1、我的世界没有爱,命中注定要分开。 There is no love in my world, it's meant to be apart. 2、永远不是一种距离,而是一种决定。 Eternity is not a distance but a decision. 3、你永远不懂我的心,我们注定没结局。 You will never understand my heart, we are doomed to have no end. 4、如果你累了,请你回头,我一直都在。 If you are tired, please come back, I have been in. 5、分开也不一定分手,伤心也不一定泪流。 Separate does not necessarily break up, sad not necessarily tears flow. 6、我踌躇在记忆中,始终不愿翻起那一页。 I hesitate in the memory, always reluctant to turn over the page. 7、以后的以后,我不会再等待,纵然你在。 After the future, I will not wait, even if you are in the. 8、一个人可以佯装一切,却无法佯装幸福。 One can pretend everything, but can not pretend happiness. 9、隐身不是不想遇见,而是怕你视而不见。 Stealth is not do not want to meet, but afraid of you to turn a blind eye. 10、毕竟你是我的全世界,我怎么舍得放弃。 After all, you are my whole world, I how willing to give up. 11、后来我终于忘记了你,连提起都只剩笑意。 Later I finally forgot you, even mention only smile. 12、看着我,你在说谎,看着你,却无法伪装。 Look at me, you're lying, looking at you, but you can't pretend. 13、谎言经过包装有一个更好听的名字,叫诺言。 A lie has a better name, called a promise. 14、不知道他那里好,让你抛下我为他奋不顾身。 Don't know him well, let you leave me for him regardless of personal danger. 15、回忆的斑斑点点,都曾代表我们故事的零碎。 Memories of the spots, have represented our story ends. 16、孤单是一个人的狂欢,狂欢是一个人的孤单。 Loneliness is a person's Carnival, carnival is a person alone. 17、成熟不是人的心变老,是泪在打转还能微笑。 Maturity is not the heart of the old, is still around laughing tears. 18、平常总健忘丢三落四的我,却把你记那么清? I usually always absent-minded but forgetful, you remember so clear? 19、你已经走出我的视线,但从未走出我的思念。 You have come out of my sight, but never out of my thoughts. 20、反反覆覆,如果不是爱过,思念也不会那么疼。 Repeatedly, if not love, don't miss that pain. 21、总有一个人,一直住在心底,却告别在生活里。 There is always a person, has lived in the bottom of my heart, but said goodbye in life. 22、在原谅与绝望之间游荡,唯一的感觉是伤伤伤! Wandering between forgiveness and despair, the only feeling is injury! 23、世界上有两个我,一个假装快乐,一个真心难过。 There are two in the world, one is to pretend to be happy, one is really sad. 24、爱情是不是都这样,玩久了,看腻了,就抛弃了。 Love is not all like this, playing for a long time, tired of watching, it abandoned. 25、要么一直骄傲的单身,要么全心全意只为一个人。 Either have been proud of single, or heart and soul only for a person. 26、活着想看见你比我幸福,死了想和你相聚在天堂。 Live to see you are happier than I am. I want to be with you in heaven. 27、我不贪心。只有一个小小的愿望:生命中永远有你。 I don't want to be greedy. There is only one small wish: life is always there for you. 28、醉知酒浓,醒知梦空,原来看残花凋尽也是一种痛。 Drunk know wine thick, wake up know dream empty, see the original flowers wither as is also a kind of pain. 29、走极端的人,不是疯子式的发疯,就是冷漠型的安静。 Go to the extreme, not crazy crazy, is the indifference of the quiet. 30、外面的世界有太多的细菌,我怕我一出去就被感染了。 There are too many bacteria in the outside world, I'm afraid I will be infected when I go out. 31、走的最急的是最美的风景,伤的最深的是最真的感情。 The most urgent is to take the most beautiful scenery, the deepest wound was the most real feelings. 32、真希望你一个不小心,也同样像我喜欢你那样的喜欢我。 I wish you were not careful, as I like you like me. 33、不见面也有不见面的好,这样你永远是我记忆中的样子。 Do not meet and do not meet the good, so you will always be my memory of the appearance. 34、记忆中依旧残存着某个人的名字,但已记不起他的模样。 Memory still remains a person's name, but can not remember his appearance. 35、你要知道他偶尔的关心,不是余情未了,而是出于礼貌。 You know he care, not to feel contrite but polite. 