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Love a person, should not look left and right, from now on, just want to belong to me with him to the end.


I really love you, close my eyes, think I can forget, but shed tears, but did not deceive myself.


I summoned up the courage to forget the distance, how to tell you, love has slowly burned out.


The love I met in reality is either sweet and tired or bitter, and I am more eager to be plain and insipid.


Some people say that love makes people foolish. If it's true, for you, let me be foolish forever.


Sometimes, love is also a kind of injury, cruel people, choose to hurt others, good people, choose to hurt themselves.


Love does not need reason, but life needs reason, life let me leave you, love let it bury in the bottom of my heart!


Think that as long as you work hard to love someone, you can make him moved, but unexpectedly moved only by yourself.


Once I was foolish to lose pulling you, now I am smart to seize pulling you, I will cherish and never give up, unless it is death.


The first time you cry is because you're not here, the first time you laugh is because you met, the first time you laugh and cry is because you can't have you!


I miss you not because I am lonely, but because I miss you. The feeling of loneliness is so heavy because I miss you so much.


I will hold you tight in my arms and kiss you billions of times, as fiercely as on the equator.


If I can, I hope to swallow up all your tenderness and stop obsessing myself.


After a long time, no one remembers the tenderness, I hand in hand with you said we would go to the end.


What has been used to is reluctant to lose him. But. She'll drift away from you. Until I forgot him.


Do you love me? It's dangerous. How dangerous is it? You can't live alone anymore.


Those carved in the chair behind the love, like the flowers on the cement, out of the windless, lonely forest.


Sometimes, we know there is no way out, but we are still moving forward, because we are used to it.


The furthest distance in the world is not the ends of the earth, but the fate to meet but not to depend on each other.


In one's life, there are two kinds of regrets that most afflict people: one is not getting the person you love; the other is not getting the happiness of the person you love.


Write your troubles on paper, put them in glass bottles, and put them into the river. The farther they go, the better. The bottle is gone, and your troubles are gone.


You are everything when you are by my side, everything is you when you are not by my side.


The so-called true love is still able to treat you with a sincere heart after the end of love has broken blood.


The hand in hand will never let go, even though there is no red rope on the trembling finger and no pledge ring.


You ask me why I love you. It's as difficult as asking me to describe what water tastes like.


Love is a kind of fate, a kind of feeling touch, a kind of telepathy, an interactive sharing.


Without you, everyday life is just breathing; the world, the most important thing is you; this life, just want to be with you.


Time will slowly precipitate, some people will slowly blur in your heart. Learn to let go, your happiness needs your own accomplishment.


Like you, I like you, more than anyone on earth like you.


One of the most wonderful things in the world is to hold your hand when you love someone.


The moon and the stars are right, because you have left; the breeze is silent, because I am crying; and I am silent, because I still miss you.


I know that love can only be happy if it is free, but I would rather stay with you, accompany you, accompany you through.


Love day by day, miss night by night, give me a true oath, so that I can look forward to forever.


I want to turn your feelings into warm sunshine and hope that the sunshine will warm your heart.


Through the rain air, tired and sad, the fairy tales in my memory have slowly melted.


I can't give you a million houses, I can't give you a brilliant aura, all I can give you is my heart.


To the world you may be one person, but to one person you maybe the world.


In the world of mortals, how many directions are there for a dream? Looking for a fantastic love, the road is boundless with people.


An unswerving friendship, persistent blessings, to my missed friends, warm greetings.


I want to place my thoughts on the scattered stars. I hope that the little stars will shine into your window and sleep well with you.

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