慷慨就义的近义词成语 【国尔忘家】 【为国捐躯】 【慷慨捐生】 慷慨就义的反义词四字词语 〖苟且偷生〗 慷慨就义的近义词成语带有解释 〖国尔忘家〗: 一心为国,不顾家庭。 〖慷慨捐生〗: 慷慨:意气激昂。捐生:舍弃生命。正义凛然地献出生命。 〖为国捐躯〗: 捐:献;躯:身体,指生命。为国家牺牲生命。 慷慨就义的反义词四字词语带有解释 【慷慨就义】 关于慷慨就义的详细解释 kāng kǎi jiù yì 【成语的意思和解释】--慷慨:意气昂扬。勇敢地为正义事业而牺牲。 【成语来源出自哪里】--明 朱鼎《玉镜台记 王敦反》:“大丈夫当慷慨赴义,何用悲为!” 【成语繁体字写法】--忼慨就義 【成语拼音简写】--kkjy 【褒义还是贬义】--中性成语词语,没有明显褒义贬义 【成语使用办法和性质】--偏正式;作谓语、宾语;含褒义 【成语形式结构】--偏正式成语 扩展阅读:用慷慨就义写一句话 (1)、壬午年十二月九日,在大都柴市口慷慨就义,时年四十七岁。 (1) on December 9, Renwu died at the mouth of Dadu chaishikou at the age of 47. (2)、猪头被两名民兵推搡了过来,使劲儿睁着肿成一条缝儿的眼睛,犹自倒驴不倒架地高昂着头,一副威武不屈慷慨就义的样子。 (2) the pig's head was pushed over by two militiamen. He opened his eyes and held his head high without turning over his donkey. He was unyielding and generous. (3)、但周处最后变成忠臣烈士,特别是他明知必死,也慷慨就义。 (3) however, Zhou Chu finally became a loyal minister and martyr, especially when he knew that he would die, and he also died generously. (4)、面对中华民族的危难,多少仁人志士慷慨就义前仆后继。 (4) in the face of the crisis of the Chinese nation, how many people with lofty ideals died generously. (5)、不要让“埋怨”与“惩罚”接踵而来,不要让“误会”与“愤怒”携手并进,那样“烦恼”与“痛苦”将向我猛烈袭击,“寂寞”与“忧郁”会将我包围,我将在“爱情战场”上慷慨就义了。饶恕我吧,原谅我! (5) don't let "complaint" and "punishment" come one after another, don't let "misunderstanding" and "anger" go hand in hand, then "worry" and "pain" will attack me fiercely, "loneliness" and "depression" will surround me, and I will die generously in the "love battlefield". Forgive me, forgive me! ![]() |