如花似玉的近义词成语 【花容月貌】 【仪容俊秀】 【闭月羞花】 【绝代佳人】 【赵歌燕舞】 【如花似锦】 如花似玉的反义词四字词语 〖面目狰狞〗 如花似玉的近义词成语带有解释 〖绝代佳人〗: 绝代:当代独一无二;佳人:美人。当代最美的女人。 〖闭月羞花〗: 也说羞花闭月。形容女子貌美。元王实甫《西厢记》第一本第四折:“则为你闭月羞花相貌,少不得剪草除根大小。” 〖赵歌燕舞〗: 当时的赵国的歌曲和燕舞的舞蹈,是那个时代的两个领域两之最!比喻一种事物美好到一定程度,赞美之意。 〖如花似锦〗: 形容风景、前程等十分美好。 〖花容月貌〗: 形容女子美丽的容貌。 如花似玉的反义词四字词语带有解释 【如花似玉】 关于如花似玉的详细解释 rúhuāsìyù 【成语的意思和解释】--像花一样艳丽;像玉一样美好。形容女子容貌十分美丽。 【成语来源出自哪里】--元张寿卿《红梨花》第三折:“一个如花似玉的小娘子,和我那孩儿四目相窥,各有春心之意。” 【成语繁体字写法】--如蘤佀玉 【成语拼音简写】--rhsy 【褒义还是贬义】--中性成语词语,没有明显褒义贬义批评或者赞美 【成语使用办法和性质】--联合式;作谓语、定语、宾语;形容女子姿容秀丽 【成语形式结构】--联合式成语 扩展阅读:用如花似玉写一句话 (1)、(大学女生像夜空的星辰,漫烂璀璨在校园。如雨后的彩虹,青春靓丽五彩斑斓。似天边的彩云,飘逸美丽光彩夺目。闪烁着照人的光彩,目不暇接。女生节,愿你节日快乐如花似玉! (1) college girls are like the stars in the night sky. Like the rainbow after the rain, youth is beautiful and colorful. Like the colorful clouds in the sky, elegant, beautiful and dazzling. Shining brilliance, dizzying. Girl's day, I wish you a happy holiday! (2)、(往事一幕幕,如云似烟,无悲无喜;岁月一轮轮,如花似玉,且歌且舞;日子一天天,如糖似蜜,亦甜亦酸;祝福一句句,如梦似水,有情有意:朋友常联系。 (2) scenes of past events are like clouds and smoke, without sadness and happiness; years are like flowers and jade, singing and dancing; days are like sugar and honey, sweet and sour; blessings are like dreams and water, with feelings and intentions: friends often contact each other. (3)、(听说你最近快乐GDP再创新高,烦恼CPI直线下降,成功价位不断上涨,健康指数如日中天。我的祝福都跟不上趟了,谁叫你娶了如花似玉的幸福呢! (3); (I heard that your happy GDP has reached a new high recently, your worry CPI has plummeted, your success price has been rising, and your health index is booming. My blessing can't keep up with you. Who told you to marry a beautiful woman! (4)、(唐风看着她那如花似玉的俏脸上一片灰尘,就好像贪玩的猫咪钻进了炕洞被火烧过一样,不由感觉一阵好笑。 (4) when Tang Feng looks at the dust on her pretty face, it's like a playful cat getting into a hole in the Kang and being burned. He can't help but feel funny. (5)、(神仙峰下武南庄有一武姓老员外,有女名唤武彩,不仅长得如花似玉,而且能文善武。 (5) there is an old member of Wu family name in Wunan village under Shenxian peak, and there is a woman named Wu CAI. She not only looks like a flower, but also is good at literature and martial arts. ![]() |