1、最初不相识,最终不相认。 At first I don't know, at last I don't. 2、一生,有你,太短,一世,没你,太长。 Life, with you, too short, life, without you, too long. 3、我以为睡着了就可以不想你,当半夜醒来的时候,却发现连梦里也是你。 I thought I could miss you when I fell asleep, but when I woke up in the middle of the night, I found you were in my dream. 4、只要你要,只要我有,尽我所能,倾我所有。 As long as you want, as long as I have, do my best, give me everything. 5、你永远都看不到我最寂寞时候的样子,因为你不在的时候我才最寂寞。 You'll never see me when I'm loneliest, because I'm loneliest when you're away. 6、当你真的喜欢上一个人的时候,你的眼中除了他整个世界都不存在。 When you really like someone, you don't have the whole world in your eyes except him. 7、我要的爱情,一个你,一颗心,一心一意,一辈子。只是这样,再无其他。 I want love, one you, one heart, one heart, a lifetime. That's all. There's nothing else. 8、离开,也是一种喜欢;遗忘,也是一种幸福;放弃,也是一种爱。 Leaving is also a kind of love; forgetting is also a kind of happiness; giving up is also a kind of love. 9、不懂得自爱的人,是没有能力去爱别人的。 He who does not know how to love himself is incapable of loving others. 10、时间,让深的东西越来越深,让浅的东西越来越浅。 Time makes the deep things deeper and deeper, and the shallow things shallower and shallower. 11、真正的爱情要双方你情我愿,有因有缘才能成就,不是自己想要就要。 True love needs both sides of you to be willing to do it. You can only achieve it by reason of predestination, not by your own desire. 12、爱情这个东西,有的时候能打败一切,可有的时候,一切都能打败爱情。 Sometimes love can defeat everything, but sometimes everything can defeat love. 13、你曾经不被人所爱,你才会珍惜将来那个爱你的人。 If you have never been loved, you will cherish the person who loves you in the future. 14、相爱的心息息相通,无需用言语倾诉。 Loving hearts are interlinked without words. 15、爱情就像沙漏,心满了,脑子就空了。 Love is like an hourglass. When the heart is full, the brain is empty. 16、爱的力量大到可以使人忘记一切,却又小到连一粒嫉妒的沙石也不能容纳。 The power of love is so great that one can forget everything, but so small that even a stone of jealousy can not be accommodated. 17、多想跨过距离去拥抱你,而不是抱着手机说想你。 I want to hug you across the distance, instead of holding my cell phone and saying I miss you. 18、其实每个嘴上说不找对象的人,心中都装了一个不可能的人。 In fact, every person who says he doesn't want to find someone has an impossible person in his heart. 19、有波澜不惊的爱情,我陪你看流年的风景。 There is no surprise love, I accompany you to see the scenery of the past years. 20、爱情是风花雪月的事,失意的人是玩不起的。 Love is a matter of wind and snow, frustrated people can not play. 21、愿夜黑时能见月,花绽时能遇蝶,抬头时能见你。 May the moon be seen in the dark, butterflies in the blossom, and you be seen when you look up. 22、反正我们都很干脆,你没有回头,我没有挽留。 Anyway, we are all very simple, you did not turn back, I did not retain. 23、总有一辆列车,会带你走。但去的不一定是去你想去的地方。 There will always be a train that will take you. But you don't have to go where you want to go. 24、听不到的声音,摸不到的身影,就让那部剧情保留在那个梦境。 If you can't hear the voice or touch the figure, you can keep the story in that dream. 25、谢谢你在我无助时开导我,哭泣时给我安慰。 Thank you for enlightening me when I am helpless and comforting me when I cry. 26、陪伴与懂得,比爱情更加重要。爱,不是改变对方,而是一起成长。 Companion and understanding are more important than love. Love is not changing each other, but growing together. 27、世界上最美好的事情莫过于,年少时遇见你,十年后还在一起。 The best thing in the world is to meet you when you are young and still be together ten years later. 28、天转凉了,你要盖好被子,别着凉。我哄不了你吃药,也给不了你拥抱。 It's getting cold. You should cover the quilt and keep it cool. I can't coax you into taking medicine or give you a hug. 29、不太会想起对方,但累的时候,知道他就是家。 I don't think much of each other, but when I'm tired, I know he's home. 30、如果世界上曾经有那个人出现过,其他人都会变成将就,我不愿意将就。 If that person ever appeared in the world, other people would become accomplished, and I would not like to. 31、等待太久得来的东西,多半已经不是当初自己想要的样子了。 Most of the things that have been waiting for so long are not what they wanted to be. |
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