1、这女人的裙子上缀满了宝石和玉石,简直像一件红宝石铠甲。 This woman's dress is studded with jewels and jade, just like a ruby. 2、今天,我穿了一件花花绿绿裙子,金光闪闪的绸缎腕成蝴蝶结,腰间的粉红腰带犹如一条红色的溪水,潺潺的向两边流淌,直到“相逢”,组成一条粉桃桃的腰带,真是般配了! Today, I was wearing a brightly coloured skirt, glittering satin bow wrist, waist belt is like a pink red stream, gurgling flowing to both sides, until the "encounter", composed of a powder peach belt, it is matched! 3、一个黄衣少女笑吟吟的站在门口,肤光胜雪,双目犹似一泓清水,在各人脸上转了。 A yellow smiling girl standing in the doorway, cream colored eyes, like water, turned in his face. 4、她像一尊雕塑,老是那么个表情:不乐不忧,不慌不忙,不焦不躁。 She is like a statue, is always a facial expression: neither pleasure nor sorrow, unhurried, not impatient jiao. 5、汽车风驰电掣地在高速公路上行驶。司机五十开外,身材高大,脸呈古铜色,穿一件蓝色的工作服,戴顶米色的鸭舌帽,几根稀疏的白发从帽沿飘逸而出。有这样一位司机开车,使人有一种安全感。 The car driving on the highway to go by like the wind. The driver is over fifty, tall, bronzed face, wearing a blue overalls, wearing a beige peaked cap, a sparse white hair from the brim flowing out. There is such a driver to drive, so that people have a sense of security. 6、粉红玫瑰香紧身袍袍袖上衣,下罩翠绿烟纱散花裙,腰间用金丝软烟罗系成一个大大的蝴蝶结,鬓发低垂斜插碧玉瓒凤钗,显的体态修长妖妖艳艳勾人魂魄。 Pink rose tight sleeveless robe robe, under the cover of green smoke flower skirt waist with gold yarn, soft smoke Luo tie into a big bow, hair drooping Xiecha jade Zan Feng Chai, the slender Red Hook demon demon soul. 7、她秀雅绝俗,自有一股轻灵之气,肌肤娇嫩、神态悠闲、美目流盼、桃腮带笑、含辞未吐、气若幽兰,说不尽的温柔可人。 Her fair Juesu, there is a light gas, delicate skin, relaxed demeanor, lovely eyes, rosy cheeks, smiling with speech not spit, gas if the orchids, endless gentle and pleasant. 8、他穿着带红肩章的黄衣服,红扑扑的脸上嵌着一双水汪汪的大眼睛,一笑起来,嘴角露出两个小酒窝,虎头虎脑的,谁见了谁喜欢。 He is wearing a yellow dress with red epaulets, red face a pair of watery eyes, a smile, mouth revealing two small dimples, dignified and strong, who see who love. 9、高挑秀雅的身材。衣服是冰蓝的上好丝绸,绣着雅致竹叶花纹的雪白滚边和他头上的羊脂玉发簪交相辉映。巧妙的烘托出一位艳丽贵公子的非凡身影。 Tall stature. Good clothes are blue silk, embroidered with white trim and elegant bamboo pattern on his head white jade hairpin. Clever draw a gorgeous childe's extraordinary figure. 10、她折纤腰以微步,呈皓腕于轻纱。眸含春水清波流盼,头上倭堕髻斜插碧玉龙凤钗。香娇玉嫩秀靥艳比花娇,指如削葱根口如含朱丹,一颦一笑动人心魂。 Her waist to fold a veil in step, Hao wan. With eyes on the head when spring Shiba, Japanese Xiecha jade dragon aborting bun chai. Beauty show my brilliant than the flower, like cutting onion root mouth with Zhu Dan, moving every twinkle and smile. 11、一身淡蓝色宫装,裙幅褶褶如雪月光华流动轻泻于地,乌黑的长发,随风摆动,带动了淡蓝色发带,身上散发出一股熏衣草的馨香。 A light blue palace, Qunfu fold as snow in the moonlight flowing Chinese laxative, long black hair, swaying in the wind, LED light blue hair ribbon, the body exudes a lavender fragrance. 12、略施粉黛,身着简单的淡蓝色宫服,宫服上绣着几朵莲花,穿着简单,但却不失华贵的气质。肤白如新剥鲜菱,双眉修长,眉目间隐然有一股书卷的清气。一张脸秀丽绝俗。 Apply a Fendai, wearing a simple blue house dress, house dress embroidered with lotus flowers, wearing a simple but luxurious temperament. Skin white as peeling fresh turbot, slim eyebrows, a book to make it clear. A face of beauty and custom. 