1、朋友是一路走,一路交的,也是一路走,一路丢的,因为有些人不值得你一直记得! Friends are all the way, all the way, all the way, all the way lost, because some people are not worth remembering all the time! 2、友谊是最圣洁的灵物,她既会在同性中生根发芽,也会在异性中开花结果。 Friendship is the most holy spiritual thing. She will not only take root and germinate in the same sex, but also blossom and bear fruit in the opposite sex. 3、好朋友就是好久没见,在一起时还会和你套心窝子说话,就像昨天刚在一起吃过饭的人。 A good friend is someone who hasn't seen you for a long time and talks to you when they are together, just like someone who just had dinner yesterday. 4、我可能只是你生命中的一个过客,但你永远不会遇见第二个我。 I may just be a passer-by in your life, but you will never meet the second me. 5、友谊不能成为一种交易;相反。它需求最彻底的无利害观念。 Friendship cannot be a bargain; on the contrary. It requires the most thorough concept of non-interest. 6、友情是没有翅膀的爱情。由於某种目的而开始的友情,无法持续到目的达成的时刻。 Friendship is love without wings. Friendship that begins with an end cannot last until the end is achieved. 7、友谊的灯火燃烧的那一刻,就从未熄灭过。 The moment the lamp of friendship burns, it never goes out. 8、真正的友谊,无关风月,纤尘不染;只因你未离,我亦未弃。友情,本就如此简单。 True friendship has nothing to do with the wind and the moon, and is spotless; just because you are still there, I have not abandoned it. Friendship is so simple. 9、你可以轻视我们的年轻,我们会证明这是谁的时代。 You can despise our youth, and we will prove whose era it is. 10、交朋友,不可能没有条件。没有条件的朋友,不叫朋友,那叫手足了。 It is impossible to make friends without conditions. Unconditional friends, not friends, it is called brothers and feet. 11、别人都问我飞的高不高,只有你问我飞的累不累。 Others ask me whether I fly high or not, only you ask me whether I am tired of flying. 12、人与人的朋友之间的感情,把多数人的心灵结合在一起,由于这种可贵的联系,是温柔甜蜜的。 The feelings between people and their friends unite the hearts of most people. Because of this valuable connection, they are tender and sweet. 13、珍惜身边的每一份友情,也许会淡忘,也许会疏远,但是却从来都不应该遗忘。 Cherish every friendship around, may forget, may alienate, but should never forget. 14、友谊就是一朵朵迎雪而立的梅花,绽放开来,温暖着你我的心田。 Friendship is a plum blossom standing in the snow, blooming, warming your heart and my heart. 15、闺蜜我们要做一个有深度的姑娘,有脾气的女流氓,有教养的淑女。 We want to be a girl with depth, a hooligan with temper and a lady with upbringing. 16、那些没有义务,却依然陪在我身边的人,你们是我的心脏。 Those who have no obligation, but still accompany me, you are my heart. 17、好朋友就是什么事都想和你分享,哪怕他只是放了个屁。 A good friend is someone who wants to share everything with you, even if he just farts. 18、许诺固然可以获得友谊,但培养和保持友谊的还是行动。 Promises can acquire friendship, but it is action that cultivates and keeps friendship. 19、有没有一个朋友,嘴上总是损你,但别人说你坏话时第一个为你打抱不平? Do you have a friend who always hurts you in his mouth, but is the first one who hurts you when someone says something bad about you? 20、我们争执到面红耳赤,仍然可以心无芥蒂,大概就是你我最好的默契。 We are red-faced in argument, but we can still have no grudge, which is probably the best tacit understanding between you and me. 21、真正的朋友就是,当你蒙蔽了所有人的眼睛,也能看穿你真实的样子和心底的痛楚。 A true friend is when you blindfold everyone's eyes, you can see through your true appearance and heartache. 22、老朋友不懂你的新情况,新朋友不懂你的老脾气。 Old friends don't understand your new situation, new friends don't understand your old temper. 23、朋友的情谊可以不要求什么,但是,它有一种温暖,是我们都能体会到的。 Friendship can ask for nothing, but it has a kind of warmth that we can all experience. 24、你的难过我来分担,你的快乐我来分享,好朋友永远在你身边朋友的情谊的延续来自心灵。 Your sorrow I share, your happiness I share, good friends always in your side of the friend's friendship continues from the soul. 25、不管曾今、现在、未来会如何,请记住我永远是你的好朋友。 No matter what will happen today, now and in the future, please remember that I will always be your good friend. 26、于顺境中交朋友只需费一举手之劳;在困厄时寻找友谊简直比登天还难。 It takes a lot of effort to make friends in good times; it's harder to find friendship in bad times than to climb into the sky. 27、千难万险中得来的东西最为珍贵,患难与共中结下的友谊必将长驻你我的心间。 The most precious thing is what comes out of all difficulties and dangers. The friendship between adversity and the Communist Party of China will surely stay in your heart and my heart. 28、有时候,会羡慕懒羊羊,可以吃了睡,睡了吃,偶尔被灰太狼抓走,朋友也不会放弃它。 Sometimes, I envy lazy sheep, can eat and sleep, sleep and eat, occasionally gray wolf captured, friends will not give up it. 29、友谊永远是一个甜美的责任,从来不是一种机会。 Friendship is always a sweet responsibility, never an opportunity. 30、真正的友谊既能容忍朋友提出的劝告,又有使自己接受劝告。 True friendship can not only tolerate the advice of friends, but also make oneself accept the advice. 31、真正的友谊是一种缓慢生长的植物,必须经历并顶得住逆境的冲击,才无愧友谊这个称号。 