1、你的粉丝就是苍蝇,因为苍蝇爱屎粑粑。 Your fans are flies, because flies love crap. 2、你妈生你时,你是不是还回头看一样! When your mother gave birth to you, did you look back? 3、你人又不聪明,还学人家绝顶! You are not smart, you are also learning extremely hard! 4、只喜添锦上之花,谁肯送雪中之炭。 Only pleased with the flowers on the brocade, who will send the charcoal in the snow. 5、宅男,只要一停电,就会退化成穴居人。 Otaku, as long as a power failure, it will degenerate into caveman. 6、这个世界本来就很脏,你有什么资格说悲伤。 The world is very dirty. What qualifications do you have to say sadness? 7、见到美女就动心,花言巧语骗人心。 It's tempting to see beautiful women. 8、有棱有角的害处是,别人啃起你来十分方便。 The harm of being angular is that it is very convenient for others to chew you up. 9、把你的嘴闭起来,别用你的嘴谈论我的人生。 Close your mouth, don't talk about my life with your mouth. 10、像你这种人,在连续剧里,最多只能活两集。 People like you can only live two episodes in a series. 11、一些事,只配当回忆。一些人,只能做过客。 Some things only match memories. Some people can only be passers-by. 12、想必你在校的成绩一定很好吧,那么会抄袭! You must be very good at school, so you can plagiarize! 13、你的智商和喜马拉雅山的氧气一样,淡薄。 Your IQ is just as weak as oxygen in Himalaya Range. 14、虚伪的真诚,比魔鬼还可怕。 False sincerity is more terrible than the devil. 15、你搞艺术,我搞你,这叫深入艺术。 If you engage in art, I will engage you in art. 16、别在我的坟前哭,脏了我轮回的路。 Don't cry at my grave, dirty my way of reincarnation. 17、你要是鲜花,以后牛都不敢拉粪了! If you are fresh, the cows will not dare to pull the dung. 18、令人不能自拔的,除了牙齿还有爱情。 It's hard to extricate itself, except for teeth and love. 19、女人用友情拒绝爱情,男人用友情换取爱情。 Women refuse friendship by friendship. Men exchange friendship for love. 20、作为失败的典型,你实在是太成功了。 As a typical example of failure, you are very successful. 21、你可以有钱,但是你绝对不能瞧不起农村人。 You can have money, but you must not despise rural people. 22、你丑,但是你丑的特别,就是特别的丑! You ugly, but you ugly special, is particularly ugly! 23、真实的暗疾是渺小,而伟大的暗疾则是虚伪。 The real disease is small, and the great hidden disease is hypocrisy. 24、现实中用真名说假话,网络中用假名说真话。 In reality, we use real names to tell falsehood, and the Internet uses pseudonyms to tell the truth. 25、就你这种笑法,百度上都搜不到。 You can't find such a smile on Baidu. 26、小人无节,弃本逐末。喜思其与,怒思其夺。 A villain has no choice but to abandon the past and the end. They are glad to think and act, but to anger and think. 27、小人无耻,重利轻死。不畏人诛,岂顾物议。 The villain is shameless. Fear no man but punish him. 28、饭局不是万能的,没有饭局是万万不能的。 Dinner is not everything. No meal is impossible. 29、你在人群中渺小,在猪圈里伟大! You are small in the crowd, great in the pigsty. 30、你长的拖慢网速,你长的太耗内存。 You slow down the network speed, you spend too much memory. 31、但两个人相遇,接下来的不是故事就是事故。 But two people meet, next is not a story is an accident. 32、死亡就在你的面前,别让它靠近! Death is in front of you. Don't let it get close. 33、蚜虫吃青草,锈吃铁,虚伪吃灵魂。 Aphids eat grass, rust, iron, and hypocrisy eat their souls. 34、低下头看看你裤裆里是啥,再和你哥哥说话。 Lower your head to see what is in your crotch and talk to your brother. 35、太阳你妈半个葫芦,您长的也忒后现代了点吧! The sun, your mother and half a gourd, you are also very modern. 36、带翅膀的也不一定是天使,他可能是鸟人。 With wings is not necessarily an angel, he may be a bird. 37、看着你熟睡的样子,我就有去看惊悚片的冲动。 Watching you sleep, I have the urge to watch thrillers. 38、你的长相很提神的说!我一见你就自信倍增。 Your face is very refreshing. I am confident when I see you. 39、天没降大任于我,照样苦我心智,劳我筋骨。 Heaven has not come down on me, yet it has been killing my mind and working my muscles. 40、别跟别人说你认识我,那就是侮辱! Don't tell anyone you know me. It's insulting. 41、请问你有什么好牛的。说出来给我乐呵乐呵。 