1、爱上你不是错,错的是,我没让你爱上我。 Fall in love with you is not wrong, wrong is that I did not let you fall in love with me. 2、冷眼看着这个世界,所给自己的冷热酸甜。 Watching the world, for their sweet and sour hot and cold. 3、可怜自己碌碌无为却还要骗自己平淡是真。 Poor his life but also cheat oneself really is flat. 4、不出现,不打扰,这是我最后爱你的方式。 Do not appear, do not bother, this is the way I finally love you. 5、只是我回首来时路的每一步都走得好孤独。 But every step of the way when I look back, I'm so lonely. 6、我能感觉到你的心痛,你有你说不出的无奈。 I can feel your pain, you have the helpless you can not say. 7、旁人能看见你的疤,但终究感觉不到你的痛。 Others can see your scar, but after all, you can not feel the pain. 8、相识,总是那么美丽;分手,总是优雅不起。 Acquaintance, always so beautiful; break up, always elegant does not play. 9、我们曾经拥抱过的幸福,最后还是一片荒芜。 We have embraced the happiness, the last is a barren. 10、你总说我太敏感,其实,我只是没有安全感。 You always said I was too sensitive, in fact, I just do not have a sense of security. 11、你总说毕业遥遥无期,可转眼却要各奔东西! You always say graduation elusive, but I have to go our separate ways! 12、孤独是壶滚烫的酒,烧坏了喉咙还说不出口。 Loneliness is a pot of hot wine, burned throat also say not to export. 13、我们走得太远,以至于忘了一开始为什么上路。 We went too far to forget the beginning of the road. 14、听不到的笑声,看不到的笑容,得不到的幸福。 Can not hear the laughter, can not see the smile, can not get the happiness. 15、爱半个夏天气温的燥热,爱半片海的波澜壮阔。 Love is half a hot summer temperatures, half sea surge high and sweep forward love. 16、闺蜜就是最黑暗的时候、陪你一起等天亮的人。 When is the darkest bestie, accompany you when people. 17、我不是话少,只是没必要对每个人都有说有笑。 I'm not less so, just not necessarily all laughing and talking to everyone. 18、回忆,越美越可怕,越挣扎,眼泪越是要落下。 Beautiful memories, more terrible, more struggle, more tears to fall. 19、我很好奇是否有人会在无法入睡的深夜里想我。 I wonder if anyone would think of me in the middle of the night I could not sleep. 20、镜子是我最好的朋友,我哭的时候它从来不会笑。 The mirror is my best friend, when I cry, it never smiles. 21、世界上最大的乐趣就是分享,无论爱情还是友情。 The greatest joy in the world is to share, whether love or friendship. 22、孤单不是与生俱来,而是由爱上你的那一刻开始。 Alone is not born, but from the moment you fall in love with you. 23、玩笑里常常藏着我的真心话,只是你不知道而已。 The joke is always hiding my heart, but you don't know it. 24、有的人,曾经是无话不说,到最后,却无话可说。 Some people, who is not saying a word, to the end, but have nothing to say. 25、我也有心酸和委屈,我说给谁听?谁又会听我说? I also have bitterness and injustice, I say to who listen? Who will listen to me? 26、如果梦想能够成真,愿我能代替你承受全都悲伤。 If dreams can come true, I can take the place of you to bear all the sadness. 27、记忆变成空白,遗憾就会像绳子一样拴住你的心。 A blank memory, regret is like a rope tied to your heart. 28、谢谢你喜欢过我,我也喜欢当年喜欢你的那个我。 Thank you like me, I also like the one that I like you. 29、怎么补偿我思念你的时光,怎么赔偿我爱你的模样。 How to compensate for the time I miss you, how to compensate for the way I love you. 30、分手时说的那句再见,是再次相见,还是再也不见。 Say goodbye when breaking up, is to meet again, or never see. 31、键盘上第二排字母的意思是:爱上对方过后就哭了。 The second line of letters on the keyboard means: love each other after the cry. 32、心就像是玻璃,碎了以后即便是黏上也会出现裂痕! The heart is like a glass, broken after even if it is stuck in the cracks will appear! 