大而化之的近义词成语 【粗心大意】 【粗枝大叶】 【马马虎虎】 大而化之的反义词四字词语 〖小心谨慎〗 〖认认真真〗 大而化之的近义词成语带有解释 〖马马虎虎〗: 1.形容做事马虎、随便。 〖粗心大意〗: 粗:粗疏。指做事马虎,不细心。 〖粗枝大叶〗: 比喻不认真,不细致,马虎大意。 大而化之的反义词四字词语带有解释 认认真真 [rènrènzhēnzhēn] 形容做一件事非常的认真,仔仔细细的,一点也不马虎。 小心谨慎 [xiǎoxīnjǐnshèn] 形容言行慎重,不敢疏忽。 关于大而化之的详细解释 dà ér huà zhī 【成语的意思和解释】-- 化:改变,转变。原指大行其道,使天下化之。后形容做事情不小心谨慎。 【成语来源出自哪里】-- 先秦 孟轲《孟子 尽心下》:“充实而有光辉之谓大扩展阅读:用大而化之写一句话 (1)、高城为人直爽可爱,但是却不是憨傻之人,他也是一个很聪明的人,只不过因为心性宽广而将一些小事都大而化之,这样的人实在没有办法让人讨厌的起来。 (1) Gao Cheng is straightforward and lovely, but he is not a fool. He is also a very smart man, just because he has a broad mind and makes some small things big. Such a person really can't be hated. (2)、狐狸这话说得太过于大而化之,古往今来能够做到这点登仙入圣的,恐怕只有轩辕黄帝和那位道祖老君了。 (2) the saying of fox is too broad. I'm afraid that the only people who have been able to do this since ancient times are the Yellow Emperor Xuanyuan and the emperor Daozu. (3)、庄子的“美学”,不可大而化之地等同于其哲学,其审美境界亦不可泛化为人生境界。 (3) Zhuangzi's "Aesthetics" can not be equated with his philosophy, and his aesthetic realm can not be generalized into the realm of life. (4)、两种德行的意义与价值十分不同,任何大而化之的混淆都会带来严重的道德后果。 (4) the meaning and value of the two virtues are very different, and any confusion will bring serious moral consequences. (5)、你看他大而化之的样子,说是来向我借橡皮,话没说几句就走了,橡皮还在这。 (5) you can see that he is so big that he said he came to borrow an eraser from me. He left without saying a few words, and the eraser is still here. ![]() |