1、金黄的稻谷在微风里,一边跳舞,一边唱着秋天的歌。 2、金秋的美是理智的它不像春那么妩媚,夏那么火热,冬那么含蓄。 3、柿子树上挂着一个个红似火焰的小灯笼,像一个个吃饱了的小娃娃,真可爱! 4、晴朗的天空,像大海一样湛蓝,朵朵白云犹如扬帆起航的轻舟,慢悠悠的漂浮着。 5、我抬头望向天际,晚霞的美丽衬出心里无限的怅惘,一种流泪的冲动占据了整个身心。 6、因为秋天的到来,心中弥漫起来一种的忧伤,挥之不去,尘封的记忆总是很清晰的打开。 7、秋风,舞动高妙的指挥棒,时疾时徐,时轻时重,游刃有余地调和着这秋之声的大合唱! 8、一片片落叶,有的像蝴蝶翩翩起舞,有的像黄莺展翅飞翔,还有的像舞蹈演员在轻盈地旋转。 9、夏天是热情的吉普赛女郎,没有忧抱琵琶半遮面的娇羞,完完全全地是否能够自己的喜怒哀乐。 10、秋风一吹,树上的叶子像一只只蝴蝶慢慢地,慢慢地着落在地上,给大地铺上一层金色的地毯。 11、稻子成熟了。金灿灿的稻田,那一串串饱满充实的稻穗,承载着的,是农人一年的寄托和梦想。 12、相对于春的繁丽,夏的浮华,冬的死寂,秋是一位洞明世态炎凉,又还未至垂垂已老的中年伟男。 13、秋雨落后,留下一地纷花的心伤;雨水中飘着泪水的味道,花红落魄的际遇,染了满心的不快乐。 14、深秋,田地里的麦苗一畦畦青,一片片绿,满地都是油油的绿,郁郁葱葱,散发着浓浓的生命气息。 15、枫树叶子此时已经火红火红了,风一吹,枫叶脱离了树枝,毅然的飘落,就像一只美丽的蝴蝶翩翩起舞。 16、金黄色的叶子脱离了大树妈妈的怀抱,飘啊飘啊,飘落到地上,地上像是铺上了美丽的地毯,漂亮极了。 17、秋天是田中金灿灿的稻谷。秋天是树上累累的果实。秋天是劳动人民的福祉。秋天人们对美好未来的期盼。 18、葡萄的果实成熟了,在那绿中带黄的葡萄叶下,挂着一大串一大串晶莹透亮的葡萄,象一串串紫黑的珍珠。 19、秋天像妈妈的手,抚摸我们的脸。秋天像一个故事,讲述着收获的情景。秋天像刚刚睡醒的娃娃,精神十足! 20、行走在初秋微凉的风里,树影婆娑,淡淡的阳光光影斑驳,从古樟树林中投下,给这个世界带来温暖和光明。 21、深秋,树叶枯黄了,纷纷扬扬地落在地上,像铺上了一层黄地毯,惟有鸡冠花不忍谢去,颇有独立寒秋的味道。 22、白露为霜的秋夜,一轮凉月被你望瘦,轻轻拾起那朵碎裂的深情,掌心里的香气,一丝丝一缕缕,认真嗅进心里。 23、树林间积着半尺深的枯叶,风一吹,旋转着飞扬起来,又均匀地铺散下去,掩盖了那一条倾斜着盘旋到山顶的小径。 24、葡萄的果实成熟了,在那绿中带飘落的叶子的葡萄叶下,挂着一大串一大串晶莹透亮的葡萄,象一串串紫黑的珍珠。 25、秋,如一个历经红尘喧嚣的女子,渐渐走向了成熟安静,不再喧闹,不再像小女子那样不谙世事,而是学会了从容淡定。 26、一阵秋风吹过树叶发出了哗啦啦的笑声。树叶有的像绿色的细针有的像小朋友的手掌。有的树叶落了就像翩翩起舞的蝴蝶。 27、秋风过处,五谷飘香。那一片片庄稼,远看,好似翻滚着千层波浪;近看,稻谷笑弯了腰,高粱涨红了脸,玉米乐开了怀。 28、身披绿色长发的垂柳,今日已变得枯黄干燥,伴着凉爽的秋风,一片片落叶纷纷飘下,仿佛一个个小女孩为游客翩翩起舞。 29、坐看秋色,凝望一池秋水,眺望南山红叶,仰望云卷云舒,山、云、树、水之影重重叠叠,纯净无尘的秋色在心中逐渐升起。 30、看,树林里,那一棵棵火红的枫树,像烧着了似的,天空中一排排大雁正飞向温暖的南方,那一声声雁鸣是它们告别的话音。 31、Golden rice dances and sings autumn songs in the breeze. 32、或是晨光初照,或是山街夕辉,独坐秋天,高天、淡云、远山、近树、鸟鸣,幕天席地,一曲幽远的天籁交响在你的心底里升起。 33、看着秋雨的絮然零落,让我的心有股涩涩的感觉;望着那灰蓝色的天空,让我感到丝丝凄凉;听着秋雨的静静诉说,让我感到微微心酸。 34、秋天在树林里。树林是黄色的。一棵棵银杏的叶子变黄了,飘到了树妈妈的脚下,就好像一把把小扇子,扇哪扇哪,扇走了夏天的炎热。 35、秋雨霏霏,飘飘洒洒。如丝,如绢,如雾,如烟。落在脸上凉丝丝,流进嘴里,甜津津,像米酒,像蜂蜜,使人如醺,如梦,如痴,如醉。 36、秋天是大自然色调的真实展现,清新淡雅,果实成熟,金色的稻田。红色的枫叶,丰收的背后,体会到艰辛和汗水,使得这个季节更有韵味。 37、炎热的夏季渐渐离我们而去,秋姑娘迈着轻盈的脚步走进我们的生活中。秋季是一个果实累累、瓜果飘香的季节,让我们一起去看看秋天的果园。 38、秋阳中仰望天空,一朵悄然而过的流云,遮住暖暖的光线,远处,山,水,云,树仿佛重叠在视线中,天高,云淡,伴着我一颗纯净无尘的秋心。 39、夏蝉走了,秋虫去了,绿荫开始稀疏,黄叶铺满了小路。荒芜的原野连野草也开始枯萎,太阳匆匆走过,悠悠白云感叹着生命的短暂和冬天的临近。 40、秋天是收获的季节,时光把仲夏深黛的绿色原野,在金风的吹拂下,舞姿妩媚,撩人欲醉;粉黛飘香,散发诱人的芬芳;色彩斑斓,惹人眼花缭乱。 41、秋天是一位伟大的农业家,你播种了各种食物。秋天是一位伟大的教师,他教给我们无穷的知识。秋天是一位有名的明星,她的歌舞给我们带来欢乐。 42、The clear sky is as blue as the sea, and the white clouds are like sailing boats, floating slowly. 43、In late autumn, the wheat seedlings in the fields are green, green and oily, lush and full of life. 44、The beauty of golden autumn is rational. It is not so charming as spring, hot in summer and implicit in winter. 45、Fallen leaves, some dancing like butterflies, some flying like orioles, and some like dancers in light rotation. 46、The persimmon trees are hung with small red lanterns like flames, like full-fed little dolls, so cute! uuuuuuuuuuu 47、Because the arrival of autumn, heart filled with a kind of sadness, lingering, dust-laden memories are always very clear open. 48、The rice is ripe. The golden paddy fields, a string of full and full rice ears, are carrying farmers'yearly sustenance and dreams. 