13、一袭浅紫色碧荷高腰儒裙,淡淡的紫色,裙上绣着一朵白色的蔷薇,一朵,唯一的一朵,裙脚上绣着一只翩然起舞的蝴蝶,仿佛欲飞向那蔷薇。 Dressed in a light purple green lotus waist Ru skirt, light purple skirt, embroidered with a white rose, a flower, only one skirt, embroidered with a dancing butterfly, as if to fly to the rose. 14、淡蓝色素衣裹身,外披白色纱衣,露出线条优美的颈项和清晰可见的锁骨,裙幅褶褶如雪月光华流动轻泻于地,挽迤三尺有余,使得步态愈加雍容柔美。 Light blue wrapped in plain clothes, covered with white yarn, with graceful neck and visible clavicle, Qunfu fold as snow in the moonlight flowing Hua laxative, Wan Yi three feet, the more graceful gentle gait. 15、一条闪着细小水钻的黑色吊带短裙搭着一件小巧的牛仔披肩,配着一双黑色的抽折高筒靴。 A black dress flashing small diamond draped a little cowboy shawl, with a pair of black smoke fold high boots. 16、她穿着豪华的黑缎长服,像鱼鳞般闪着红白相间的小金片。 She was wearing a long black satin luxury clothing, like a small piece of gold fish like flashing red and white. 17、纯白的校服上衣上,几颗金扣作为装饰,紫色长发洒在腰间,下身是紫色天鹅绒群,一双白色的学生靴,上有一个淡紫色的小蝴蝶结。 White uniform coat, a few pieces of gold as a decoration, purple hair sprinkled on the waist, and purple velvet group, a pair of white students boots, with a light purple butterfly knot. 18、玉手轻挑银弦,双手在古琴上拨动着,声音宛然动听,有节奏,宛如天籁之音,过了许久,结束了这首曲子的弹奏,缓缓站起。 Light hand pick silver strings, hands struck in the guqin, sounds like sounds, rhythm, like music, after a long time, the end of the play that song, slowly stood up. 19、肤如凝脂,白里透红,温婉如玉,晶莹剔透。比最洁白的羊脂玉还要纯白无暇;比最温和的软玉还要温软晶莹;比最娇美的玫瑰花瓣还要娇嫩鲜艳;比最清澈的水晶还要秀美水灵。 Lily-white skin, rosy, gentle jade, crystal clear. Than the white white jade and white no time; the most gentle and soft than nephrite crystal; than the most charming rose even more delicate than the bright; clear crystal and beautiful juicy. 20、冷俊的脸却掩饰不住那天生丽质的脸一笑倾城再笑倾国冷艳的表情遮不住那倾国的容颜白皙的皮肤、乌黑的头发,五官又特别的孩子气。 The cold handsome face but could not conceal his face in the fight and then laughed a born beauty beauty cool expression not cover the beauty - white skin, black hair, facial features and special. 21、上身着一件淡绿轻纱罗衣、纹理斑驳、飘逸秀丽、下身一袭百花裙、上有百花绣饰、腰间一条银色腰带系着细腰。 Dressed in a white veil, texture, elegant and beautiful silken mottled, and flowers, flowers on the skirt was a silver embroidery, waist belt of the waist. 22、淡粉色宫装,裙角绣着展翅欲飞的淡蓝色蝴蝶,外披一层白色轻纱。微风轻拂,竟有一种随风而去的感觉。丝绸般墨色的秀发随意的飘散在腰间,身材纤细,蛮腰赢弱,更显得楚楚动人。 The pink Palace Dress, skirt embroidered zhanchiyufei light blue butterfly, covered with a layer of white veil. The breeze, was there a Suifengerqu feeling. The silky hair black random drift in the waist, slender waist, weak, more lovingly pathetic. 23、礼服紧紧地贴着身体的线条,在腰间攒出云朵般锦簇的褶皱,然后突然释放宽的的裙摆。星光般的钻石点缀其间,褶褶生辉。 The dress clung to the body lines, a cloud of glorious folds on the waist to save, and then releasing the skirt wide. Star Diamond embellished, fold up. 24、他身上穿着一件被雪水融湿了的外套,又长又大,一直拖到膝盖,活像一条毯子裹在他瘦骨嶙峋的肩上。 He was wearing a snow thawing wet coat body, long and big, has been dragged to the knees, like a blanket wrapped in his bony shoulders. 