天寒地冻的近义词成语 【千里冰封】 【滴水成冰】 【冰天雪地】 天寒地冻的反义词四字词语 〖春暖花开〗 〖阳光明媚〗 〖春光明媚〗 〖骄阳似火〗 〖春色满园〗 〖赤日炎炎〗 天寒地冻的近义词成语带有解释 滴水成冰 [dīshuǐchéngbīng] 水一滴下来就冻成冰,形容天气十分寒冷。 冰天雪地 [bīngtiānxuědì] 形容冰雪漫天盖地,非常寒冷。 千里冰封 [qiānlǐbīngfēng] 形容冰天雪地,一眼望去,一片白茫茫的。 天寒地冻的反义词四字词语带有解释 春暖花开 [chūnnuǎnhuākāi] 春天气候温暖,百花盛开,景色优美。比喻游览、观赏的大好时机。 春色满园 [chūnsèmǎnyuán] 园内到处都是春天美丽的景色。比喻欣欣向荣的景象。 骄阳似火 [jiāoyángsìhuǒ] 强烈的阳光。 阳光明媚 [yángguāngmíngmèi] 形容天气晴朗。 赤日炎炎 [chìrìyányán] 烈日当头,形容太阳相当炎热。 春光明媚 [chūnguāngmíngmèi] 明媚:美好,可爱。形容春天的景物鲜明可爱。 关于天寒地冻的详细解释 tiānhándìdòng 【成语的意思和解释】--天气非常寒冷;大地到处结冰。 【成语来源出自哪里】--宋王十朋《南州春色》词:“莫恨东风吹不到,著意挽春回,一任天寒地冻,南枝香动。” 【成语繁体字写法】--天寒地凍 【成语拼音简写】--thdd 【褒义还是贬义】--中性成语词语,没有明显褒义贬义批评或者赞美 【成语使用办法和性质】--联合式;作谓语;形容天气非常寒冷 【成语形式结构】--联合式成语 扩展阅读:用天寒地冻写一句话 (1)、回来的路上居然下冰刨了,那个天寒地冻阿! (1) on the way back, it was freezing! (2)、大寒时节露为霜,窗户上面结冰花,天寒地冻气温降,寒风寒雪纷飞扬,送句祝福表衷肠,大寒时节,注意防寒保暖,愿君身体健康,笑口常开! (2) in the cold season, the dew is frost, the flowers are frozen on the windows, the weather is cold, the temperature is falling, the wind is cold and the snow is flying. Send a blessing to show your heart. In the cold season, pay attention to keep warm and keep warm, wish you good health and smile! (3)、天寒地冻,朱小姐惨遭回禄之祸,真是不幸。 (3) it's really unfortunate that Miss Zhu suffered the misfortune of returning her salary in cold weather. (4)、北风吹,雪花飘,天寒地冻立冬到;气温低,天气冷,心中牵挂越发强;发问候,递关怀,信我暖暖笑开颜。愿你立冬多保重,心情好好乐开怀! (4) the north wind blows, the snowflakes are floating, the cold weather is coming; the temperature is low, the weather is cold, the heart is more and more worried; send greetings, show care, believe me, smile and smile. May you take care of yourself and be happy! (5)、尽管天寒地冻,但建筑工地上大伙干得仍然是热火朝天。 (5) although the weather is cold and the ground is cold, the construction site is still hot and dry. ![]() |