夜静更深的近义词成语 【夜静更阑】 【夜静更长】 【夜阑人静】 夜静更深的反义词四字词语 〖没有相关词语〗 夜静更深的近义词成语带有解释 夜静更阑 [yèjìnggēnglán] 阑:尽。无声无息的深夜。 夜阑人静 [yèlánrénjìng] 夜阑:夜将尽。夜深人静的时候。 夜静更长 [yèjìnggēngcháng] 更长:指深夜。形容夜很深,很静。 夜静更深的反义词四字词语带有解释 【夜静更深】 关于夜静更深的详细解释 yèjìnggēngshēn 【成语的意思和解释】--无声无息的深夜。 【成语来源出自哪里】--元·无名氏《连环计》第四折:“现如今是阿谁,忙出去问真实,则见他气丕丕的斜倚着门儿立。” 【成语繁体字写法】--亱静更深 【成语拼音简写】--yjgs 【褒义还是贬义】--中性成语词语,没有明显褒义贬义批评或者赞美 【成语使用办法和性质】--作宾语、定语;指深夜 【成语形式结构】--联合式成语 扩展阅读:用夜静更深写一句话 (1)、回到家里,小山躺在床上小睡了一会,醒来时已是后半夜,夜静更深,万籁聚集,小山准备上路了,他将家里的两个麻带在身上,便来到井口边。 (1) when he got home, Xiaoshan lay on the bed and took a nap for a while. When he woke up, it was late in the night. The night was quiet, and all sounds gathered. Xiaoshan was ready to go on the road. He took two hemps with him and came to the wellhead. (2)、落实好俩编外队员后,大伙趁着夜静更深,有意避开村庄,专挑小路朝长河集乡公所摸去。 (2) after the implementation of the two non staff members, we took advantage of the quiet night, deliberately avoided the village and took the path to changheji Township Office. (3)、此事万万不可,夜静更深,你我孤男寡女共处一室,这样岂不毁了姑娘你的清白之誉,无念实不敢如此不识分寸。 (3) this matter must not be done. The night is quiet. You and I are living in the same room alone. This will not ruin your reputation of innocence. I dare not be so careless. (4)、夜静更深,一个人呆呆地坐着,音箱里播放着杨蔓的歌曲,曲调悠扬忧郁,缠绵悱恻,听来,心有些微的疼痛。 (4) it's a quiet night. I'm sitting alone. Yang man's song is playing in the speaker. The melody is melodious, melancholy and sentimental. I feel a little pain in my heart. (5)、夜静更深,但犬吠声猫民声却在凤羽村内此起彼伏。 (5) the night is quiet, but the barking of dogs and the folk sound of cats come and go one after another in Fengyu village. ![]() |