1、闭上眼你最挂念谁,睁开眼身边竟是谁。 Close your eyes, who are the most concerned about, who opened his eyes. 2、总有一个人在心里牵肠挂肚却再无交集。 There is always a person in my heart very worried about nothing. 3、话只能对风说,故事也只能讲给自己听。 Words can only say to the wind, the story can only speak to themselves. 4、他依旧是我的软肋,却不再是我的盔甲。 He is still my weakness, it is no longer my armor. 5、什么叫多余,就是心冷之后,你的殷勤。 What is redundant, that is, after the heart cold, your hospitality. 6、漂亮如果有秘诀,那就是:狠狠宠爱自己! Beauty if there is a secret, that is: the love of their own! 7、幸好爱情不是一切,幸好一切都不是爱情。 Fortunately, love is not everything, but everything is not love. 8、无力的控诉,你认为我无所谓般的无所谓。 The inability of the complaint, you think I do not like the so-called. 9、就算你可以风情一世,我也可以**一世。 Even if you can style I can also be a world. 10、一个人只要不再想要,就什么都可以放下。 As long as a person no longer want, what can be put down. 11、可能我只是个过客,但你不会遇见第二个我。 Maybe I'm just a traveler, but you won't meet the second me. 12、从朋友走成了前男友,到底爱错了什么步骤。 From a friend to become a former boyfriend, in the end what is the wrong step in love. 13、我不能给你多少感动,但有个词叫尽我所能。 I can't give you much, but there's a word that's all I can do. 14、承诺常常很像蝴蝶,美丽的飞盘旋然后不见。 Promises are often like the butterfly, which disappear after beautiful hover. 15、我相信,只要等在这里,就一定可以遇见你。 I believe that as long as you wait here, you will be able to meet you. 16、爱若难以放进手里,何不将这双手放进心里。 If it is difficult to put into the hands of love, why not put the hands into the heart. 17、总是在我们最不懂的时候,错过最真的东西。 Always in our most do not understand, miss the most real thing. 18、如果爱情此刻让我痛苦,那就是我爱你的见证。 If love at this moment let me pain, that is I love your witness. 19、得到了再失去,总是比从来就没有得到更伤人。 Got lost again, always better than never get hurt. 20、旧城里看不见阳光,你和我的一个梦长得好像。 In the old city can not see the sun, you and I have a dream. 21、你在没有我的地方疯狂,我在没有你的地方坚强。 You are not where I am crazy, I am not where you are strong. 22、远离对你忽冷忽热的人,别做别人寂寞时的玩伴。 Apart from the people you don't do what others sometimes hot and sometimes cold, lonely playmates. 23、爱情,有时候就是一瞬间的心动,一辈子的心痛。 Love, sometimes is a moment of the heart, a lifetime of heartache. 24、保存了那么多的情侣头像,却从来没有和谁用过。 Saved so many lovers, but never used it. 25、若再见你,不过是会心一笑,道一句:好久不见。 If I see you again, just smile, saying: haven't met in a long time. 26、过客已经够多了,下一个,可不可以就是一辈子。 Passing is enough, the next, can not be a lifetime. 27、我不敢在群里聊天,因为我怕我说的话没有人接。 I didn't dare to talk in the group, because I was afraid of what I said. 28、老师唯一没有骗我们的一句话:“三年真的很短” The teacher only did not deceive us a word: "three years is really very short" 29、当初说要走的人留下了,一声不吭的人却转身要走。 The original said go left, silent people have turned to go. 30、不用羡慕别人有多么幸福。每个人的感情都不顺利。 Don't envy other people how happy. Everyone's feelings are not smooth. 31、我们是平行的铁轨,除非发生事故,否则不会错位。 We are parallel to the rail, unless an accident, otherwise it will not be misplaced. 32、我知道成熟不是人的心变老,是泪在打转还能微笑。 I know that maturity is not the heart of the old, is still around laughing tears. 33、曾经,视你为命一样,而如今,只能嘲笑我的曾经。 