True friendship is a plant that grows slowly and must withstand the impact of adversity in order to deserve the title of friendship. 32、看见朋友哭不想个她递纸巾,想给她墨镜,让她依然很酷。 Seeing her friend crying, she didn't want to hand her paper towels. She wanted to give her sunglasses, so she was still cool. 33、朋友之间的感情永远是一个甜美的责任,从来不是一种机会。 The relationship between friends is always a sweet responsibility, never an opportunity. 34、人和人之间,最痛心的事莫过于在你认为理应获得善意和友谊的地方,却遭受了烦扰和损害。 Among people, the most painful thing is that where you think you deserve goodwill and friendship, you suffer from harassment and damage. 35、最好的朋友,不过是有着与你有相似思想的朋友,因为和他在一起时,就像是和自己在一起一样。 The best friend is a friend who has similar thoughts with you, because when you are with him, it is like being with yourself. 36、最好的朋友就是当全世界的人都觉得我是在小题大做时,她却懂得我为什么哭得如此歇斯底里。 The best friend is when people all over the world think I'm making a fuss, but she knows why I cry so hysterically. 37、因为我手里有你的丑照,所以你要和我做一辈子朋友。 Because I have your ugly picture in my hand, so you have to be a lifelong friend with me. 38、开诚布公与否和朋友的情谊的深浅,不应该用时间的长短来衡量。 Openness and friendship with friends should not be measured by the length of time. 39、种瓜得瓜,种豆得豆。种下优惠的友情,得到仁惠的友情。 Sow a melon, grow a bean, get a bean. Cultivate preferential friendship and get benevolent friendship. 40、对你的思念像袅袅的轻烟不绝如缕,对你的祝福似潺潺的小溪伴随一生一世。 Thoughts of you are like smoke, and wishes for you are like a rippling brook that lasts a lifetime. 41、友谊是两颗心真诚相待,而不是一颗心对另一颗心的敲打。 Friendship is the sincere treatment of two hearts, not the beating of one heart on another. 42、好朋友都这样,你跌倒的时候我会扶你一把,不过要先等我笑完。 Good friends are like this. I'll give you a hand when you fall, but wait for me to finish laughing first. 43、虽然我不能为你指明前路,却愿意陪你一起走过这黑暗。 Although I can't show you the way forward, I would like to accompany you through the darkness. 44、真正的朋友有三种:爱你的朋友,忘你的朋友,恨你的朋友。 There are three kinds of true friends: those who love you, those who forget you, and those who hate you. 45、人生中,观众向来比朋友多。观众只会让人从视觉上舒服,朋友却会让你内心感动。 In life, there are always more audiences than friends. Audiences can only make people visually comfortable, but friends can make you feel moved inside. 46、财富不是真正的朋友,而朋友却是真正的财富。 Wealth is not a true friend, but a friend is a real wealth. 47、喜欢固定的座位,同一款果汁,不变的朋友。 Like fixed seats, the same juice, constant friends. 48、友情是灯,愈拨愈亮;友情是河,愈流愈深;友情是花,愈开愈美;友情是酒,愈陈愈香。 Friendship is the lamp, the brighter the dial; friendship is the river, the deeper the flow; friendship is the flower, the more beautiful the blossom; friendship is wine, the older the fragrance. 49、待你长裙落地,我必短裙相配。以后的以后,除了你的爱人之外,我依然要陪你慢慢变老。 When your long skirt falls to the ground, I will match the short skirt. In the future, in addition to your lover, I still want to accompany you to grow old slowly. 50、你怀念那场张扬青春里的你自己,被你记起只不过是因为我恰好在那里。 You miss the time when you publicized youthful self, you remember only because I happened to be there. 51、我最好的年华里,不是遇到了你们,而是有了你们,我才有了最好的年华。 My best years are not when I meet you, but when I have you, I have the best years. 52、你的难过我来分担,你的快乐我来分享,好朋友永远在你身边。 Your sorrow I share, your happiness I share, good friends will always be around you. 53、朋友不需太多三个就够:一个愿意在雨天借我雨伞,一个愿意在深夜陪我喝酒,一个肯参加我的葬礼。 Friends don't need too many three: one is willing to borrow my umbrella in rainy days, one is willing to drink with me in the middle of the night, and one is willing to attend my funeral. 54、我愿分享你的喜怒哀乐,如空气般守护着你。我把所有的快乐送给你,把你的痛苦分给我一半。 I would like to share your joys and sorrows, like the air guarding you. I give you all my happiness and give you half of your pain. 55、人与人的友谊,把多数人的心灵结合在一起,由于这种可贵的联系,它是温柔甜蜜的。 Friendship between people unites the hearts of most people. Because of this valuable connection, it is tender and sweet. 56、在友谊面前,人与人之间,犹如星与星之间,不是彼此妨碍,而是互相照耀。 In the face of friendship, people shine on each other rather than hinder each other, just like stars. 57、不管岁月如何飞逝,不管人生经历什么样的阶段,真挚的友情永远相伴、给予彼此最温暖的爱的力量。 No matter how time flies, no matter what stage life goes through, sincere friendship always accompanies and gives each other the warmest power of love. 58、兄弟可能不是朋友,但朋友常常如兄弟。 Brothers may not be friends, but friends are often like brothers. 59、金色的太阳,辐射着友情;银色的月亮,传递着友情。友谊是沉甸甸的稻穗,友谊是郁葱葱的森林。 The golden sun radiates friendship; the silver moon transmits friendship. Friendship is a heavy ear of rice, and friendship is a lush forest. 60、友谊永远是美德的辅佐,不是罪恶的助手。 Friendship is always the aid of virtue, not vice. |
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