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【情有独钟】 【情深意重】 【柔情密意】

【深情厚意】 【一往情深】 【男欢女爱】





〖男欢女爱〗: 男女亲昵欢爱之词。

〖一往情深〗: 指对人或事物有深厚的感情,十分向往留恋。

〖柔情密意〗: 指温柔亲密的情意。

〖情有独钟〗: 因对某人或某事物特别喜爱而感情专注:她对舞蹈艺术可谓~。

〖柔情蜜意〗: 温柔甜蜜的情意。

〖情深意重〗: 情意深重。

〖深情厚意〗: 深厚的感情和友谊。


qíng yì mián mián

【成语的意思和解释】-- 情意:对人的感情。绵绵:延续不断的样子。形容情意深长,不能解脱。

【成语来源出自哪里】-- **《别李愚如并示述弟》:“何况情意绵绵,‘藕断丝不断’。”

【成语繁体字写法】-- 情意綿綿

【成语拼音简写】-- qymm

【褒义还是贬义】-- 中性成语词语,没有明显褒义贬义

【成语使用办法和性质】-- 作谓语、定语;指情意很深

【成语形式结构】-- 偏正式成语


(1) Jiang Jingguo was sick, and she served the decoction with great care.

(2) green mountains cross the north, white water around the East. As soon as you leave here, you will be alone. Floating clouds, wandering, sunset, so human. Wave from here, Xiao Ban Ma Ming. This is a farewell poem full of poetic and picturesque feelings. The poet and his friends bid farewell to each other. They are affectionate and touching. Li Bai
(3) in my memory, I met her at dusk on a beautiful day when the spring was full and the pillows were fragrant. An Yiru
(4) a greeting, accompanied by dim lights, will pour out honeyed words to your ears; a wish, better than the warmth of the quilt, will be warm and lingering in your heart; a good night, short but affectionate, contains countless worries and thoughts; wish you good night!

(5) I linger and go on. The tulips on the roadside unfolded slowly to us like long pictures. There are red and white, cordial and harmonious; there are purple and pink, affectionate; there are yellow and brown, quiet and elegant Their fragrance and enchantment attract the flying butterflies. How charming and attractive they are!

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