36、我在前面像小丑一样做戏,而你却在背后笑着看着议论着。 I like a clown in front of the game, and you are behind the smiling talk. 37、我们的爱终究变成了回忆,曾经的至死不渝早以挥之不去。 Our love becomes a memory, once in early will never change until death. 38、花开再谢,人来又走,假若注定是过客,起初又何必招惹。 Flowers to thank, people come and go, if destined to be passing, at first why provoke. 39、也许你只是张扬了一夏的蝉,一场秋雨就足以让我忘了你。 Maybe you just play a summer of cicada, a rain is enough to make me forget you. 40、最大的悲哀莫过于长大,从此,笑不再纯碎,哭不再彻底。 The greatest sorrow than growing up, from now on, laugh no longer pure broken, crying is no longer completely. 41、有时候,笑容并不是最好的良药,它只是最好的掩饰而已。 Sometimes, smiles are not the best medicine. It's just the best cover up. 42、最讨厌的是,在我努力试着放下的时候,你又出现在我面前。 The most annoying is, in my efforts to try to put down, you appear in front of me. 43、有些人不会忘,由于不舍得;有些人必需要忘,因为不值得。 Some people will not forget, because it is not willing to give up; some people will need to forget, because it is not worth it. 44、后来,我遇见很多人,像你的发,像你的眼,却不是你的脸。 Later, I met a lot of people, like your hair, like your eyes, but not your face. 45、至少我们的爱情是带点喜剧的悲剧,至少我是笑着怀念你的。 At least our love is a tragedy of a comedy, at least I smile to miss you. 46、动了真感情的人都会喜怒无常,因为付出太多难免患得患失。 Move the true feelings of the people will be subject to changing moods, because too much will worry about personal gains and losses. 47、那日后,无人敢与我言你,亦无人知晓我多想听闻你的过往。 In the days to come, no one will dare to speak to me of you, and no one knows how I want to hear your past. 48、我巴不得你过得穷困潦倒,每到深夜时,想起的都是我的好。 I wish you had poor, every night, think of me is all good. 49、如果,你不能给她一个美好的未来,那么,请不要把她哄上床。 If you can't give her a bright future, please don't put her to bed. 50、感谢太多莫名其妙的关心,也慨叹为何从来没有来自你的问候。 Thank you too much rather baffling concern, also regret why never from your greetings. 51、女人出轨了,男人会报复女人。男人出轨了,女人会报复自己。 Woman derailed, men will retaliate woman. Men cheat, women will retaliate. 52、我多么渴望再见你一面,不再去说从前,只是说一句:好久不见。 How I wish to see you again, not to say the past, just say: long time no see. 53、我对你设置了特别关心,你却对我设置了访问权限,这就是距离。 I set a special concern for you, you have set up the access to me, this is the distance. 54、如果,你不能对我好一辈子,请你不要对我好,哪怕只是一秒钟。 If you can't be good to me for a lifetime, please don't be good to me, even if only for a second. 55、女人这辈子最大的任务其实不是痴心爱一个人,而是爱对一个人。 This life the biggest task of woman is not loving a person, but to love a person. 56、忽冷忽热就像冬天手被冻得红肿再用沸腾的水浇淋那种钻心的疼。 Just like the winter sometimes hot and sometimes cold hands are frozen and then boiling water poured red that terrible pain. 57、我从来不敢过分的去在乎一个人,因为我知道,越在乎越容易失去。 I never dare to go too far to care about a person, because I know, the more I care about losing. 58、我发现了,若我不主动,一天、两天、三天、甚至一星期都没人理我。 I found that if I don't take the initiative, one day, two days, three days, or even a week, no one will take care of me. 59、他来我空间一次都要删一次访客,他不知道我空间只对他一个人开放。 He came to my space once to delete a visitor, he didn't know my space is only open to him. 60、有时候,我们做出的最艰难的决定,最终成为我们做过的最漂亮的事。 Sometimes we make the most difficult decisions, and ultimately become the most beautiful thing we have ever done. 61、我已经记不得遇见你那天的天气了,可是你走的那天我却怎么也忘不了。 I can't remember the day when I met you, but I couldn't remember the day when you went away. 62、不要停留在过去,不要去回忆从前,时间会咬人,你不走,会满身伤痕。 