1、享受时间的定格,在红酒摇曳的杯中,找寻曾经甜蜜的滋润与温存。 Enjoy the fixed frame of time, in the glass of red wine swaying, looking for once sweet moistening and warmth. 2、一个人独处时,与恋人一起时,入睡前,甜蜜温馨时。 When you are alone, when you are with your lover, before you fall asleep, when you are sweet and warm. 3、魅力无法阻挡,每时每刻,魂牵梦萦。最终,臣服于它。 Charm can not be stopped, every moment, haunting. Ultimately, submit to it. 4、典雅的不仅仅是独具匠心的设计,还有那种恬淡自如的心境。 Elegant is not only the ingenious design, but also the tranquil and comfortable mood. 5、细细品味,缓缓享受,你会发现,不一样的自我,不一样的感受。 Savor carefully and enjoy slowly, you will find that different self, different feelings. 6、品酒是一种享受,也是一种熏陶,犹如享受着带音乐的日光浴。 Tasting wine is a kind of enjoyment, but also a kind of edification, like enjoying sunbathing with music. 7、尊崇时尚的品味、极致的享受、无限的魅力,雍容而典雅。 Respect fashion taste, extreme enjoyment, unlimited charm, graceful and elegant. 8、品味流金岁月,享受非凡人生;魅力红动中国,典雅写就浪漫。 Taste the golden years, enjoy extraordinary life; charm of China, elegant writing is romantic. 9、一种心灵的交融,一丝沁心的舒畅,轻吮浅尝,留恋通透沉醉。 A kind of spiritual blending, a silk of refreshing comfort, light sucking taste, nostalgia through intoxication. 10、品味一种极致,未入喉,已醇香四溢,犹未品,已流露不凡。 Taste of a kind of extreme, not into the throat, has mellow fragrance overflowing, still unfinished, has revealed extraordinary. 11、红酒的魅力,在于令人心醉。无法抵挡,酒不醉人人自醉。 The charm of red wine lies in its enchantment. No one can resist being drunk without being drunk. 12、卢瓦尔河谷萨榭城堡里,同巴尔扎克一起感受红果的辛烈香味。 In the Saxe Castle in the Loire Valley, you can feel the intense aroma of red fruits with Balzac. 13、享受穿越唇齿的甘洌与柔滑,浪漫与温情在肺腑之间随波荡漾。 Enjoy the sweetness and smoothness through the lips and teeth, romance and warmth ripple between the lungs. 14、一份静谧的高贵,一种脱俗的气质,轻闻浅嗅,典雅高贵心醉。 A quiet nobility, a refined temperament, light sniff, elegant and noble intoxication. 15、一缕销魂的魅惑,一段神秘的情思,轻闻浅嗅,迷离吸引痴醉。 A strand of enchantment, a mysterious feeling, sniff and smell, confused and attract intoxication. 16、一份醇香的飘逸,一点浓郁的馨熏,轻吮浅尝,妙曼飘渺迷醉。 A mellow elegant, a little strong sweet smoke, light sucking taste, miraculous and misty intoxicated. 17、款款而来,红酒美人,酒香带着无尽的醉,醉与不醉皆不分。 The money comes, red wine beauty, wine fragrance with endless drunkenness, drunkenness and non-drunkenness are indistinguishable. 18、浪漫的玫瑰色泽,散发优雅的魅力,酒不醉人,人自醉。 Romantic rose color, exudes elegant charm, is not intoxicating, self-intoxicating. 19、魅力无处不在,源于天然,精工酿造,一切自然超群。 Charm is everywhere, from nature, fine brewing, all natural superb. 20、典雅中透过的芳华,犹如红酒般的唇,留下了深情的吻。 The fragrance through elegance, like the lips of red wine, leaves a deep kiss. 21、拈一杯红酒,滑过红唇,浪漫依然,人因酒而醉,醇香不散。 A glass of red wine, slipping through the red lips, romance is still, people are drunk because of wine, mellow fragrance. 22、品味红酒,就应该是这样一点,一点,入口,入喉,入心。 Taste red wine, it should be such a point, a point, entrance, throat, heart. 23、享受美妙时分,畅饮琼液佳醇,每一口,每一滴,难舍,难分。 Enjoy the wonderful time, drink the Qiongye alcohol, every mouthful, every drop, hard to give up, difficult to separate. 24、品味生活的红,恰是红酒,在唇齿间留恋,于心中醉眠。 Taste the red of life, it is the red wine, between the lips and teeth nostalgia, drunk in the heart. 25、她幌如披着柔幔的**,玲珑剔透,娇艳欲滴,气若幽兰,出尘脱俗。 She is like a virgin dressed in a soft mantle, exquisite and exquisite, delicate and luscious, like orchids, out of the dust and vulgar. 26、当一滴奢华闪耀斑斓,魅力于绽放时弥漫,如丝滑着笑语欢颜。 