Once, depending on your life, but now I can only laugh at once. 34、如果时间能够重来的话,我宁愿从来没有遇见过迩。 If the time can come back if I'd never met you. 35、爱情不会有永远,随便找个借口,谁都可以先离开。 Love will not have forever, just to find an excuse, who can leave first. 36、镜子是我最好的朋友,因为我哭的时候它从来不会笑。 The mirror is my best friend, because I never laugh when I cry. 37、我一生有两个梦想:一,始终可以做梦,二是,别醒。 I have two dreams in my life. One is to dream, the other is to dream, the two is to wake up. 38、在你所有的谎言里面,“我爱你”是我最喜欢的一个。 In all your lies, "I love you" is one of my favorites. 39、在她的心里潜伏着一个深渊,扔下巨石也发不出声音。 Hidden in her heart a deep abyss, throw stones also made no sound. 40、每个人的心底都有一座坟墓,是用来埋葬所爱的人的。 In the heart of every man there is a tomb, which is used to bury the loved one. 41、用加法爱人,用减法怨恨,用乘法感恩,用除法解忧。 Lover with addition, subtraction resentment with, with the multiplication of gratitude, pision with melancholy. 42、有些人十句话也伤不到你,有的人一句话就戳痛你的心。 Some people ten words will not hurt you, and some people a word on the pain of your heart. 43、世上最无法掩饰的,是你不爱一个人的时候的那种眼神。 The most impossible to hide, is that you do not love a person when the kind of look in the eyes. 44、告诉自己——不准情绪化,不准偷偷想念,不准回头看。 Tell yourself - not emotional, not allowed to secretly miss, not allowed to look back. 45、谁执我之手,敛我半世癫狂;谁抚我面,慰我半世哀伤。 Who hold my hand, grabbing mania in my life; who touched my face, comfort me half sorrow. 46、孤单不是与生俱来,而是由你爱尚上个人的那一刻开始。 Alone is not innate, but from the beginning of your love that moment. 47、慌忙之中按下了停播键,画面停留在了悲伤的某个角落。 Hurry off press the button, the picture stays in a certain corner of sadness. 48、我不允许我再脆弱的爱上你,我不允许你来打扰我的坚定。 I don't allow me to fall in love with you again, I do not allow you to disturb my firm. 49、一个人单身久了,就不想去恋爱,会感觉朋友越来越重要。 A person single for a long time, do not want to fall in love, will feel more and more important friends. 50、可发现过去已经渐去渐远,难以触及,追逐显得苍白无力。 Can be found in the past have faded, difficult to reach, chase is feeble. 51、不是我三分钟热度,而是你的冷淡已经耗尽我所有的热情。 It's not my three minutes of heat, but your coldness has exhausted all my enthusiasm. 52、生活在都市的苦恼,是思想高在云端,双脚却埋在世尘中。 Living in the city of distress, is the thought of high in the clouds, feet are buried in the dust of the earth. 53、只有天空没人抢得走,只要我能拾起天,它都一直陪着我! Only the sky no one take, as long as I can pick up the day, it has been with me! 54、女人,你有什么理由不坚强,你是流血一周都不会死的动物。 Woman, you have any reason not to be strong, you are bleeding for a week will not die of animals. 55、最怕此生已经决定自己过,没有你,却又突然听到你的消息。 The most afraid of this life has been decided to live, without you, but suddenly heard your news. 56、女人喜欢能逗自己笑的男人。男人喜欢能被自己逗笑的女人。 A woman loves a man who can make her laugh. Men love women can be myself laugh. 57、你喜欢我时,我不喜欢你。待我喜欢你时,你却不喜欢我了。 When you like me, I don't like you. When I love you, you don't like me. 58、你用整个世界的眼泪包围我的心,你的难过是一场下不完的雨。 You surround me with the tears of the whole world, your sad is a never-ending rain. 59、我希望自己依旧还是个孩子。没有破碎的心,没有痛苦的眼泪。 I wish I was still a child. No broken heart, no painful tears. 60、有没有那么一朵玫瑰,永不凋谢,永远骄傲和完美,永不妥协。 