1、随风飘摇红尘一笑,只为醉逍遥。 Fluttering red smile, only for the drunk. 2、幸福不是得你所想,而是想你所得。 Happiness is not about what you think, but what you get. 3、今朝有酒今朝醉,一路坎坷不后退。 At present, there is a wine drunk, all the way to the ups and downs do not retreat. 4、脑袋空空不要紧,关键是不要进水。 Empty head is not important, the key is not to water. 5、葡萄美酒夜光杯,金钱野鸭一大堆。 Wine glowing in the luminous jade cups, a lot of money wild duck. 6、海是倒过来的天姐妹是倒不完的水。 The sea is upside down the day and sisters are not over the water. 7、我不是没脾气,只是不轻易发脾气。 I didn't lose my temper, but I didn't lose my temper easily. 8、天冷了,记得围上围巾,戴好帽子。 It was cold, remember to wear a hat and scarf. 9、很多时候女人不是笨,只是懒得聪明。 A lot of times a woman is not stupid, just too lazy to smart. 10、分手后,才知道谁是真情,谁是假意。 After the break, to know who is the truth, who is false. 11、别在姐面前装人物,你顶多是个动物。 Don't you figure in the elder sister in front, at the most is the animal. 12、躺在万劫不复的街头,画地为牢守候。 Lying in the street waiting for the prison doomed eternally. 13、你的眼里没有我,永远看不到我伤感。 You don't have me in your eyes, I can't see my sadness. 14、闺蜜第一,爱人唯一,父母无人能比。 Bestie first, the only love, no one can than parents. 15、我就剩那么一点倔强,称得上我的优点。 I have so a little stubborn, be called my advantage. 16、做个女汉子谁把你当备胎你就让谁爆胎。 A man who put you when you let who spare tire. 17、**叔叔、为什么你们都带着绿帽子。 The PLA uncle, why are you with a cuckold. 18、就讓我一個人失憶,消失在妳的世界裏。 Let me amnesia, disappear in your world. 19、我姓坚名强,只要没死就还能笑的猖狂。 My name is Kennedy name, if not dead can still laugh rampant. 20、姐没有错过,只有错的一塌糊涂的时候。 I did not miss, only wrong in a complete mess. 21、书山有路先干为敬,学海无涯八宝作粥。 There is a road to Xiangan king, eight porridge for There is no end for learning. 22、听说你过得不好,我坐在门口乐了一整天。 I heard you're not good, I was sitting in the door for a whole day. 23、会不会在我离开之后,你才能想起我的好。 Will you think of me when I'm away. 24、世上本没有帅哥,科技高了,自然便有了。 There is no handsome guy in the world, technology is high, and there is a natural. 25、还是把你放在心底吧,说出来,怕太喧哗。 Or put you in the bottom of my heart, say it, afraid of too much noise. 26、不发生点烂事你永远看不清身边人的模样。 Don't happen, you will never see the appearance of the people around you. 27、我一直站在回忆里,所以才会如此的放不开。 I have been standing in the memory, so will not be so open. 28、像我们这种没钱又不美的姑娘也只能善良了。 The girl who has no money and no money like us can only be kind. 29、感谢上苍我所拥有的,感谢上苍我所没有的。 Thank God I have, thank God I do not have. 30、大女人不可一日无权,小女人不可一日无钱。 A big woman can not have a right to a day, a small woman can not be a day without money. 31、我不是你后宫里的妃,不稀罕你偶尔的宠幸。 I'm not your harem princess, do not care you occasionally patronize. 32、每个人心里,都住着这么一个人,遥远的爱着。 Everyone in the heart, are living such a person, distant love. 33、习惯性趴在桌面上,简单旳安静,淡淡旳幸福。 The habit of lying on the desktop, simple quiet, faint happiness. 34、亲爱的,纵然世界都静止,我的选择仍然是你。 My dear, even if the world is still, my choice is you. 35、沵犯的错涐一笑而过,涐犯的错沵却绝不放过。 You mistake me laugh, I mistake you but never let go. 36、我能想到最浪漫的事。就是和你一起慢慢变老。 I can think of the most romantic thing. Is to slowly grow old together with you. 37、不要埋怨别人让你失望了,怪你自己期望太多。 Don't complain about others let you down, blame yourself too much. 38、我一直过着低碳生活,一直过着低头叹气的生活。 I have been living a low carbon life, has had a bow sigh of life. 39、在自行车后座上的时候,拥抱自己的都是形容词。 In the back seat of the bicycle, embrace their own words. 40、为什么相爱的人不能够在一起、偏偏换成了回忆。 Why don't love people together, just change into memories. 41、因为是你,所以我愿意。因为是你,所以我放弃。 Because it is you, so I would like to. Because it is you, so I give up. 42、如果我放弃,不是因为我输了,而是因为我懂了。 If I give up, not because I lost, but because I understand. 43、我不怕被男人背叛、因为我会在他背叛之前背叛。 I am not afraid of being betrayed by a man, for I will betray him before he betrays me. 44、我还在这里,一直都在,可你却不知道我在等你。 I'm still here, always, but you don't know I'm waiting for you. 45、你再惹我,我一拳把你打入墙里,抠也抠不出来。 You offend me again, I'll blow you into the wall, you can't pull it out. 46、为何你要爱到晚到,对的人不对的时间,却放不掉。 Why do you want to love to late, to the people of the wrong time, but can not put off. 47、我可以没有男朋友,也可以没有钱,但是我不能你。 I can not have a boyfriend, but also can have no money, but I can not you. 48、回忆本来是非常美好的,只要你能让过去的都过去。 