When a drop of luxury shines brilliantly, charm permeates when it blooms, like silk gliding with laughter and joy. 27、当一滴尊贵溶解呢喃,品味在昇华中渲染,如时光被岁月饱含。 When a drop of dignity dissolves and murmurs, taste is rendered in sublimation, such as time is full of years. 28、品味美酒佳肴,享受快乐人生;展现时尚魅力,典雅生活情操。 Taste delicious wine and food, enjoy a happy life; show the charm of fashion, elegant life sentiment. 29、品味杯中风情,曼妙醇香,未饮而醉,风情何止万种? Taste cup amorous feelings, delicate mellow fragrance, drunk without drinking, amorous feelings more than ten thousand? 30、当一滴潇洒荡漾唇边,典雅似诗经般主旋,如精彩与天地分担。 When a drop ripples on the lips, elegance is like the main theme of the Book of Songs, such as splendor and the sharing of heaven and earth. 31、魅力是琼浆酝酿的倩影,披上了红纱,流淌着如歌的岁月年华。 Charm is a beautiful image brewed by Qiongsie, covered with red yarn, flowing through the years of singing. 32、享受酒中极品,滴滴难忘却;畅谈天下乐事,件件喜心头。 Enjoy the best wine and never forget it. Talk about the joys of the world, every joy. 33、魅力感动时尚,精致触动芳华,经过多少岁月始终回味这一刻。 Charm touches fashion, delicate touches fragrance, after many years always aftertaste this moment. 34、品尝人世间最富有生命的气息,味览天地间最精华浓缩的露水。 Taste the world's richest breath of life, enjoy the world's most essence concentrated dew. 35、享受尊贵人生,从一杯至醇的红酒开始,点滴回味,犒赏成功。 Enjoy the noble life, start with a glass of wine to alcohol, taste it back, reward success. 36、品味自然化身心,享受人生悟性情,魅力不在杯盏间,典雅洒脱天地中。 Taste naturalized body and mind, enjoy life savvy temperament, charm is not between cups, elegant and free in the world. 37、酒香流唇间,人生五味足,释放浪漫**,畅享美好人生。 Liquor fragrance between lips, life is full of five flavors, release romantic passion, enjoy a good life. 38、上等的葡萄酒就像极为完美和谐的交响乐一样,美丽、精彩、而典雅。 Fine wine is as beautiful, wonderful and elegant as a perfect and harmonious symphony. 39、葡萄酒的诞生是上帝深爱我们,并希望我们快乐的永恒的佐证。 The birth of wine is an everlasting proof that God loves us deeply and wants us to be happy. 40、徜徉地中海阳光,邂逅英伦风情,尽在这一杯甘醇,这一种享受。 Wandering in the Mediterranean sunshine, encounter the British style, to the full in this glass of glycol, this kind of enjoyment. 41、人生最美莫过于初吻,而人生中的第一杯酒却也如初吻般美妙。 The most beautiful thing in life is the first kiss, and the first glass of wine in life is as beautiful as the first kiss. 42、红色的雅致明媚,顷刻间,便能让你品味到酒中极品的所有感触。 Red is elegant and beautiful. In an instant, you can taste all the sensations of the best wine. 43、魅力彰显卓越,传世红酒典藏,于人生巅峰,尽享那一抹醉人的红。 Charm highlights excellence, handed down red wine collection, in the peak of life, enjoy that touch of intoxicating red. 44、魅力出天然,韵味永流转,自然的味道,在不经意间展现。 Charm out of nature, lasting flow of charm, natural taste, inadvertently show. 45、当一滴美妙柔附舌尖,享受这宁静的港湾,如回忆在梦间往返。 When a drop of beauty touches the tip of your tongue, enjoy the quiet harbour, such as the memories in dreams. 46、享受浓浓的芬芳,闭上眼睛,咀嚼回味,浮想联翩,意犹未尽。 Enjoy the strong fragrance, close your eyes, chew aftertaste, imagination, meaning is still endless. 47、朋友,这时候的你所需要的调节剂不过是一杯香醇的红酒。 Friends, what you need at this time is just a glass of sweet red wine. 48、品味爱的甘醇,品味酸涩人生,在平静的生活中增添流动的音符。 Taste the sweetness of love, taste the sour and astringent life, add flowing notes to the quiet life. 49、享受触手可及,有它相伴,寂寞成为一种格调,时光变得妙不可言。 Enjoyment is within reach, accompanied by it, loneliness becomes a style, time becomes wonderful. 50、她的典雅,那么的强烈,又那么的淡薄,我,看不透你。 Her elegance, so strong, so thin, I can not see through you. |
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