1、斩断情丝千千万,只得藕丝独一根,曾想藕丝已离去,如今只剩独一人。 Cut off thousands of love silk, only one lotus root silk, once thought that the lotus root silk has left, now only one person. 2、谁将烟焚散,散了纵横的牵绊;听弦断,断那三千痴缠。 Who scattered the smoke, scattered the vertical and horizontal ties; listen to the broken string, break the three thousand fools. 3、江南烟雨,陌上白衣,不过是一场情深缘浅。 The mist and rain in the south of the Yangtze River and the white clothes on the street are just shallow feelings. 4、没有倾城容颜,没有绝世才华,只有一颗亘古不变爱你的心。 There is no beauty, no talent, only a heart that will never change to love you. 5、十年情思百年渡,不斩相思不忍顾。 Ten years of love and a hundred years of crossing, do not cut Acacia can not bear to ignore. 6、当今天变成昨天,当爱你变成爱过;时光吹散了少年,谁的等待,恰逢花开。 Today is yesterday, when love you become love; time has blown away the youth, who's waiting, just blossom. 7、花落水流红,闲愁万种,无语怨东风。 Flowers are red, idle and sad, silent and complaining about the East wind. 8、我总是在想,我的记忆是不是活在长街的那头,而我的年轮死在长街的这头。 I always wonder if my memory lives on the other side of the street, and my ring dies on the other side of the street. 9、你是不是一直这样,安静地,凝望那些日沉日落,无家可归的忧伤。 Are you always like this, quietly, staring at the sunset, homeless grief. 10、却是时光留人不住,人不能留,情不能已。 But time can't stay, people can't stay, they can't help it. 11、浮世万千,吾爱有三,日月与卿,朝为日,暮为月,卿为朝朝暮暮。 There are thousands of floating worlds, my love has three, sun and moon and Qing, day for day, evening for month, Qing for day and evening. 12、上穷碧落下黄泉,两处茫茫皆不见。 Upper poor green falls down to Huangquan, and both are missing. 13、几场梅雨,几卷荷风,江南已是烟水迷离。 Several plum rains and several tornadoes of lotus wind have made the south of the Yangtze River misty. 14、山无棱,江水为竭。冬雷震震,夏雨雪。天地合,乃敢与君绝。 Mountains have no edges, rivers are exhausted. Winter thunder shock, summer rain and snow. The combination of heaven and earth is courageous and absolute. 15、愚蠢得一诺千金,勇敢得一字千钧。 Silly promises a thousand gold, brave words a thousand. 16、万水千山等闲变,不及你一笑的温婉;我回头一面惟愿,你安然度华年。 Thousands of rivers, mountains and other idle changes, less gentle than your smile; I look back on the hope that you spend the Chinese New Year in peace. 17、走在一起是缘分,一起在走是幸福。 Walking together is fate, walking together is happiness. 18、春有百花秋有月,夏有凉风冬有雪。若无闲事挂心头,便是人间好时节。 Spring has flowers, autumn has months, summer has cool wind, winter has snow. If there is no idle matter to worry about, it is a good time in the world. 19、繁华尽处,寻一处无人山谷,建一木制小屋,铺一青石小路,与你晨钟暮鼓,安之若素。 Flourishing, looking for an unmanned valley, building a wooden hut, paving a bluestone path, with you in the morning and evening drum, in peace. 20、繁花凋谢梦凄凉,倾世容颜,永逝娇娆。 Flowers fade, dreams are bleak, the face of the world is beautiful and beautiful forever. 21、时过境迁人不再,煮雨时光已染尘。 Time passes and people are no longer moving, the time of boiling rain has been polluted by dust. 22、随你走在天际,看繁花满地。 Walk with you in the sky and see flowers everywhere. 23、红尘初妆,山河无疆。最初的面庞,碾碎梦魇无常,命格无双。 Red dust makes up, mountains and rivers are boundless. The original face, crushing nightmares, life is unique. 24、长路多萧萧,姻缘如介草,若得一人老,朝朝暮暮好。 