嫌贫爱富的近义词成语 【欺贫爱富】 【爱富嫌贫】 嫌贫爱富的反义词四字词语 〖劫富济贫〗 〖惜老怜贫〗 嫌贫爱富的近义词成语带有解释 爱富嫌贫 [àifùxiánpín] 嫌弃贫穷,喜爱富有。指对人的好恶以其贫富为准。 欺贫爱富 [qīpínàifù] 欺侮贫穷,喜爱富有。 嫌贫爱富的反义词四字词语带有解释 劫富济贫 [jiéfùjìpín] 劫:强取;济:救济。夺取富人的财产,救济穷人。 惜老怜贫 [xīlǎoliánpín] 爱护老年人,同情穷人。也说怜贫惜老。 关于嫌贫爱富的详细解释 xiánpínàifù 【成语的意思和解释】--嫌:厌恶。嫌弃贫穷的;喜爱富有的。指对人的好恶不以德行;而以贫富为标准。 【成语来源出自哪里】--元关汉卿《斐度还带》:“有那等嫌贫爱富的儿曹辈,将俺这贫傲慢,把他那富追陪,那个肯恤孤念寡存仁义。” 【成语繁体字写法】--嫌貧愛富 【成语拼音简写】--xpaf 【褒义还是贬义】--中性成语词语,没有明显褒义贬义批评或者赞美 【成语使用办法和性质】--联合式;作谓语、宾语、定语;含贬义 【成语形式结构】--联合式成语 扩展阅读:用嫌贫爱富写一句话 (1)、职场勾心斗角,白富美嫌贫爱富,农村吊丝在城市举步维艰,最终决定回乡艰苦创业,农村,大有可为。 (1) with intrigue in the workplace, Bai Fumei dislikes poverty and loves wealth, and the rural silk hanger is struggling in the city. Finally, she decides to go back to her hometown and work hard to start a business. (2)、朱洪生常把老婆当出气筒,嫌贫爱富。 (2) Zhu Hongsheng often takes his wife as an outlet and dislikes the poor and loves the rich. (3)、未婚夫考中武状元,嫌贫爱富立马悔婚,还未成亲,便成弃妇。 (3) the fiance, who was No.1 in Wu's examination, immediately repented of marriage and became an abandoned wife before he got married. (4)、夭寿啊,细胞都会嫌贫爱富了,这尼玛不坑爹呢吗! (4) when you are young, your cells will feel poor and rich, so why don't you blame your father! (5)、希望在这儿能遇见一个爱文化、爱家庭的女士,不嫌贫爱富。 (5) I hope to meet a lady who loves culture and family here, and is not too poor to love wealth. ![]() |