1、文化有他这样强大的力量,而伴随着钟声的敲响,时尚文化也会充满光明和希望。 Culture has such a powerful power, and with the ringing of the bell, fashion culture will also be full of light and hope. 2、追求时尚,不是只注重表面,而是一种由内及外的修行。 The pursuit of fashion is not only focused on the surface, but also an inner and outer cultivation. 3、时尚的脚步在前进,对于正处于青春期的我们,是一个很大的**。 The pace of fashion is advancing, which is a big temptation for us who are in adolescence. 4、时尚是新颖的标志,是走在时代的尖端。 Fashion is a sign of novelty and the cutting edge of the times. 5、时尚是跟随潮流,风格则是成为你自己。 Fashion is to follow the trend, and style is to be yourself. 6、在追求时尚的同时,自己也就更时尚了。 In the pursuit of fashion at the same time, they are more fashionable. 7、风格是我们每个人已有的特质,我们需要做的就是找到它。 Style is something we all have, and all we need to do is find it. 8、人们所谓的时尚,就是跟随潮流,走在时代前列。 The so-called fashion is to follow the trend and walk in the forefront of the times. 9、只要我们能够保留一种时尚的心态,无论什么时候,我们都能够与时俱进。 As long as we can keep a fashion mentality, no matter when, we can keep pace with the times. 10、要时尚,就要做自己,一味地模仿,追潮流,反而会落得一个贻笑大方的结局。 To be fashionable, we need to be ourselves, blindly imitate and follow the trend. Instead, we will have a happy ending. 11、时尚,它踏着现代的步子走在舞台上,举手投足间朝气蓬勃。 Fashion, it walks on the stage with modern steps, vigorous and vigorous. 12、时尚如同七彩屏,转瞬间,就变成了它的色彩。 Fashion is like a colorful screen. In a flash, it becomes its color. 13、时尚是现行流行趋势的反映,是财富的象征。 Fashion is the reflection of current fashion trend and the symbol of wealth. 14、我们不追求时尚,使时尚追求我们,我们不在意时尚,使时尚在意我们。 We don't pursue fashion, make fashion pursue us, we don't care about fashion, make fashion care about us. 15、时尚是一种潮流,是一种风气,是一种心情。 Fashion is a trend, a fashion and a mood. 16、时尚女人穿衣服,不是衣服穿她。 Fashion women wear clothes, not clothes. 17、时尚不是哗众取宠,而是对美的诠释。 Fashion is not sensationalism, but the interpretation of beauty. 18、我们既要向时尚迈进,但也不能抛弃传统。我们需要时尚,也需要传统。 We need to move forward to fashion, but we can't abandon tradition. We need fashion as well as tradition. 19、只要我们“张扬”个性,“尽显”自己,我们就是“时尚”大潮中永远的时尚。 As long as we "publicize" our personality and "show" ourselves, we are the eternal fashion in the "fashion" tide. 20、时尚,在我们每个人的心里,永不消逝。 Fashion, in our hearts, will never die. 21、任何人都可以打扮得光鲜亮丽,但个人品味流露于日常穿着。 Anyone can dress up beautifully, but personal taste is revealed in daily wear. 22、时尚,是跳动的生命,是精神的欲望,它总是在不经意间拔动你的心弦。 Fashion, is the beating life, is the spiritual desire, it is always inadvertently pull your heartstrings. 23、品味时尚,时尚原来如此,倒也颇有收获。 Taste fashion, fashion is so, but also quite harvest. 24、时尚,丰富了我们的生活;传统,坚守着我们的精神世界。 Fashion enriches our life; tradition upholds our spiritual world. 25、时尚召唤创新,时尚推动生活前进,时尚使我们永葆青春。 Fashion calls for innovation. Fashion pushes life forward. Fashion keeps us young forever. 26、时尚文化是一幅美丽的画,青春的跃动便是画的底色,蔷薇花开,水晶帘动,至善至美的文化将永不消逝。 Fashion culture is a beautiful painting. The spring of youth is the base color of painting. The rose blossom and crystal curtain move. The most perfect and beautiful culture will never disappear. 27、时尚一个普遍的字眼,却给许多人带来不一样的色彩。 Fashion is a common word, but it brings different colors to many people. 28、每个人都嘲笑陈旧的时尚,却虔虔诚地追随时尚。 Everyone laughs at the old fashion but follows it piously. 29、时尚就是一道美丽的风景线,带给人们更多快乐,以美不胜收的状态让人慢慢熟知。 Fashion is a beautiful scenery line, which brings people more happiness and makes people know it slowly in a beautiful state. 30、在艰难时期,时尚总是令人不能容忍的。 In tough times, fashion is always intolerable. 31、时尚是流动的而不是凝固的,它不能永恒,但却永远年轻。 Fashion is fluid, not frozen. It can't last forever, but it's always young. 32、时尚,是意识的蔓延,是思潮的扩张,它总在有意和无意间引领你的行动。 Fashion, is the spread of consciousness, is the expansion of ideological trend, it always guides your actions intentionally and unintentionally. 33、时尚者,时代风尚之谓也。时尚抵御平庸,时尚驱逐保守,时尚拒绝一成不变。 Fashion is the fashion of the times. Fashion resists mediocrity, fashion expels conservatism, fashion refuses to remain the same. 34、品味时尚,不要盲目从众,更不要去盲目追星,切记凡事是有限度的。 Taste fashion, do not blindly follow the crowd, not to blindly chase stars, remember that everything is limited. 35、我需要与众不同,而且无可取代。 I need to be different and irreplaceable. 36、时尚为单调的生活润色了不少,也带给人们精神上不少愉悦。 Fashion not only embellishes the monotonous life, but also brings people a lot of spiritual pleasure. 37、我设计的不是衣服,我设计的是梦想。 I don't design clothes. I design dreams. 38、真正的时尚经得住时间的考验,他像美酒,经过时间的沉淀后会变成醇香的美酒。 Real fashion can stand the test of time. It is like wine. After time's precipitation, it will become mellow wine. 39、设计师每到换季所推崇的叫时尚,而你最终选择的才叫风格。 Fashion is what designers value every season, and what you choose is style. 40、时尚并不是模仿,他没有任何公式,只是每个人从不同的角度对美的不同理解,是一种修行。 Fashion is not imitation. It has no formula, but everyone's different understanding of beauty from different angles. It's a kind of practice. 41、时尚是平庸生活的避难所。 Fashion is the refuge of mediocrity. 42、只有那些经历了岁月的变迁依旧能被人们所津津乐道的时尚,才能积淀成为经典,绽放闪耀的光芒。 Only those fashions that can still be talked about after years of changes can accumulate into classics and shine. 43、要时尚,就要根据自己的自身条件、实际情况巧妙地扬长避短,大方自信地行走于天地之间,这是时尚的真谛。 To be fashionable, we should skillfully develop our strengths and avoid weaknesses according to our own conditions and actual conditions, and walk freely and confidently between heaven and earth, which is the essence of fashion. 44、不要追求潮流,不要让时尚主宰,你自己才是决定个性、衣着风格和生活态度的一切。 Don't pursue the trend. Don't let the fashion dominate. You are the one who decides the personality, clothing style and life attitude. 45、鞋子是全身的点睛之笔,但往往这个细节才能证明你的时尚品味。 Shoes are the finishing touch of the whole body, but often this detail can prove your fashion taste. 46、要学会驾驭时尚,而不要被时尚所驾驭。 Learn to drive fashion, not be driven by fashion. 47、品味时尚,就要跟着时代的步伐。 Taste fashion, we must follow the pace of the times. |