天昏地暗的近义词成语 【天昏地黑】 【飞沙走石】 【荆天棘地】 【凄风苦雨】 【昏天黑地】 【月黑风高】 【惨无天日】 【暗无天日】 天昏地暗的反义词四字词语 〖雨过天晴〗 〖天朗气清〗 〖风和日丽〗 〖月白风清〗 〖日丽风和〗 天昏地暗的近义词成语带有解释 (一)、惨无天日:犹言暗无天日。惨无天日 (二)、昏天黑地:形容天色昏暗。也比喻社会黑暗混乱。昏天黑地 (三)、凄风苦雨:凄风:寒冷的风;苦雨:久下成灾的雨。形容天气恶劣凄风苦雨 (四)、暗无天日:昏暗得看不到天上的日光。形容在反动势力统治下社会暗无天日 天昏地暗的反义词四字词语带有解释 月白风清 [yuèbáifēngqīng] 形容幽静美好的夜晚。 天朗气清 [tiānlǎngqìqīng] 朗:明朗。形容天空晴朗,空气清新。 风和日丽 [fēnghérìlì] 形容天气晴朗暖和(多用于春天)。 日丽风和 [rìlìfēnghé] 和风习习,阳光灿烂。形容晴朗暖和的天气。 雨过天晴 [yǔguòtiānqíng] 也说雨过天青。雨后转晴。比喻坏的形势已经过去,出现了好的平静的局面。 关于天昏地暗的详细解释 tiānhūndì 【成语的意思和解释】--天色昏黄不清;大地黑暗不明。多指云雾遮蔽日月或风沙漫天的景象。昏:昏暗。 【成语来源出自哪里】--唐韩愈《龙移》:“天昏地黑蛟龙移,雷惊电激雄雌随。” 【成语繁体字写法】--天昬地暗 【成语拼音简写】--thda 【褒义还是贬义】--贬义成语,贬低批评人和事的四字词语 【成语使用办法和性质】--联合式;作谓语、宾语、补语;含贬义 【成语形式结构】--联合式成语 扩展阅读:用天昏地暗写一句话 (1)、一道闪电像一支离弦之箭直射天空,在夜空里勾画出一道美丽的折线。转瞬间,天昏地暗,大地又重新回到了黑暗之魔的手中。 (1) a flash of lightning, like an arrow away from the string, shoots straight into the sky, drawing a beautiful broken line in the night sky. In a twinkling, the sky was dark, and the earth returned to the hands of the dark devil. (2)、明月,他们就象是萧秋水、朱大天王、李沉舟一样,每一个人都是武林百年不遇的骄子,于是他们斗,斗的天昏地暗、鬼哭神愁,直到“浣花六天王”。 (2) Mingyue, they are just like Xiao Qiushui, Zhu Tianwang and Li Chenzhou. Everyone is the best child in Wulin, so they fight with each other until "Huanhua liutianwang". (3)、用刑那天,天昏地暗,日月无光,忽然一声惊雷,狂风骤起,竟刮动了占柱子修的南天门,飘飘悠悠,越山过水,一直到了紫霄峰上,才端端正正落下来,朝向南方。 (3) on the day of execution, when the sky was dark and the sun and the moon were not shining, suddenly there was a thunder and a strong wind. It blew the Nantianmen gate, which was built by Zhanzhu. It floated over the mountain and across the water until it reached Zixiao peak, and then it fell straight down to the south. (4)、我捋起袖口,将锅凑到水龙头,冲满水,然后张开“如来神掌”先给它来一招“倒转乾坤”,再来招“天昏地暗”,最之后个“荡气回肠”。一番折腾,累得我“气喘如牛”。 (4) I roll up my sleeve, put the pot to the tap, fill it with water, and then open the "Tathagata palm" to "turn the world upside down", then "dark sky and dark earth", and finally "soul stirring". A toss, tired me "panting like a cow.". (5)、你离开我一秒钟,风云变幻,骤降大雨;你离开我的一分钟,海啸地震,天昏地暗;你离开我的一天,时间定格,毫无生气。可想而知,你得时时刻刻都不能离开我,我要永远和你在一起! (5) when you leave me for a second, the situation changes and the rain drops suddenly; when you leave me for a minute, the tsunami and earthquake make the sky dim; when you leave me for a day, the time is fixed and lifeless. As you can imagine, you must never leave me, I want to be with you forever! ![]() |