How long the road is, marriage is like grass, if one gets old, evening is good. 25、红妆已过,一蓑烟雨任平生。 Red make-up has passed, a rain and smoke for life. 26、尘缘素来都如水,罕须泪,何尽毕生情?莫多情,情伤己。 Dust has always been like water, rarely need tears, how do you spend your life? Don't be sentimental, but hurt yourself. 27、想人间婆娑,全无着落;看万般红紫,过眼成灰。 Think of the world, no landing; see all kinds of red and purple, grey in the eye. 28、栀子花开恰逢君,一眼定情一见钟情,巧笑兮,巧笑兮,君心误我心。 Gardenia blossom coincides with the gentleman, love at first sight, smiling, laughing, your heart is wrong. 29、你为我一曲流殇,我许你一生如画,作一世人家。 You're dying for me. I promise you a lifetime of picturesque life. 30、茶山下转身,竹海旁回眸,便是我的整个青春。 Turning around under the tea mountain and looking back at the bamboo sea is my whole youth. 31、你的路途,从此不见我的苍老。 Your way, never see my old age. 32、我终生的等候,换不来你刹那的凝眸。残阳退没。 I've waited all my life for your instant stare. The sun is fading. 33、十年生死两茫茫,不思量,自难忘,千里孤坟,无处话凄凉。 Ten years of life and death are two boundless, thoughtless, unforgettable, thousands of miles of lonely graves, nowhere to say desolate. 34、身后万顷烽火今夜且做红帐一抹,哪管明朝剑影刀光同葬了你我。 Behind him, a thousand hectares of beacon fire tonight and make a red tent wipe, which tube of the Ming Dynasty sword shadow knife light buried you and me. 35、若有来生,我愿为树,一叶为灵,窥尽全秋。 If there is an afterlife, I would like to be a tree, a leaf for the spirit, to peep through the autumn. 36、那年的长白山上,霜雪吹了满头,也算是,到了白首。 That year, on the Changbai Mountain, the frost and snow blown all over the head, which is to say, to the white head. 37、莫道有酒终需醉,酒入愁肠愁更愁。 If you have wine, you will end up drunk. If you are drunk, you will feel sad even more. 38、开始想念,那曾经握在手中苍凉的岁月,以及那一片灿烂的江湖。 Begin to miss, that once held in the hands of the bleak years, and that a brilliant River and lake. 39、古人去。执念难恕,几曲缠绵,星辰点点。 The ancients went. Persistence is unforgivable, a few songs lingering, stars dotted. 40、我把孤独送给天涯,我把余生留给放下。 I give loneliness to the horizon, I leave the rest of my life behind. 41、愿公子事后遇良人,娶娇妻,共白首,也断我这相思忆。 May the prince meet his beloved, marry his wife, and have a white head in all. 42、长安旧梦深巷里,朱墙粉饰能几时。浮絮残叶水荡涤,冷暖沉浮唯自知。 In the deep lane of Chang'an Old Dream, how long can the Zhu wall be whitewashed? Floating leaves wash away, cold and warm ups and downs only self-knowledge. 43、记起当年的你,当年的竹马之谊,当年的相伴相依,甚至当年的貌合神离,当年的丑恶算计。 Remembering you, the friendship between bamboo and horse, the companionship of that year, even the appearance of that year, the ugly calculation of that year. 44、是谁,在黄泉路上追我一世深情;是谁,在奈何桥上守我一世承诺。 Who is chasing me for a lifetime on Huangquan Road and who is keeping my promise on Nahe Bridge? 45、纵是年少风流可入画,却是自成风骨难笔拓。 Even though young people can draw pictures, they are self-made and difficult to draw. 46、古琴可定我意,古筝能醉我心;古琴看破红尘,古筝看淡红尘。 Guqin can fix my mind, Guzheng can intoxicate my heart; Guqin can see through the red dust, Guzheng can see the light red dust. 47、泪眼问花花不语,乱红飞过秋千去。 Tears asked the flowers silent, flushed across the swing. 48、总在不经意的年生。回首彼岸。纵然发现光景绵长。 Always in an inadvertent year. Looking back on the other side. Even if the scene is long. 49、秋千院落眷斜晖,何事春风入帘帏。深庭锁户沉香满,落花满地无人归。 