1、心中有戏,目中无人。 Play mind, defiant. 2、似醉非关酒,闻香不是花。 Not like drunk wine, not a flower. 3、人,得自个儿成全自个儿。 Man, got to be himself. 4、我是假霸王,你是真虞姬。 I'm a fake overlord, you are really concubine. 5、如果你不相信我,怎么帮助我。 If you don't believe me, how can I help. 6、他不是我父亲,他是我的爱人。 He's not my father. He's my lover. 7、原来失去记忆就等于失去灵魂。 The original loss of memory is tantamount to losing the soul. 8、生活很简单,作出选择,绝不回头! Life is simple, make choices, never look back! 9、时间向前走,我还往后看做什么? Time to move forward, I also look forward to what? 10、凡是要走的路啊,都是必经之路。 All the way to go ah, are the only way. 11、将来谁要娶了你不是奴隶就是孙子! Who will marry you in the future is not a slave is a grandson! 12、我太年轻了,甚至不懂怎么去爱她。 I am too young to know how to love her. 13、总是有要照看的东西。你还有时间。 There's always something to look after. You still have time. 14、人生很简单,做了决定就不要后悔。 Life is simple, make a decision and don't regret it. 15、可以流血可以流汗但是不可以流泪。 You can sweat and sweat, but you can't shed tears. 16、成年人的生活里,没有“容易”二字。 Adults in the life, there is no "easy" two words. 17、无论报仇还是报恩我都会和你在一起。 I will be with you no matter or revenge. 18、我们人类更关心的是拥有,而不是存在。 We human beings are more concerned with owning, rather than being. 19、我们为什么会跌倒,是为了学会站起来。 Why do we fall, is to learn to stand up. 20、我和你要无比坚强的走过人生的每一条路。 I and you have to be very strong through the road of life. 21、爸爸,你不过去吗?你过去了我就过去了! Dad, are you not in the past? You passed me by! 22、定义你的不是你的本质,而是你的所作所为。 Your definition is not your nature, but the doings of your. 23、有的时候,事情发生了,就没有办法回头了。 Sometimes things happen, there is no way back. 24、不要黑暗,不要躲藏,不要山洞,追随光明。 No dark, do not hide, do not follow the light. 25、只有面对真正的自我,才能获得真正的自由。 Only to face the true self, in order to obtain the real freedom. 26、你真正是谁并不重要,重要的是你的所做所为。 Who you are is not important, important is what you've done. 27、**合该在床上有情,戏子,只能在台上有义。 The bitch of love, on the bed of actors, only have meaning in taiwan. 28、你为什么对我如此吝啬?我需要爱,或是死亡? Why are you so mean to me? I need love or death? 29、男人钱多钱少不重要,找一个知冷知热疼你的。 Men less money is not important, find a Zhilengzhire hurts you. 30、最好的爱情就是,在你离开之后,我活成了你。 Love is the best, after you leave, I live you. 31、如此多的知识,你可以解开这个宇宙以外的序列。 So much knowledge, you can unlock the sequence of the universe outside. 32、你得陪我衬衫!你什么时候还我衬衫?我衬衫呢? You have to accompany my shirt! What time do you have my shirt? My shirt? 33、当你和罪犯同流合污,你是不是也开始同情他们? When you lived among the criminals, did you start to sympathize with them? 34、因为是心甘情愿地沉溺,即使死亡也无须被拯救。 Because it is the most willing to indulgence, even death is not to be saved. 35、我有一个特别好的女朋友,她跟我的男朋友好了。 I have a very good girlfriend, she told my boyfriend. 36、人有人路,妖有妖道,你为什么总跟我过不去呢。 People road, a Yaodao demon with me, why do you not go. 37、这个世界那么狡猾,你不狡猾一点,怎样混下去。 This world is so cunning, you are not a little cunning, how to get along. 38、使沙漠显得美丽的,是它在什么地方藏着一口水井。 The desert is beautiful, is it hides a well in what place. 39、这就是邪恶的天性,届时,肮脏的生物会不断涌现。 This is the evil nature, then, dirty creatures will continue to emerge. 40、所有的大人都曾经是小孩,虽然,只有少数的人记得。 All grown-ups were once children, although few of them remember. 41、时间会过去的,生活的强劲足以背负起我们所有的人。 Time past, life is robust enough to carry all of us. 42、不过,在学校和社会里,擅长学习就是最重要的武器。 However, in the school and the society, good at learning is the most important weapon. 43、要不要挑战既有的法则,进化再进化,取决于我们自己。 Would you like to challenge the existing rules, evolution and evolution, depends on our own. 44、生活才不是生命荒唐的编号,生活的意义在于生活本身。 Life is not life ridiculous number, the meaning of life is life itself. 45、最可怕的地方,不是**,而是让一个人,迷失了自己。 The most terrible place, not to kill, but let a person lose myself. 46、穷,不是说你口袋里面有多少,而是说你心里面有多少。 Poor, not say how many in your pocket, but how many of your heart. 47、真相有时之所以难以被接受,是因为谎言听起来美好多了。 The truth is sometimes difficult to accept, because it sounds much better. 48、为什么我们往往要等到眼前的事物即将消失才会懂得珍惜? Why do we often have to wait until things lost only know how to cherish? 49、地方虽小,可在那里我睡得安心,而且那里还有我的朋友。 Is a small place where I can sleep at ease, and there are my friends. 50、那凄凉的战地上只会长出虚伪种下的荒草,或者挖苦滋生的花朵。 The desolate battlefield only grow a false weeds, or dig breeding flowers. 51、我所认为最深沉的爱,莫过于分开以后,我将自己活成了你的样子。 The deepest love I think, later than apart, I will live as you like. 52、我不得不说我爱你,因为我爱你。我可以永远不见你,因为我爱你。 I have to say I love you, because I love you. I can never see you, because I love you. 53、蓝魔手札上说,找到了真正的爱情,不管是人是魔,根本没有分别。 Ramos said the letter, find true love, no matter who is no magic, respectively. 54、世界是一片海,命运是风,所有的相遇和离别,不过是瞬间的波涛。 The world is a piece of sea, fate is the wind, all of the meeting and parting, but a moment's waves. 55、只有用心灵才能看得清事物本质,真正重要的东西是肉眼无法看见的。 It is only with the heart that one can see clearly the essence of things, what is essential is invisible to the eye. 56、你穿着虞姬的戏服,你画着虞姬的装束,你以虞姬的方式结束了自己。 Are you wearing a Yu Ji costume, you painted Yu Ji's costume, you in the way of Yu Ji ended his. 57、不要以为我不懂爱情,我的胃知道。它以前老是痛,现在确是暖暖的。 Do not think that I do not understand love, know my stomach. It was always painful, is now warm. 58、这就是你的现状,你对它不满意,那是因为人生本来就不是令人满意的。 This is your current situation, you are not satisfied with it, it is because life is not satisfactory. 59、我梦到的爱情,总是离我那么近,可是我站在你身边,你却总是一言不发。 I dream of love, always so close to me, but I stand beside you, but you always not to utter a single word. 60、记忆到底是什么?原来,我们什么都战胜不了,之前是命运,之后是回忆。 What is memory? Originally, what we can conquer, before is the fate, after is the memories. 61、人是会变的,但如果别人变了,未必是别人错了,问题是我们自己没有进步。 People can change, but if someone else has changed, is not necessarily wrong, the problem is that we have no progress. |