33、在你骗我之前,请做好我永远都不会原谅你的准备。 Before you lie to me, please do a good job I will never forgive you for your preparation. 34、永远年轻,永远装嫩,永远不知好歹,永远热泪盈眶。 Forever young, forever young, forever forever tears not to know good from bad. 35、外面的世界有太多的细菌,我怕我一出去就被感染了。 There are too many bacteria in the outside world, I'm afraid I will be infected when I go out. 36、我爱过几个人,也被爱过几次,还是没能将幸福留下。 I have loved a few people, have been loved a few times, still can not be happy to leave. 37、我的选择是爱你或更爱你,你的选择是爱我或不爱我。 My choice is to love you or love you more, your choice is to love me or not love me. 38、冥冥之中遇见你,原来不是不可以,原来只有你可以。 I met you somewhere, the original is not the original, only you can. 39、夏日的忧感,懒惰的漫溢。殇颜如水,流年未逝已成。 The summer sorrow feeling, lazy. Shang Yan water, time has not gone already. 40、回头发现,该忘掉的都已忘掉,身边却还是没有人陪。 Looking back, the forgotten have forgotten, but still no one around. 41、记忆如果成了碎片,那是因为里面全部都摆满了心痛。 If the memory is a piece of debris, it is because there are all filled with pain. 42、有些人永远都不会知道。他的一句话。我会记得很久。 Some people will never know. His words. I will remember for a long time. 43、不是所有都可以问为什么,不是所有都可以说对不起。 Not all can ask why, not all can say I'm sorry. 44、全部的那些那些,是不是也只是烟花盛放一刹时的斑斓。 All of those, is not only a moment of beautiful fireworks. 45、真爱就是两个长得和猪没区别的人,还生怕被对方抢走。 True love is the two people who have no difference with the pig, but also for fear of being robbed of each other. 46、当你觉得你喜欢的人也喜欢你的时候,一般是你想多了。 When you think that you like the people who like you, generally you want more. 47、是不是男人都有一颗善变的心,是不是男人的心很残忍。 Is not a man have a fickle heart, is not a man's heart is very cruel. 48、一个人的暗恋,一个人的永远。一个人幻想的地久天长。 A person's secret love, a person's forever. A personal fantasy forever. 49、其实,有时候很多你自以为是很好的关系也就那么回事。 In fact, sometimes a lot of you think it is a good relationship between the very good. 50、孤单不是与生俱来,而是由你爱尚上个人的那一刻开始。 Alone is not innate, but from the beginning of your love that moment. 51、总想变回小孩子,摔破的膝盖总比破碎的心要容易修补。 Always want to change back into a child, skinned knees are easier to fix than broken hearts. 52、想对你说的那么多,结果出口的却是几个简单的问候语。 Want to say so much to you, the results of the export is a few simple greetings. 53、我过得很好,只是梦到你后醒来会痛,想起你时眼泪会流。 I had a good time, just dream of you wake up will hurt, think of your tears will flow. 54、我们就这样迷失在陌生的风雨里,从此天各一方两两相忘。 We lost in the strange wind and rain, from the lives of two two world. 55、分手的那一夜,我没有睡,多希望你可以看见我有多后悔。 That night, I did not sleep, I hope you can see how much I regret. 56、我们之间就像多骨诺牌,我倒向你的时候,你却倒向了她。 We like bony Nobel cards, when I fall for you, you fall for her. 57、没有你的日子里,一切都是那么茫然。分手了,还说什么? Every day without you, everything is so blank. Break up, also say what? 58、我羡慕每对情侣,因为我知道两个人互相喜欢有多来之不易。 I envy every pair of lovers, because I know that two people love each other more than it is not easy. 59、只有在颠沛流离之后,才能重新应证时间在内心留下的痕迹。 Only in order to wander, should permit the time inside the traces. 