The swing courtyard family members twinkle, what spring breeze into the curtain. Deep courtyard lock house full of fragrance, flowers everywhere no one returned. 50、有些故事来不及真正开始,就被写成了昨天;有些人还没有好好相爱,就成了过客。 Some stories are written yesterday before they can really begin; some people become passers-by before they fall in love. 51、模糊了你的容颜,梦中倾城,一袭曼妙舞姿,摇曳的锦瑟无涯,动荡了多少繁华盛世。 Blurred your face, dream of the city, a graceful dance posture, swaying endless, turbulent how many prosperous times. 52、愿陪你三生三世,一世枕边书,一世怀中猫,一世意中人。 May I accompany you for three generations, for a lifetime of pillow book, for a lifetime of cat, for a lifetime of love. 53、梧桐树,三更雨,不道离情正苦。一叶叶,一声声,空阶滴到明。 Wutong Tree, Sanguin Rain, no way out of love is suffering. Leaves, a sound, empty steps drip to the Ming Dynasty. 54、愿我来世,得菩提时。身如琉璃,内外明澈,净无瑕秽。 May I come to the world and get Bodhisattva. Body like glaze, inside and outside clear, pure and clean. 55、人世间有百媚千红,唯独你是我情之所钟。 There are many beautiful things in the world, only you are my favorite. 56、美人自古如名将,不许人间见白头。 Beauty is like a famous general in ancient times. She is not allowed to see white heads in the world. 57、是谁把光阴剪成了烟花,一瞬间,看尽繁华。是谁把思念翻起了浪花,一转身,浪迹天涯。 Who cut time into fireworks and saw all the prosperity in a moment? Who turned his yearning over the waves, turned around and wandered around the world. 58、丹青卷,铁扇昼白,望红尘,韶华如笋,夜色似我。 Danqing roll, iron fan day, look at the red dust, Shao Hua bamboo shoots, night like me. 59、淡了红尘繁华,舍了年少韶华,瘦了尺寸年华,薄了指尖芳华。 Fade the bustling red dust, abandon the youth, thin size of the years, thin fingertip fragrance. 60、夜未央,何处话凄凉,汐汐草上别,从此不相忘,待到天下复尽时,与你把酒问沧桑。 In the evening, where to say sad, farewell on the tides and grass, never forget, until the end of the world, with you to ask about the vicissitudes of wine. 61、一花一世界,一叶一追寻,一曲一场叹,一生为一人。 One flower, one world, one leaf, one sigh, one life. 62、褪尽风华,我依然在彼岸守护你。 After fading away, I am still guarding you on the other side. 63、自古痴人隐讳心,悱恻意,缱绻词,千回百转落相思。 Since ancient times, fools hide their hearts, feel sorry, and miss each other in thousands of turns. 64、有幸相知,无幸相守,苍海明月,天长地久。 Happy to know each other, unfortunate to stay together, the bright moon of the sea, everlasting. 65、浮华一生,淡忘一季。空有回忆,打乱缠绵。笑容不见,落寞万千。弦,思华年。 A flashy life, forget a season. Empty memories, disrupt lingering. Lost smiles, lonely thousands. String, Sihua Year. 66、愿你出走半生,归来仍是少年。 May you go away for half your life and return as a teenager. 67、我翻阅了经诗三千辞,关于你的诗句却无一字。 I have read three thousand verses of classical poetry, but there is not a word about your verse. 68、弹一曲高山流水,觅一知音,相携到老。和一支霓裳羽衣,愿得一人,描黛舞墨。 Play a song of mountains and rivers, find a bosom friend, and carry them to old age. And a neon feather dress, would like to have a person, depict Dai dance ink. 69、谁在陇间低吟离歌,我且幽幽轻和。 Who is singing the song of departure in Longjian, I am quiet and quiet. 70、自君之出矣,明镜暗不治。思君如流水,何有穷已时。 Since the emergence of the monarch, the mirror will not rule in the dark. Think of the gentleman as a running water, why is the end of the world? |
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