1、让我们奋斗的直接理由,就是现在的一无所有。 Let's fight for the direct reason that we have nothing now. 2、我的幸福就是看着你幸福,即使拉着你的手的人不是我。 My happiness is to see you happy, even if the person holding your hand is not me. 3、真爱的第一个征兆,在男孩身上是胆怯,在女孩身上是大胆。 The first sign of true love is timidity in boys and boldness in girls. 4、心若计较,时时都有怨言;心若宽容,处处都是晴天。 If you care about your heart, you always have complaints; if you forgive your heart, it's sunny everywhere. 5、我留下最后一滴泪,不留任何挂念的离开。 I left the last tear, leaving nothing to worry about. 6、你说你要给我蒙娜丽莎的微笑,那你就要对我绽放微笑。 You say you want to give me the Mona Lisa smile, then you have to smile at me. 7、沉默不一定是金,有时也会错过好多好多。 Silence doesn't have to be gold. Sometimes I miss a lot. 8、如果你走之前回一下头。就会不舍我满脸绝望的空洞。 If you look back before you go. Will not give up my face despair empty. 9、春阳灿灿,夏山如碧,秋蜩抱朴,冬日烈烈,皆愿与君长相随。 The sun is shining in the spring, the mountains are green in the summer, the flowers are simple in the autumn, and the sun is strong in the winter. 10、逆风的方向,更适合飞翔。我不怕千万人阻挡,只怕自己投降。 It is more suitable to fly in the direction of the wind. I'm not afraid of tens of millions of people blocking, just afraid of surrender. 11、我们都很倔强,一个不会挽留一个不会回头。 We are very stubborn, one will not retain one will not turn back. 12、草在结它的种子,风在摇它的叶子。 The grass is bearing its seeds, and the wind is shaking its leaves. 13、幸福就是在转角的一霎那,遇到正确的人。 Happiness is to meet the right person at the corner. 14、谁若想在困厄时得到援助,就应在平日待人以宽。 Those who want to get help in time of adversity should be lenient on weekdays. 15、想人间婆娑,全无着落;看万般红紫,过眼成灰。 If you want to see the world whirling, there is no place for you; if you look at all kinds of red and purple, you will become grey. 16、我还是那么没出息,假装不在意,却处处留意你的消息。 I'm still so unpromising, pretending not to care, but paying attention to your news everywhere. 17、最好不相见,如此便可不相恋。最好不相知,如此便可不相思。 It's better not to meet, so that we don't fall in love. It's better not to know each other, so that we don't miss each other. 18、我放任了自己一次又一次,结局我一个人孤苦伶仃。 I let myself go again and again, and I ended up alone. 19、是我太傻太天真,一直把自己当做灰姑娘所以才活的那么卑微。 It's because I'm so stupid and naive that I always think of myself as Cinderella that I live so humble. 20、小时候,哭着哭着就笑了;长大后,笑着笑着就哭了。 When I was a child, I cried and laughed; when I grew up, I laughed and cried. 21、不要祈祷生活的舒适,要祈祷自己变得更加坚强。 Don't pray for the comfort of life. Pray for yourself to be stronger. 22、我会等你,这世界上有一千种等待,最好的那一种叫做来日可期。 I will wait for you. There are a thousand kinds of waiting in the world. The best one is called the future. 23、人之所以活的累,是因为放不下架子,撕不开面子,解不开情结。 The reason why people are tired of living is that they can't put down their shelves, tear off their faces and solve their complex. 24、很多人如果换一个时间认识,就会有不同的结局。 If a lot of people know each other at another time, they will have different endings. 25、人总是会分开,为着我们不可妥协的前途,和所谓的明媚希望。 We are doomed to go apart, towards our uncompromisable future with an alleged bright hope. 26、勇敢的不是我,是因爲你溫暖了我的手。 Brave is not me, because you warm my hand. 27、朋友是悲伤日子里的一句安慰,不断让你重温生活的快乐。 A friend is a consolation in a sad day. It keeps you reliving the joy of life. 28、最美好的时光,是为一个人付出一切时的勇敢。 The best time is to be brave when you give everything to someone. 29、失眠的人无非两种,一是手里拿着手机,二是脑子里有个剧场。 Insomnia is no more than two kinds of people, one is holding a mobile phone, the other is a theater in the brain. 30、就算是穷困潦倒,也要比别人潦倒的不一样。 