60、那日后,无人敢与我言你,亦无人知晓我多想听闻你的过往。 In the days to come, no one will dare to speak to me of you, and no one knows how I want to hear your past. 61、寂寞是,抬头看天,天是空的。扭头看四周,却没有你的身影。 Loneliness is, look up the sky, the sky is empty. Look around, but not your shadow. 62、我怀念那些曾经,因为那里有我最单纯的思念,和最完整的心。 I miss those who once, because there is my most simple thoughts, and the most complete heart. 63、等你孤独寂寞时我留下陪你,等你得到快乐幸福时我转身就走。 When you are lonely, I will stay with you, waiting for you to be happy when I turn around and go. 64、人若软弱就是自己最大的敌人,人若勇敢就是自己最好的朋友。 If a man is weak, he is his own enemy. If he is brave, he is his best friend. 65、广告总是在最精彩的时候出现,你总是在我爱的最深的时候离开。 Advertising is always the most exciting time to appear, you always in my love of the deepest time to leave. 66、我把你捧在手里是你是个杯子,我松手的时候你就是个玻璃渣子。 I put you in your hands is a cup, when I let go of you is a broken glass. 67、热恋时,相许下辈子再结良缘;结婚后,常常怀疑上辈子造了孽缘! Love, is a life again set; after marriage, often suspected life made the fatal attraction! 68、什么誓言,什么承诺,终究逃不过一句:再见,再美也只是瞬间。 What oath, what commitment, after all, but a sentence: goodbye, and then the United States is just a moment. 69、女人最怕的七样东西:谎言,欺骗,虚伪,借口背叛,离开,敷衍。 Women are most afraid of seven things: lies, deceit, hypocrisy, an excuse to betray, to leave, to be. 70、真想一觉醒来,我在小学教室对小学同桌说:我做了好长的一个梦。 Really want to wake up, I was in the primary school classroom at the same table, said: I have done a good long dream. 71、有时分,相同的一件工作,我们可以去抚慰他人,却压服不了本人。 Sometimes, the same piece of work, we can go to the comfort of others, but I can't persuade. 72、有时候失望到一定程度后反而会开出一朵花来那朵花的名字叫无所谓。 Sometimes down to a certain extent, but will be out of a flower to the name of the flower does not matter. 73、别在喜悦时许诺,别在忧伤时回答,别在愤怒时做决定。三思而后行。 Don't promise when you are in joy. Don't reply when you are sad. Don't make a decision when you are angry. look before you leap。 74、长大之后连哭泣都变得小心翼翼,到底是变得更加坚强还是更加懦弱? Grow up to even cry after all become very careful, in the end is to become more strong or more cowardly? 75、不把我放在心上,十句话八个都是谎言,笑容消失了,人心也消失了。 Don't put me in the heart, ten words eight are lies, the smile disappeared, the people also disappeared. 76、书本总会翻完,电影总要散场,时间终会带走一切,忘记一切并不难。 Always read books, movies to show time will take away everything, everything is not difficult to forget. 77、说好会天长地久,说好到天涯海角,可是到最后,了无痕迹的竟然是你。 That will speak to the remotest corners of the globe, enduring as the universe, but in the end, without a trace of unexpectedly is you. 78、茫茫人海,让你我瞬间相聚又瞬间相离,然而你我的心永远相知与默契。 The vast sea of humanity, I let you instantly meet and instantly part, however you my heart forever, with the tacit understanding. 79、我们都是一群纠结的孩子,喜欢自由,又怕寂寞,想要放纵,又怕堕落。 We are a group of tangled children, like freedom, but also afraid of loneliness, want to indulge, and fear of falling. 80、一个人好想找个人来陪。一个人失去了自己。不知还有没有要再追的渴望。 A person wants to find someone to accompany. A man loses himself. I do not know if there is no desire to pursue again. |