49、When the autumn wind blows, the leaves on the trees slowly fall to the ground like butterflies, laying a golden carpet on the ground. 50、Autumn is like mother's hand, touching our faces. Autumn is like a story about harvest. Autumn is like a waking baby, full of spirit! 51、Summer is a passionate Gypsy girl, without the shyness of holding the pipa half-veiled, completely whether she can be happy, angry and sad. 52、I looked up to the sky, the beauty of the sunset set set off infinite sorrow in my heart, an impulse to shed tears occupied the whole body and mind. 53、The fruit of the grape is ripe. Under the yellow green leaves of the grape, there are a bunch of bright grapes, like a bunch of purple-black pearls. 54、Look, in the woods, those red maple trees, like burning, in the sky a row of geese are flying to the warm south, the sound of geese is their farewell voice. 55、The maple leaves are now red and red. When the wind blows, the maple leaves leave the branches and fall resolutely, just like a beautiful butterfly dancing. 56、The autumn rain falls behind, leaving a lot of heartache of flowers; the smell of tears in the rain, the red and soulless encounter, dyed the hearts of unhappiness. 57、Autumn is golden rice in the fields. Autumn is the fruit of trees. Autumn is the welfare of the working people. People's expectations for a better future in autumn. 58、The autumn wind, dancing the high and wonderful baton, slowly and slowly, lightly and heavily, can harmonize the chorus of the sound of autumn with its own free edge! 59、Golden leaves broke away from mother Dashu's embrace, floated and drifted, and fell to the ground, which seemed to be covered with a beautiful carpet, very beautiful. 60、The fruit of the grape is ripe. Under the leaves of the grape with falling leaves in the green, there are a bunch of bright grapes, like a bunch of purple-black pearls. 61、Walking in the cool early autumn wind, tree shadows whirling, light sunshine mottled shadows, cast from the ancient camphor forest, bring warmth and light to the world. 62、Compared with the magnificence of spring, the flashiness of summer and the silence of winter, autumn is a great middle-aged man who has not yet reached the end of his life. 63、Autumn is a great farmer. You sow all kinds of food. Autumn is a great teacher. He teaches us endless knowledge. Autumn is a famous star. Her singing and dancing bring us joy. 64、A gust of autumn wind blew through the leaves and made a loud laugh. Some leaves resemble green needles and some resemble children's palms. Some leaves fall like dancing butterflies. 65、Dressed in long green hair, weeping willows have become yellow and dry today. With the cool autumn wind, leaves are falling one after another, like a little girl dancing for tourists. 66、The hot summer is leaving us gradually, and the autumn girl walks into our life with light steps. Autumn is a season full of fruits and melons. Let's go and see the orchard in autumn. 