Memory is wonderful if you don't have to deal with the past. 49、我不贪心,只有一个小小的愿望:生命中永远有你。 I am not greedy, only a little wish: life always have you. 50、等我有钱了,我就带我最讨厌的人去最好的**院。 When I have money, I take my most hated people to the best nerve hospital. 51、我总是在担心失去谁,现在想想,有谁会担心失去我。 I always worry about losing who, now think about, who would worry about losing me. 52、我也想闭上眼睛,感受你在我身边,而不是空无大海。 I would also like to close my eyes, feel you in my side, not the empty sea. 53、以后那么多的悲伤那么多的凄凉,只有我一个人抵挡。 After so many sad so many sad, only I a person to resist. 54、一个吃货的原则就是,谁天天给我买零食我就喜欢谁。 A chowhound principle is, who give me every day to buy snacks I love who. 55、白痴的女人想着解决女人、聪明的女人想着解决男人。 An idiot woman thinks of a woman, a smart woman, and a man. 56、兔子不吃窝边草,何况质量又不好,何必非在身边找。 Rabbits do not eat nest side grass, and the quality is not good, why not in the side to find. 57、我用尽一生一世来将你供养,只期盼你停驻流转的目光。 I spend my whole life to support you, only hope you stop in the circulation of the eyes. 58、就算你伤我最深最痛最致命,我却还是忘不掉放不下你。 Even if you hurt me the deepest and most painful the most deadly, I still forget not to drop you. 59、看着朋友跌倒不扶的人,我想今后你跌倒也没人去扶你。 Looking at a friend fall does not help people, I think in the future you fall no one to help you. 60、想想曾经他还是你的时候,是不是就不会再这么难过了。 Think once he is your time, is not it will not be so sad. 61、那种可硬可软可泼可娇可傲的女汉子,才最值得你拥有! That can be hard to soft, can be poured can be proud of the female man, only the most worthy of your own! 62、你从来不会在乎我的什么,而我总是很很在乎你的一切。 You never care about me, but I always care about you. 63、每当冲锋号响起,我就赶紧躲进壕沟里,因为:我是卧底! When the trumpet sounded, I hurried into the ditch, because I was undercover! 64、我不需要一张照片把你记起,因为在我脑海你从未曾离去。 I don't need a photograph to remember you, because you never left in my head. 65、信任就像一张纸,皱了,再努力试图抚平,也恢复不了原样。 Trust is like a piece of paper, wrinkle, and then try to heal, but also can not restore the original. 66、女生不努力的两种结果,穿不完的地摊货,逛不完的菜市场。 The two girls do not work, does not wear to spread the goods, the market does not ramble. 67、昨日的爱情、今日的凄凉、曾经属于我们的爱情已经不复存在! Yesterday's love, today's bleak, once belongs to our love no longer exists! 68、我瞒下来的情绪有时候消化不来,就变得冷漠刻薄迂回难相处。 I hide the emotions sometimes can not digest, it becomes cold and mean detour difficult to get along. 69、在不知不觉中,我突然有一种这样的感觉,不是不爱,是不能爱。 In imperceptible in, I suddenly have a kind of feeling, not not love, is not love. 70、我讨厌被放在可有可无的位置,是不是没有人陪了,你才想起我。 I hate to be put in the position is not essential, no one to accompany you, just think of me. 71、前面的路还很远,你可能会哭,但是一定要走下去,一定不能停。 The road ahead is still a long way, you may cry, but must go on, must not stop. 72、穿过岁月的河流,最初的心情似乎已经模糊。终挽不住风样的流年。 Through the river of time, the initial mood seems to have blurred. The end doesn't stop the wind like fleeting. 73、活了二十多年,没能为祖国、为人民做点什么,每思及此,伤心欲绝。 More than and 20 years of life, not for the motherland, for what people, every thought of this, heartbroken. 74、靠爸妈,你顶多是公主。靠老公,你顶多是王妃。靠自己,你才是女王。 By parents, you can be the princess. You are the princess by her husband, at most. By yourself, you are the queen. 75、有时候很累,不想说话也不想动,不需要安慰和陪伴,只想要一个人呆着。 Sometimes very tired, do not want to talk and do not want to move, do not need to comfort and companionship, just want to stay alone. 76、也许是前世的姻,也许是来生的缘,错在今生相见,徒增一段无果的恩怨。 Maybe the previous marriage, perhaps next life reason, wrong in this life to meet, adds a fruitless. 77、我不微笑,不是因为我懒得微笑。而是我不知怎么笑,笑什么,为谁而笑? I don't smile, not because I'm too lazy to smile. But I don't know how to smile, smile, smile for who? 78、不要吧太多的希望寄托在一个人身上。因为他们一旦离开,你将会一无所有。 Don't want too much hope in a person. Because once they leave, you will have nothing. 79、心疼你的人,他永远得不到你的重视。陪你玩耍的人,你永远把他放在第一位。 Love your people, he will never get your attention. The man who plays with you, you always put him in the first place. 80、我爱的人我要亲手给她幸福,别人我不放心。我是你的小星星,你是我的小太阳。 I love the people I want to give her happiness, others I do not worry. I am your little star, you are my little sun. |
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