Even if they are poor, they are different from others. 31、宠的多了就会放肆,忍的多了就会怨恨,所以爱要懂得分寸。 If you love more, you will be reckless. If you bear more, you will be resentful. So love should know how to be measured. 32、你许了我一米的阳光,却给了我一世的沧桑。 You promised me a meter of sunshine, but gave me a lifetime of vicissitudes. 33、人生就像剥洋葱,总有一片会让人流泪。 Life is like peeling an onion. There is always one piece that makes people cry. 34、人生是起起伏伏悲悲喜喜,才构成完整的人生。 Life is ups and downs, ups and downs, sadness, joy and happiness, which constitutes a complete life. 35、年轻时,我们彼此相爱却浑然不知。 When we were young, we loved each other but didn't know it. 36、真爱,不是费尽心思讨好,而是一见面就会笑。 True love is not to try to please, but to smile when you meet. 37、人生苦短,而苦短的时间里,磨难却一直都在。 Life is short, but in a short time, suffering is always there. 38、最美的不是下雨天,是曾与你躲过雨的屋檐。 The most beautiful one is not the rainy day, but the eaves with which you have escaped the rain. 39、每个人一辈子皆会遇见两个人,最后,一个在心上,一个在远方。 Everyone will meet two people in his whole life. Finally, one is in his heart and the other is far away. 40、看天空的云,堆在了一起。看躺在地上的你,微笑的脸庞。 Look at the clouds in the sky. They are piled together. Look at you lying on the ground, smiling face. 41、回忆是非常美好的事,只要你能让过去的都过去。 Memory is a wonderful thing, as long as you can let the past go. 42、没有准备那就请不要开始,没有能力也请你不要承诺。 If you are not prepared, please don't start. If you have no ability, please don't promise. 43、好男人照顾你的生活,坏男人照顾你的感情。 Good men take care of your life, bad men take care of your feelings. 44、每个人心里面都有一些记忆,在某个深夜的时候,翻涌而出。 There are some memories in everyone's heart, which come out one night. 45、一念花开,一念花落。这山长水远的人世,终究是要自己走下去。 A thought of flowers blooming, a thought of flowers falling. After all, the world, which has a long history, has to go on its own. 46、真正的朋友会接受你的过去,力挺你的现在,鼓舞你的将。 Real friends will accept your past, support your present and inspire your future. 47、手心里的幸福,脆弱地经不起你一点点的冷漠。 The happiness in the palm can't stand your little indifference. 48、未来难预测,我们只坚持当下的选择。 The future is hard to predict. We only stick to the present choice. 49、偶尔对自己好些,偷个小懒,抽点小疯,不算伤天害理。 Sometimes I'm better to myself. It's not harmful to steal a little lazy and have a little crazy. 50、青灯为墙,旖旎为家,以梦为马,不负韶华。 The blue lantern is the wall, the charming is the home, and the dream is the horse, which is not inferior to the time. 51、我虽然不分东西南北,但我会走向有你的那边。 Although I don't know East, West, North and south, I will go to the side with you. 52、我要的幸福其实就是,每天能够听到你的声音。 The happiness I want is to be able to hear your voice every day. 53、想关上这城市所有的灯光,黑暗中专心闻你的发香。 If you want to turn off all the lights in this city, you can smell your hair in the dark. 54、如果全世界都对你恶语相加,我就对你说上一世情话。 If the whole world is abusing you, I'll tell you about the past. 55、原来微笑不过如此,是一种让人心醉,却又让人心碎的虚伪。 It turns out that smile is just like this. It's a kind of hypocrisy that makes people intoxicated but heartbroken. 56、耐心点,坚强点,总有一天,你承受过的疼痛会有助于你。 Be patient, be strong, and someday the pain you've been through will help you. 57、最大的安全感是:有钱。钱越多,问题就越少。 The biggest sense of security: money. The more money, the less problems. 58、时光匆匆,谁是谁的地老,谁又是谁的天荒?谁许了谁朝朝暮暮? Time is in a hurry, who is who's old, who is who's wild? Who promised who day and night? 59、世界上最廉价的东西,就是男人一事无成的温柔。 The cheapest thing in the world is the gentleness of a man. 60、我不贪心。只有一个小小的愿望:生命中永远有你。 I'm not greedy. There is only one small wish: you will always be in life. |