Do not stay in the past, do not go to the memories of the past, the time will bite, you do not go, will be covered with scars. 63、许多的时候,让我们放不下的其实并不是对方,而是那些逝去的共同回忆。 Many of the time, let us not put down is not each other, but the common memories of the past. 64、看着喜欢的人上线,却不能主动和他聊天,你们知道这种说不出的痛苦么? Looking at the person who likes the line, but can't take the initiative to chat with him, do you know the pain that this can not say? 65、好好对待陪在你身边的那些人,因为爱情可能只是暂时的但友情是一辈子的。 Treat those who accompany you in your side, because love may only be temporary, but friendship is a lifetime. 66、仰望布满星星的天空,眼角还残留一丝泪痕,内心是谁刻下了抹不去的伤痕。 Look up at the starry sky, his eyes still remain a tears, the heart is who carved indelible scars. 67、笑着说分手,转身后却泪流满面,因为彼此都无法忘记,那段在一起的时光。 Smile to break up, turned around but burst into tears, because each other can not forget that time together. 68、有时,爱也是种伤害,残忍的人,选择伤害别人,善良的人,选择伤害自己。 Sometimes, love is also a kind of hurt, cruel people, choose to hurt other people, good people, choose to hurt themselves. 69、多数的错失,是因为不坚持,不努力,不挽留,然后催眠自己说一切都是命运。 Most of the missed, because they do not adhere to, do not work hard, do not retain, and then hypnosis himself said that everything is fate. 70、那样也好。在错失了整个世界之后,备受伤害的心终于不需要再顾及他人的想法。 So good. After missing the whole world, the heart that has been hurt has no need to take into account other people's thoughts. 71、那年,遇见了你,相信了叫永远的东西;那年,你离我而去,我一个人收拾着回忆。 That year, met you, believe that the thing called forever; that year, you leave me, I am a person to clean up the memories. 72、不要以为你有多了不起,不就是个人嘛,我的世界,多你一个不多,少你一个不少。 Do not think that you are more than a person, not a person, my world, more than you a little, less you a lot. 73、幸福,一种说不出口的感觉,很奇妙,但是也会让人痛心的,但是我现在也很幸福。 Happiness, a kind of feeling that can not be exported, it is wonderful, but it will also make people sad, but I am also very happy. 74、一在生命中,再无聊的时光,也都是限量版。所以,不要为旧的悲伤,浪费新的眼泪。 One in life, then boring time, also are limited edition. So don't waste your new tears for the old sorrow. 75、最难过的是当你遇上一个特别的人,却明白永远不可能在一起,或迟或早,你都不得不放弃。 The worst is when you meet someone special, but you never know that you'll never be together. 76、我无权挽留什么,也不会奢望得到什么,因为我会一直走,一直走,一直走到痛的呼吸都没有。 I have no right to retain what, nor do I expect to get anything, because I will always go, always go, has been to the pain of breathing are not. 77、没人在乎你怎样在深夜痛哭,也没人在乎你转辗反侧的要熬几个秋,外人只看结果,自己独撑过程。 No one cares about you how to cry in the middle of the night, nobody gives a shit about you toss and turn to boil a few autumn, the outsiders see results that he alone is responsible for the process. 78、有些人,无论你怎么对那个人好,他也不会留意。因为那个人的生命里,你显得是多么的微不足道。 Some people, no matter how good you are good for that person, he will not pay attention to. Because of that person's life, you seem to be so insignificant. 79、我们始终不曾停留在同一条道路上,就像灯火阑珊处那个闪动的身影,只是瞬间便淹没在无尽的黑暗中。 We never stay on the same road, like lights dim the flashing figure, just moment will drown in the endless darkness. 80、有些失去是注定的,有些缘分是永远不会有结果的,爱一个人不一定会拥有,拥有一个人就一定要好好去爱她。 Some lost is doomed, some fate is never a result, love a person does not necessarily have, have a person must be good to love her. |
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