披头散发的近义词成语 【蓬首垢面】 【钗横鬓乱】 【蓬头垢面】 披头散发的反义词四字词语 〖眉清目秀〗 披头散发的近义词成语带有解释 (一)、蓬首垢面:头发很乱,脸上很脏。旧时形容贫苦人生活生活条件很蓬首垢面 (二)、蓬头垢面:头发蓬乱,脸上很脏。旧时形容贫苦人生活生活条件很蓬头垢面 披头散发的反义词四字词语带有解释 【披头散发】 关于披头散发的详细解释 pītóusànfà 【成语的意思和解释】--披:散开;一头长发凌乱地披着。形容慌乱、狼狈或懒散。 【成语来源出自哪里】--明施耐庵《水浒传》第22回:“那张三又挑唆阎婆去厅上披头散发告道:‘宋江实是宋清隐藏在家,不令出官。’” 【成语繁体字写法】--披頭散發 【成语拼音简写】--ptsf 【褒义还是贬义】--中性成语词语,没有明显褒义贬义批评或者赞美 【成语使用办法和性质】--联合式;作谓语、定语;形容非常狼狈 【成语形式结构】--联合式成语 扩展阅读:用披头散发写一句话 (1)、(三毛到理发店理发,理发师问:什么发形?答:偏分。理发师不小心弄掉了一根说:给你来个中分吧!结果不小心又弄掉一根。三毛大怒:我只能披头散发了! (1) when Sanmao goes to a barber's shop to have his hair cut, the barber asks: what's the shape of his hair? A: partial. The barber accidentally dropped one and said, "I'll give you a cut."! As a result, another one was accidentally dropped. Sanmao Rage: I can only hair! (2)、(月夜的竹影,连枝带叶,远看像一群披头散发的野鬼,近看却是一只只软垂的手,女人的手,死去的女人。李碧华 (2) the bamboo shadow on a moonlit night, with branches and leaves, looks like a group of wild ghosts in the distance, but looks like a soft hand, a woman's hand and a dead woman in the near. Li Bihua (3)、(小天山人马折损大半,正欲命身边喽罗上前,只见火光里奔出两条大汉,俱是披头散发、白袍彩带,一执独脚铜人,一持五股钢叉,扑向梁山军阵,正是哈兰生和哈芸生兄弟。 (3) most of the people and horses in xiaotianshan were damaged, and they were about to send their followers to the front. They saw two big men running out of the fire. They were all hooded, with white robes and colored ribbons. One was a one legged bronze man, and the other was a five strand steel fork. They rushed to the Liangshan army. They were the brothers of halansheng and hayunsheng. (4)、(惨白的月光下,依稀看清楚对方穿着一身淡红色的清朝宫装,披头散发,眼睛突出,铁青带着尸斑的脸上带着几分狰狞,嘴里愤怒地嗷叫着。 (4) in the pale moonlight, you can see clearly that the other party is wearing a light red Qing Dynasty palace dress, with hair and eyes protruding, a bit ferocious on his iron green face with body spots, and his mouth howls angrily. (5)、(仿佛是以一个旁观者身份似的凌辰默默的爬上血海尸山,来到那名披头散发的血袍男子身边,疑惑的绕开血袍男子湿漉漉的血丝。 (5), (as if as a bystander, Ling Chen quietly climbs the blood sea corpse mountain, comes to the blood robed man with hair on his head, and confuses the wet blood of the blood robed man. ![]() |