There is no such a rose, never fade, always proud and perfect, never compromise. 61、当初有些事,让我们刻骨铭心;曾经有些人,令我们难以释怀。 When some things, let us have some people, The imprint is engraved on my heart.; make us unforgettable. 62、成长带走的不只是时光,还带走了当初那些不害怕失去的勇气。 Growing up is not only the time, but also took away the original is not afraid to lose the courage. 63、拂尘而过,我轻轻地,轻轻地,在这云霞染红的半边天的季节里。 Whisk over, I gently, gently, in the clouds of red sky season. 64、女人最大的骄傲不是她的长相有多出众,而是她的男人有多疼她。 The greatest pride of a woman is not how much she looks, but how much her men hurt her. 65、那些小失落,已经堆满了各个角落。要怎么去释怀,慢慢的想不开。 Those little lost, has been filled with every corner. How to go, slowly. 66、你的寂寞让我留恋,不小心回头看了你一眼,只有孤单的人会寂寞。 Your loneliness makes me reluctant to part with you. I don't care to look back at you. Only the lonely person will be lonely. 67、一个人我会很安静,我不去问,不去提,伤心了我会用沉默去代替。 A person I will be very quiet, I do not ask, do not mention, sad I will use silence to replace. 68、其实我很难过,只是骄傲不让我哭,宁愿坚强转身,也不委屈留下。 In fact, I am very sad, just proud not to let me cry, would rather be strong turn around, do not leave. 69、她以为自己只是离开了一个转身的距离,没想到却是一片恣肆的海。 She thought she had just left a turn, did not think it was a piece of unrestrained sea. 70、别人的生离死别与我毫不相干,你只要眉头轻皱,我就无法坐视不管。 Someone else's death has nothing to do with me, as long as your eyebrows is lightly wrinkly, I cannot sit idly by. 71、若你的世界一直都是白昼,那我要怎么样去当你的灯塔照亮你的黑夜? If your world is always a day, how can I go to when your beacon lights up your night? 72、你不会为同一个笑话笑了一遍又一遍,却为了同一个人哭了一次又一次。 You will not laugh at the same joke again and again, but for the same person crying time and time again. 73、我也相信爱可以排除万难;只是,万难之后,又有万难。这是我更相信的。 I also believe that love can overcome all difficulties; but, after all, there are all kinds of hardships. This is what I believe. 74、你觉得你朋友多吗?下雨天在通讯录里你也许都找不到一个可以送伞的人。 Do you think you have a lot of friends? You may not find a person who can send an umbrella in the address book. 75、如果有一天,你开始后悔放弃我,请记得,我曾经像乞丐一样求你留下过。 If one day, you begin to regret to give up me, please remember, I have been like a beggar for you to leave. 76、我也没有本事把自己的故事说的多么动人最终哭的一塌糊涂的还是我自己。 I don't have the ability to put their story of how touching the final cry in a complete mess is my own. 77、我们只考虑着分开对彼此好,从来没有想过,如果在一起,对两个人有多好。 We only consider the good to each other, never thought, if we are together, how good for two people. 78、人生只有三天,活在昨天的人迷惑;活在明天的人等待;活在今天的人最踏实。 Life is only three days, living in yesterday's people confused; live in tomorrow's people waiting; live in today's people the most practical. 79、我不知道天有多长,地有多久?但我知道,情路上,每一个人都渴望天长地久。 I do not know how long the day, how long? But I know, on the road, everyone eager to enduring as the universe. 80、我不愿再惊动你,我以静默作为代价,换得你长长久久地留在我孤独的生命里。 I don't want to disturb you, I take the silence as the price, for you long long time to stay in my lonely life. 81、人的一生,都有一些说不出的秘密,挽不回的遗憾,触不到的梦想,忘不了的爱。 One's life, there are some can not say the secret, pull back the regret, can't touch the dream, forget the love. |