奇花异卉的近义词成语 【奇花名卉】 【奇葩异卉】 【奇花异草】 奇花异卉的反义词四字词语 〖野草闲花〗 奇花异卉的近义词成语带有解释 〖奇花名卉〗: 奇异名贵的花草。 〖奇葩异卉〗: 珍奇难得的花草。 〖奇花异草〗: 奇异的花草:植物园的温室里有很多~。 奇花异卉的反义词四字词语带有解释 【奇花异卉】 关于奇花异卉的详细解释 qíhuāyìhuì 【成语的意思和解释】--①希奇少见的花草。语本《西京杂记》卷三:“奇树异草,靡不具植。”②喻指美妙的篇章作品等。 【成语来源出自哪里】--北魏·杨衒之《洛阳伽蓝记·白马寺》:“庭列修竹;檐拂高松,奇花异草,骈阗堦砌。”《西京杂记》卷三:“奇树异草,靡不具植。” 【成语繁体字写法】--奇蘤異卉 【成语拼音简写】--qhyh 【褒义还是贬义】--中性成语词语,没有明显褒义贬义批评或者赞美 【成语使用办法和性质】--作宾语、定语;指稀少的东西 【成语形式结构】--联合式成语 扩展阅读:用奇花异卉写一句话 (1)、老校长退休后,对园艺产生了浓厚的兴趣,在自家花园里种植了许多奇花异卉。 (1) after the old principal retired, he became interested in gardening and planted many exotic flowers in his garden. (2)、岛上古树参天,浓荫蔽地,奇花异卉,沁人肺腑。 (2) the ancient trees on the island are towering, the ground is covered with shade, and the exotic flowers are refreshing. (3)、花展大厅陈列着几株奇花异卉,那是蓉城有经验的花工批红判白、精心培育而成的珍稀品种。 (3) there are several exotic flowers on display in the flower exhibition hall, which are rare varieties carefully cultivated by experienced florists in Chengdu. (4)、这里拥有成片的原始次生林,珙桐银杏水杉虾花等奇花异卉漫山遍野,还有猕猴灵猫角雉锦鸡等珍禽异兽出没其间。 (4) there are lots of primitive secondary forests, such as Davidia involucrata, Ginkgo biloba, Metasequoia glyptostroboides, shrimps and other exotic flowers all over the mountains, as well as rare animals such as macaque, civet, horned pheasant and golden pheasant. (5)、南北穿流的清水河,哺育着沿崖万物生灵,有野生动物百种,奇花异卉万枝,是美丽的高山自然公园。 (5) Qingshui River, which flows from north to south, is a beautiful mountain natural park, feeding all living things along the cliff, with 100 kinds of wild animals and thousands of exotic flowers. ![]() |