1、我有感情洁癖,不能独享的我不要。 I have a passion for cleanliness. I don't want to be alone. 2、曾经发生过的事情不会忘记,只是想不起来而已。 What has happened will not be forgotten, just can not remember. 3、嘲讽也好,掌声也好,做好自己。 Laugh or applause, be yourself. 4、可是人生短暂,不要犹豫也不要舍不得。 But life is short, don't hesitate and don't give up. 5、花开成海,思念成灾。你再不来,我便要老去了。 Flowers blossom into the sea, missing disaster. If you don't come again, I'll be old. 6、你说我会遇到更好的人,其实是你想拥有更好的人。 You said I would meet better people, but in fact you want to have better people. 7、小时候,幸福很简单;长大了,简单很幸福。 When I was young, happiness was very simple; when I grew up, it was very simple and happy. 8、青春年少的时候,我们都爱过,爱的那么疼痛,那么忧伤。 When we were young, we all loved, love so painful, so sad. 9、我想像个小朋友一样,在你身后,在你左右。 I want to be like a little friend, behind you, around you. 10、我还是喜欢你,像风吹了八万里,不问归期。 I still like you, like the wind blows 80,000 miles, do not ask the return date. 11、给我一句早安,让我知道今天还有你。 Give me a good morning and let me know you're here today. 12、生活挺不容易了,相互哄一哄,骗一骗吧。 Life is not easy, coax each other and cheat each other. 13、我没有忧伤,只是不想拥有太多的表情和情绪。 I am not sad, just don't want to have too many expressions and emotions. 14、好不容易习惯了自己的长相,理了个发,又换了一种丑法。 It's hard to get used to your appearance, get a haircut, and change an ugly way. 15、爱,是一场天时地利的相遇,无需等待,也不必准备。 Love is an encounter of time and place, without waiting or preparing. 16、亲爱的宝贝,你想我了吗?我真的好想你! Dear baby, do you miss me? I really miss you! 17、太上佛尘迎俗世,你做伞底有缘人,若得你一生不弃。 Tai Shang Buddha's dust welcomes the secular world. If you are a lucky man under the umbrella, you will never give up your life. 18、宜言饮酒,与子偕老,琴瑟在御,莫不静好。 It's good to drink, to grow old with your son, and to play the piano and the serpent in the imperial court. 19、你会遇到一个保护你的天真,让你安心当小朋友的人。 You will meet someone who protects your innocence and makes you feel at ease as a child. 20、人生是场荒芜的旅行,冷暖自知,苦乐在心。 Life is a barren journey, cold and warm self-knowledge, bitterness and happiness in mind. 21、你所有的痛苦都是活该,谁叫你自己想不开。 You deserve all your pain. Who told you you not to think about it? 22、酷得像风,野得像狗,不招人爱,倒也自由。 Cool as the wind, wild as a dog, not loved, but also free. 23、如果事与愿违,就相信一定另有安排。 If things go against our wishes, we believe that there must be other arrangements. 24、现在不努力,将来拿什么,向曾经抛弃你的人证明它有多瞎。 Now don't work hard, what will you take in the future, to prove to those who have abandoned you how blind it is. 25、过去的,别再遗憾;未来的,无须忧虑;现在的,加倍珍惜。 Don't regret the past; don't worry about the future; cherish the present. 26、你是我的天下无双,是我最后的念念不忘。 You are the best in my world and the last thing I miss. 27、住在五光十色的城市里,没理由沾不上一点缤纷。 Living in a colorful city, there is no reason not to be a bit colorful. 28、春水初生,春林初盛,春风十里,不如你。 Spring water is born, spring forest is flourishing, spring breeze is ten miles, not as good as you. 29、死亡不是失去生命,而是走出了时间。 Death is not loss of life, but out of time. 30、我是人间惆怅客,断肠声里忆平生。 I am a sorrowful guest on earth. I remember my life in the sound of broken bowels. 31、愿我们上半年所有的遗憾,都是下半年惊喜的铺垫。 May all our regrets in the last half of the year lay the groundwork for our surprise in the second half of the year. 32、删除我一生中的任何一个瞬间,我都不能成为今天的自己。 Delete any moment in my life, I can't be myself today. 33、很多时候,其实也没有什么放不下的,只是不想放下罢了。 Many times, in fact, there is nothing to put it down, just do not want to put it down. 34、不要假装很努力,因为结果不会陪你演戏! Don't pretend to work hard, because the result won't accompany you! 35、我们一直再比,比谁伤谁更伤得深一些。 We've been hurting more than anyone else. 36、我想变成你,见你所见,爱你所爱。 