What kind of cow do you have, please? Say it and give me joy. 42、你不是丑,只是美的不明显! You are not ugly, but the beauty is not obvious! 43、蚊子叮你的脸,都会想**。 Mosquitoes bite your face, they all want to kill themselves. 44、画虎画皮难画骨,知人知面不知心。 Painting tiger skin is hard to draw bone. 45、真不好意思,让您贱笑了。 I'm sorry to make you laugh. 46、只要不要脸,谁一天都能写几十首现代诗。 As long as he has no face, he can write dozens of modern poems in one day. 47、每个人都有一段悲伤,想隐藏却欲盖弥彰。 Everyone has a sadness to hide, but to conceal it. 48、不是我不小心,而是我故意的。 It's not my carelessness. It's my intention. 49、听你说话,一种智商上的优越感油然而生。 Listening to you, a sense of superiority in intelligence arises spontaneously. 50、如果良机不来,你就自创良机! If the opportunity does not come, you will create your own opportunity. 51、金钱面前人人平等,命运面前人人不平等。 All men are equal before money, and all are inequity before fate. 52、唯女人与英雄难过也,唯老婆与工作难找也。 Only women and heroes are sad, but wives and jobs are hard to find. 53、怎么说呢,只要你的贱不影响到我们就好。 How to say, as long as your base does not affect us. 54、我那么喜欢你,你喜欢我一下会死啊。 I love you so much, how difficult for you to just love me back? 55、王冠上的苍蝇,并不比厕所里的苍蝇更高贵。 Flies on the crown are no more noble than flies in toilets. 56、我怎么敢碰你呢,我怕我买洗手液买穷自己。 How dare I touch you? I'm afraid I'll buy myself a hand washing solution. 57、念了十几年书,想起来还是幼儿园比较好混! Read more than ten years, think of it or kindergarten is better mixed! 58、既然你想演给我看,那就给你足够的时间表演。 Now that you want to show it to me, I will give you enough time to perform. 59、进化不完全的生命体,基因突变的外星人。 An incomplete evolution of life, an alien gene mutation. 60、超大无耻传声扩音喇叭,爱斯基摩人的耻辱。 The great shameless sound and loudspeaker, the shame of the Eskimos. 61、女子无才便是德,我一定是太缺德了。 A woman without talent is virtue. I must be too wicked. 62、你穿得很危险,但长得很安全。 You are dressed very dangerously, but very safe. 63、大叔,你的样子好棒哦,跟棒槌一个样。 Uncle, you look great, like a club. 64、你的新欢,不照样是别人的破鞋。 Your new sweetheart is no other than a broken shoe. 65、有一种人,就爱搬起石头砸自己的脚。 There is a kind of person who loves to lift a rock and drop it on his own feet. 66、别跟我说话,别人分不清谁是傻瓜。 Don't talk to me. Others can't tell who is a fool. 67、长点脸,擦清眼,麻烦你看清楚什么叫脸色! Long face, wipe your eyes, please see clearly what color is! 68、长的很科幻,长的很抽象! Long science fiction, long and abstract. 69、长江后浪推前浪,前浪死在沙滩上。 After the Yangtze River, the waves pushed ahead and the waves died on the beach. 70、凡是人尽可夫的女人,都挂着一个淑女的招牌。 Every woman who wears a lady's hand hangs a signboard of a lady. 71、我要说你是个二愣子,我都是表扬你。 I want to say that you are a double rash. I praise you. 72、等我有钱了,我就带我你去最好的神经医院。 When I have money, I will take you to the best neurosurgery hospital. 73、你一出门,千山鸟飞绝,万径人踪灭。 When you go out, thousands of birds fly away. 74、哟!你这是刚被雷过啊,还是准备去雷人啊。 Oh! You are just being thundered, or are you going to go to the thunder people? 75、狗叫嚣有什么用,真咬到我,才算你本事。 What is the use of dog shouting? It really counts if you bite me. 76、杯具不可怕,可怕的是它可以无限续杯。 The cup is not terrible. The terrible thing is that it can be refilled indefinitely. 77、鲜花往往不属于赏花的人,而属于牛粪。 Flowers often do not belong to people who admire flowers, but belong to cow dung. 78、你的嘴脸像运动鞋,踩进去感觉就会很舒服! Your face is like sneakers. You feel comfortable when you step in. 79、大脑这种摆设,时常被心调戏得东倒西歪。 This kind of display of the brain is often molested by the heart. 80、我这人不记愁,一般有愁当场我就报了。 I don't worry about it. I usually worry about it. |
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