thoughts and enthusiasm are converging. 54、如果时光是记忆的橡皮擦,我希望自己从来没有使用过它。 If time is a memory eraser, I hope I never used it. 55、我不会再继续喜欢你了,这段文字打完后我就准备离开你了。 I will not continue to like you, this section of the text after I was ready to leave you. 56、终于如你所愿,我已将你视为平常,连看你一眼都觉得多余。 Finally, as you wish, I have seen you as a normal, even if you have a look at the excess. 57、明知道你的说说写的不是为我,而我却自欺欺人的对号入座。 You know about writing is not for me, but I was talking. 58、疼吗?疼也不要说,有事自己扛着,别人不是你,不会懂你。 Does it hurt? Don't say, you have to carry, others are not you, will not understand you. 59、哭的再歇斯底里也代表不了有多伤心,只有笑的灿烂才最坚强。 Cry again the hysteria can not represent how sad, only the brilliant smile is the most strong. 60、能不能告诉我,你和我的关系,要么让我安心,或者,让我死心! Can you tell me the relationship between you and me, or let me, or let me up! 61、当你看惯了任何人的忽冷忽热,你也就习惯了所有人的渐行渐远。 When you see anyone you are accustomed to sometimes hot and sometimes cold, drifting away all the people. 62、真希望自己变回小孩,因为,摔破的膝盖总比破碎的心要容易修补。 I hope to be a child, because skinned knees are easier to fix than broken hearts. 63、眼泪的存在是为了证明一切都不是幻觉,好想让我想得都成为现实。 The existence of tears is to prove that everything is not illusion, want to make me want to be a reality. 64、男人喜欢漂亮脸蛋,女人喜欢甜言蜜语。所以女人化妆,男人撒谎。 Men like beautiful face, women like sweet. So women make up, men lie. 65、走着走着,就散了,回忆都淡了;回头发现,你不见了,忽然我乱了。 Walk, walk, walk away, the recollection is weak; turn head to discover, you are gone, suddenly my disorderly. 66、世界上最远的距离,不是爱,也不是恨,而是熟悉的人,渐渐得陌生。 The furthest distance in the world, is not love, not hate, but familiar with people, gradually unfamiliar. 67、真的想成为你的遗憾,等你老了,想起我来,如我现在这般,苦笑不堪。 I want to be your regret when you are old, I think, as I do now, smile. 68、我不敢奢求太多,只想把瞬间当成永远,把现在都变成回忆,一点一滴。 I dare not to expect too much, just the moment as always, to now become memories, every little bit. 69、该走的人迟早会走,与其费力勒紧手里的线,不如等风来的时候就放手。 The right people will go sooner or later, its effort to tighten his line, such as when the wind comes to let go. 70、知道什么叫多余吗?夏天的棉袄,冬天的风扇,还有已经心冷后的殷勤。 Do you know what is redundant? Summer cotton padded jacket, winter fan, and have the heart after the hospitality. 71、有没有过班主任不在班上时教室声音很大,可是有时会诡异的安静几秒。 There is not a class teacher is not in class when the classroom sounds great, but sometimes the strange quiet a few seconds. 72、华丽的姿态,能有几人知其内幕?逞强的成熟,又有谁能知其内心的幼稚? Gorgeous posture, can have a few people know its insider? To mature, and who can know the inner childish? 73、很多人不需要再见,因为只是路过而已。遗忘就是我们给彼此最好的纪念。 A lot of people don't need good-bye, because it's just passing by. Forgetting is the best memorial to each other. 74、曾经我以为真心对待一个自己爱的人就能永远,现在想来,不过就是个笑话。 Once I thought to be true to one's own love can be forever, and now want to come, but is a joke. 75、对不起,没长成你喜欢的样子,没养成你喜欢的性格,没有让你心动的感觉。 Sorry, not the way you like, did not develop your favorite character, did not make you feel the heart. 76、我什么都没有忘,但是有些事只适合收藏,不能说,也不能想,却又不能放。 I have nothing to forget, but some things are only suitable for collection, can not say, can not think, but can not put. 77、以后的岁月还那么漫长,漫长到我可以重新喜欢上别人,就像当初喜欢你那样。 After the years is so long, long to I can love others, just like you do. 78、我希望你幸福,因为那是我最大的心愿;我又怕你幸福,因为那样你就会忘了我。 I hope you are happy, because it is my biggest wish; I'm afraid you happiness, because then you will forget me. 79、我不知道异地恋能坚持多久,不能见面,不能拥抱,不能亲吻,就连牵手都是奢侈。 I do not know how long distance love can persist, can not meet, can not hug, can not kiss, even in hand is a luxury. |