I want to be you, see what you see, love what you love. 37、有些事本来就不值得原谅跟大不大度没关系。 Something that is not worth forgiving has nothing to do with being too big or too small. 38、我们已经到了儿时羡慕的年纪,却没变成儿时羡慕的那种人。 We have reached the age of admiration in our childhood, but we have not become the kind of people we admire in our childhood. 39、如果不能白头偕老,那还不如相忘江湖。 If we can't grow old together, we might as well forget the rivers and lakes. 40、你最心爱,我说时来不及思索,但思索之后,仍是这样说。 You love me most. I can't think when I say it, but after thinking, I still say so. 41、谁都有过去,但不要让过去妨碍了自己去创造未来。 Everyone has the past, but don't let the past hinder you from creating the future. 42、只要看到你的笑,世界就没有那么糟。 As long as you see your smile, the world is not so bad. 43、别和我谈恋爱,虚伪,有本事咱俩结婚。 Don't fall in love with me, hypocritical, capable of marrying us. 44、愿岁月无可回头,愿人生无可辜负。 May the years be endless, and may life be unfailing. 45、换一种姿态,活出自己的骄傲。 Change your attitude and live up to your pride. 46、当赤道留住雪花,眼泪融掉细沙,你肯珍惜我吗。 When the equator retains snowflakes and tears melt sand, will you cherish me? 47、时间不一定能证明很多东西,但一定能看透很多东西。 Time may not prove many things, but it must be able to see through many things. 48、脸上的快乐,别人看得到。心里的痛又有谁能感觉到。 Happiness on the face can be seen by others. Who can feel the pain in his heart? 49、曾经人生酸辣苦,有了你之后,便凑齐了甜。 Once life was bitter and bitter, with you, it was sweet. 50、得到,不一定能长久。失去,不一定不再拥有。 Get, not necessarily for a long time. Lost, not necessarily no longer owned. 51、明明不是我喜欢的那种人,偏偏是我喜欢的那个人。 Obviously not the kind of person I like, but the one I like. 52、选一款自己喜欢的面具,因为你要带一辈子。 Choose a mask you like, because you have to carry it for life. 53、有的人,该忘就忘了吧,人家不在乎你,又何必自作多情。 Some people, should forget it, they do not care about you, why do you have to be sentimental. 54、让来的人来,让去的人去。顺其自然,是对生活最大的成全。 Let's go, let's go. Let it be, is the greatest accomplishment of life. 55、别去羡慕别人有什么,那还不如自己努力来的实在。 Don't envy others for what they have, it's better to work hard. 56、总有做不完的事,吐不完的怨气,减不完的肥,这就叫生活。 There are always endless things to do, endless resentment, endless weight loss, which is called life. 57、有那么多人看着我等着我倒下,我拼了命也不能输。 There are so many people watching me waiting for me to fall, and I can't lose even if I'm desperate. 58、你让我道歉,还是让我告白。 Let me apologize or let me confess. 59、给足了甜头之后的冷漠,才是最伤人的。 The indifference after giving enough sweetness is the most hurtful. 60、希望你可以记住我,记住我这样活过,这样在你身边呆过。 I hope you can remember me, remember that I lived this way, so that I stayed by your side. 61、不求尽如人意,但求问心无愧。 Not to be satisfied, but to have a clear conscience. 62、我总不能耗光我的一生,换你一句有可能。 I can't spend my whole life. It's possible for you. 63、你错过的,别人才会得到。正如你得到的都是别人错过的。 If you miss it, others will get it. Just as what you get is missed by others. 64、曾经输掉的东西,只要你想,就一定可以再一点一点赢回来! Once lost things, as long as you want, you can certainly win back a little bit more! 65、最近手头有点紧,能借你的手来牵牵吗。 It's a little tight recently. Can you lend your hand to hold it? 66、别埋怨你的世界缺什么,瞧瞧小黄人没有肩膀照样穿背带裤。 Don't complain about what your world lacks. Look at the little yellow man wearing belt pants without shoulders. 67、爱你恨你,最伤的还是自己。 Love you and hate you, the most hurt is yourself. 68、那种拼了命想要做好一件事,却搞砸了另一件事的心情。 That kind of desperate desire to do one thing, but failed to do another thing. 69、愿你在今后的日子里即使单枪匹马,也能勇敢无畏。 I hope you will be brave even if you are single-handed in the future. 70、七弦琴上梨花雪,清雅香尘染琼月。 Pear blossoms and snow on the seven-stringed piano, elegant fragrance and dust stained Qiongyue. |
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