广开言路的近义词成语 【一言以蔽之】 【从谏如流】 【集思广益】 广开言路的反义词四字词语 〖百不一存〗 〖无的放矢〗 广开言路的近义词成语带有解释 〖集思广益〗: 集中大家的意见和智慧,可以收到更大更好的效果。三国蜀诸葛亮《与群下教》:“夫参署者,集众思,广忠益也。”宋许月卿《次韵陈肇芳竿赠李相士》诗:“集思广益真宰相,开诚布公肝胆倾。” 〖一言以蔽之〗: 用一句话来概括。《论语·为政》:“子曰:‘《诗》三百,一言以蔽之,曰:思无邪。’”蔽:遮,引申为概括。 〖从谏如流〗: 形容能很快地接受别人的规劝,像水从高处流到低处一样顺畅自然。 广开言路的反义词四字词语带有解释 拒谏 [jùjiàn] 拒绝规劝。 独断专行 [dúduànzhuānxíng] 行事专断,不考虑别人的意见。也说独断独行。 闭目塞听 [bìmùsètīng] 闭起眼睛,堵住耳朵。形容对外界事物不闻不问、不了解。塞(sè)。 拒谏饰非 [jùjiànshìfēi] 拒绝劝告,掩饰错误。《荀子·成相》:“拒谏饰非,愚而上同,国必祸。”谏:规劝。饰:遮掩。 关于广开言路的详细解释 guǎngkāiyánlù 【成语的意思和解释】--尽量创造使人们能充分发表意见的条件。 【成语来源出自哪里】--南朝宋范晔《后汉书来历传》:“朝廷广开言事之路,故且一切假贷。” 【成语繁体字写法】--廣開言路 【成语拼音简写】--gkyl 【褒义还是贬义】--褒义性质的成语,用来赞美一个人和事情 【成语使用办法和性质】--动宾式;作谓语;含褒义 【成语形式结构】--动宾式成语 扩展阅读:用广开言路写一句话 (1)、防民之口,甚于防川,我们要广开言路,顺应民心。 (1) the defense of the people is better than the defense of Sichuan. We should be open-minded and conform to the will of the people. (2)、假如刘备能听信忠言,戒骄戒躁,又何至于落得个大事难成,白帝托孤的结局呢?假若当初刘备不能三顾茅庐,虚心求教,又怎能“三分天下有其一”呢?要想事业兴旺,就必须广开言路,察纳忠言。 (2) if Liu Bei could listen to the advice and keep away from arrogance and impatience, how could he end up with a big event and the end of Baili Tuogu? If Liu Bei could not look at the cottage and seek advice with an open mind, how could he "have one third of the world"? If we want to prosper, we must be open-minded and honest. (3)、没有耐心则听不到真言。容言不是是非不辨,良莠不分,容言要有智慧,分得清哪是良言哪是谄言;还要有气量,听得进甜言蜜语,也容得下直言不讳,“兼听则明,偏信则暗。”容言,才能广开言路,集思广益。 (3) if you have no patience, you can't hear the truth. It is necessary to have wisdom to distinguish between good words and flattery. It is also necessary to have the courage to listen to sweet words, and it is also possible to be outspoken Only when we are tolerant of words can we have a wide range of ideas. (4)、自“同心同行建金水”活动开展以来,金水区委统战部坚持同心引领,广开言路、广纳善言、广求善举、广谋善策,为推动发展建立智库。 (4) since the launch of the activity of "building Jinshui with one heart", the United Front Work Department of Jinshui District Party committee has adhered to the guidance of one heart, and established a think tank for promoting development by opening up a wide range of ideas, accepting good words, seeking good deeds and seeking good strategies. (5)、朕躬广开言路,原要身致太平,不意廷臣所上奏本,类多毛举细故,无关宏旨。 (5) I want to be peaceful, but I don't want the memorials to be written by the court officials. There are so many details, but it doesn't matter. ![]() |