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(1) there is a bright white lake in front. The lake is like a crescent moon, encircling the opposite bank. People can see the pavilion in the center of the lake and the curved bridge.


(two), in a pond outside Yu Garden, stands in the Lake Pavilion tea house and a huge market.

(3) rime, sky and cloud, mountain and water, the upper and the lower are white. The shadow on the lake is just a trace of the long dike, a little bit of the pavilion in the middle of the lake, a mustard with the rest of the boat, and two or three people in the boat. Zhang Dai
(4) it's been a long time since I sat in the pavilion in the middle of the lake and chatted with a group of friends in the moonlight. I feel great!

As we all know, the waters of Ruan lake, Wuzhong lake and Xiaoying lake are also small islands.

(6) there are also the walking horse shadow play lights with the scholar's pavilion in the middle of the lake, the group silk fan of the ancient temple of Tianyou, and the wood carving people with the appearance of Xiaoqian.

(7) the pavilion in the middle of the lake, with the view of the platform, the mandarin ducks playing in the water and the wild ducks flying. Girls and boys are singing to each other. They are smart and handsome. The young man appeared in yinghaoshuang. It's hard to forget that it's too late to meet. Go forward, smile face to face, love at first sight. May you be happy all your life!

(8) I also saw you talking to qian'er in the pavilion in the middle of the lake
(9) Huiquan Pavilion, Huxin Pavilion, dock, etc.

(10) Baojing lake, surrounded by mountains on three sides and as calm as a mirror, reflects the scenery of the mountains. Several green isolated mountains are scattered on the lakeside, and nine curved wooden bridges connect the pavilions in the center of the lake. The boat is in the lake and the scenery is natural.



(i), quelques jours de brouillard, ciel et nuages, montagnes et eau, blanc.L'ombre sur le lac n'est qu'une marque sur la longue digue, un peu dans le pavillon du lac, une moutarde avec le reste du bateau, deux ou trois grains dans le bateau.Zhang Dai


(Ⅱ), et construit le pavillon Huiquan, le pavillon central du lac, le quai, etc.


(Ⅲ), vue de la terrasse du loft du pavillon central du lac, canards mandarins jouant avec des canards sauvages.Les filles et les gar?ons chantent, beaux et beaux regards brisés.Le jeune homme est apparu à l'arrogance, se rencontrant tard est inoubliable.Face à face, souriez et regardez.Que votre vie soit heureuse et belle!


(IV). Il y a aussi des Lanternes d'opéra à cheval peintes avec le pavillon du coeur du lac de l'érudit, des ventilateurs de soie imprimés avec l'ancien temple de Yan You et des sculpteurs en bois sculptés avec l'apparence de Xiaoqian.


(v), juste à l'extérieur du Jardin Yuyuan, il y a une maison de thé huxinting et un grand bazar.













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