25、她穿着杏黄色的短呢大衣,灰色毛涤裤子和一双小巧的半高跟黑皮鞋。脖子上围着一条雪白的纱巾,衬托着黑黑的眼睛和头发,叫人想起燕子胸前的羽毛。 She wore apricot yellow short coat, grey wool trousers and a pair of small semi high-heeled black shoes. He wore a white scarf, framed black eyes and black hair, is reminiscent of the breast feathers. 26、他穿着件短不够短,长不够长,莲蓬篓儿似的棉袄,襟上肘上已都露了棉花。 He was wearing a short short enough, long enough, I Louer like cotton padded jacket, lapel elbow has exposed cotton. 27、淡紫色宫装长裙,长及倚地。细长腰带束住腰身,缓步行走,翩于身后。广袖轻盈,裙褶翩然,随意一转,便如丛中飞蝶。 The palace pale purple dress, long and lean. Slender belt tied waist, slowly walking behind here. Spread light, skirt lightly, at a turn, as in the butterfly. 28、身着淡粉色锦缎裹胸,下坠白色曳地烟胧荷花百水裙,轻挽淡薄如清雾胧绢纱,腰间坠一条淡青色丝带,挂了个熏衣草荷包,不时散发出阵阵幽香。 Dressed in pink satin wrapped chest, white smoke falling hikiji 100 water lotus hazy light pull skirt, weak as clear fog hazy silk yarn, waist pendant a pale blue ribbon, hung a lavender fragrance purse, from time to time. 29、一袭兰色的纱质长裙,看起来淡雅脱俗,外面是深兰色的,裙摆绣满珍珠的薄长纱,高雅飘逸,腰系一条深蓝色绣花腰带,腰边系一串银色小铃铛。 Dressed in a blue gauze dress, looks elegant and refined, the outside is a dark blue skirt, embroidered with pearls long thin yarn, graceful and elegant, the waist is a deep blue embroidered belt, waist line a bunch of little silver bells. 30、你带着一串笑声从屋外走进客厅,轻松随便地穿一套红色运动衫,那么美丽多姿,那么热情似火,又那么恬淡简朴,一种不可名状的爱慕之情,蓦然在我心中升起。 You from the outside into the living room with a bunch of laughter, easy to wear a red sweater, so beautiful, so passionate, so tranquil and simple, an indescribable feeling of love, suddenly in my heart. 31、我有一条美丽的裙子。它的裙边镶着紫色的纱在吊带上还两边各有一条蝴蝶结,在胸前还有一朵紫色的大花,裙子上到处都是镶着金片的紫色的花,可好看了。 I have a beautiful skirt. It's skirt with a purple yarn in a sling is on each side of a bow on the chest, there is a big purple flower skirt, is covered with gold pieces of purple flowers, good-looking. 32、身着淡粉色纱衣,袖口绣洁白的花边,颈前叠两层乳白色纱领,繁复而精致,因为太过消瘦而锁骨分明。 Dressed in pale pink yarn clothing, embroidered white lace cuffs, neck fold two layers of milky white yarn collar, complicated and delicate, because it is too thin and clear. 33、寐含春水脸如凝脂,白色牡丹烟罗软纱,逶迤白色拖地烟笼梅花百水裙,身系软烟罗,还真有点粉腻酥融娇欲滴的味道。 Sleep with water face as creamy, white peony, soft smoke white smoke cage winding yarn, mop the floor plum 100 water body skirt, soft smoke, really a little greasy powder crisp tender taste melts. 34、老师除了热天穿件灰布衫外,春秋夭经常穿件褪了色的青布中式夹袄,冷夭就穿那件右肘补了块补钉的青布中式棉袄。 The teacher in addition to wear a grey shirt in hot spring, Yao often wears a faded blue cloth Chinese style jacket, Yao is cold dress up right elbow patch green cloth Chinese jacket. 35、突然,蒙古包的门被撞开了,一个身穿草绿色长袍,腰间像大人一样宽宽地扎着红绸腰带的七八岁的男孩,骑着一根长长的柳条子,身上还挂着马枪、弓箭,横冲直撞地跑进来。 Suddenly, the door was opened in Mongolia package, wearing a green robe, waist as wide as adults to wearing a red silk belt, seven or eight year old boy, riding a long wicker, wearing a carbine, bow and arrow, ran in a rampage. |
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