67、Late autumn, leaves withered yellow, one after another fell to the ground, like a layer of yellow carpet, only the cockscomb can not bear to thank, quite independent cold autumn flavor. 68、Watch autumn, gaze at a pool of autumn water, look at the red leaves of Nanshan, look at the clouds, clouds, trees, water shadow overlap, pure dust-free autumn gradually rose in the heart. 69、White dew for the frost of autumn night, a round of cold moon by you look thin, gently pick up the fragmented affection, palm fragrance, a bit by bit, conscientiously sniff into the heart. 70、Autumn is in the woods. The woods are yellow. The leaves of each ginkgo tree turn yellow and float to the foot of the mother tree. It is like a small fan, which fan, fan away the hot summer. 71、Autumn is the harvest season, time in the mid-summer dark green fields, in the blown golden wind, charming dance, drunken; Fandai fragrance, exuding attractive fragrance; colorful, dazzling. 72、Autumn is a true display of natural tones, fresh and elegant, ripe fruit, golden paddy fields. Red maple leaves, behind the harvest, experience hardship and sweat, making this season more charming. 73、Half a foot deep withered leaves accumulated in the woods. When the wind blew, they whirled and flew up. They spread out evenly, covering the path that sloped and circled to the top of the mountain. 74、Watching the flourishing fall of autumn rain makes my heart feel astringent; looking at the gray-blue sky makes me feel a little sad; listening to the quiet talk of autumn rain makes me feel slightly sad. 75、The autumn wind passes, the grain is fragrant. The fields of crops, in the distance, seem to roll over a thousand waves; in the near future, the rice laughs and bends, the sorghum blushes, and the corn is happy. 76、Autumn, like a woman who has gone through the hustle and bustle of the world, has gradually become mature and quiet, no longer noisy, no longer like a little woman who is not familiar with the world, but learned to calm down. 77、The autumn rain is falling and falling. Like silk, like silk, like fog, like smoke. Falling on the face, cold silk, flowing into the mouth, sweet Jinjin, like rice wine, like honey, makes people as drunk, as dream, as demented, as drunk. 78、Looking up at the sky in the autumn sun, a quiet flowing cloud, covering the warm light, in the distance, mountains, waters, clouds, trees seem to overlap in the line of sight, the sky is high, cloudy, accompanied by a pure dust-free autumn heart. 79、Or the first light of the morning, or the evening glow of the mountain street, sitting alone in autumn, high sky, light clouds, distant mountains, near trees, bird song, the curtain of the sky, a far-reaching sounds of heaven Symphony rise in the bottom of your heart. 80、The summer cicada has gone, the autumn insect has gone, the green shade has begun to be sparse, and the yellow leaves have covered the path. Wild wilderness, even weeds began to wither, the sun rushed past, long white clouds sighed the short life and the approaching of winter. |