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(1) the synonym of "self invention" is "self invention".

(2) synonyms of "no distinction between right and wrong", "no distinction between black and white" and "no distinction between right and wrong".

(3) the synonym of "cheer up" is "shout out".

(4) the synonyms of "never look forward to the future" are "never worry about the past" and "never be safe".

(5) the synonyms of contending for advantages and disadvantages are contending for more and less.

(6) the synonym of staying at home is staying at home and staying at home.

(7) the synonyms of "turn failure into success" are "turn failure into victory" and "turn failure into success".

(8) in the dictionary of single women in the new era, hating marriage is not about how you haven't married, but about how you haven't married a man who is rich, handsome, single-minded and loves literature and music. Therefore, the synonym of hate marriage is: deserve it.

(9) the synonyms of meaningless words are irrelevant, flashy and on paper.

(10) the synonyms of self desperation and self abandonment are self abasement and self shame.



(1) pour rendre l'expression faciale très appropriée, il faut choisir soigneusement les synonymes.


(Ⅱ) Les synonymes indestructibles sont innombrables, innombrables et innombrables.


(ⅲ) Les synonymes qui ont des significations significatives ont un sens, un sens et une concision.


(4) dans le dictionnaire des célibataires de la nouvelle ère, la haine du mariage n'est pas de se ha?r pour ne pas être marié, mais de se ha?r pour ne pas avoir épousé un homme riche et beau qui aime la littérature et la musique.Par conséquent, le mot de haine pour le mariage est: il le mérite.


(v), boire de la carpe pour étancher la soif de synonymes tels que la faim.






















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