担惊受怕的近义词成语 【耽惊受怕】 【诚惶诚恐】 【担惊受恐】 【提心吊胆】 【心惊胆战】 【坐立不安】 【胆战心惊】 担惊受怕的反义词四字词语 〖稳如泰山〗 〖坦然自若〗 担惊受怕的近义词成语带有解释 〖诚惶诚恐〗: 古代奏章中的套语。表示臣子对皇帝的敬畏。后也用来形容十分小心谨慎、极为害怕不安的样子。 〖坐立不安〗: 坐着也不是,站着也不是。形容心情紧张,情绪不安。 〖提心吊胆〗: 形容十分担心或害怕。 〖担惊受恐〗: 担心害怕。指常处在惊吓、恐惧之中。 〖心惊胆战〗: 形容非常害怕。 〖耽惊受怕〗: 担受惊吓。 〖胆战心惊〗: 形容非常害怕。 担惊受怕的反义词四字词语带有解释 稳如泰山 [wěnrútàishān] 见〖安如泰山〗。 坦然自若 [tǎnránzìruò] 态度安详,一如常态。 关于担惊受怕的详细解释 dānjīngshòupà 【成语的意思和解释】--惊:惊恐。担受惊恐、害怕。 【成语来源出自哪里】--元无名氏《盆儿鬼》第三折:“俺出门红月乍平西,归时犹未夕阳低,怎教俺担惊受怕着昏迷。” 【成语繁体字写法】--擔驚受怕 【成语拼音简写】--djsp 【褒义还是贬义】--中性成语词语,没有明显褒义贬义批评或者赞美 【成语使用办法和性质】--联合式;作谓语、定语、状语;形容担心害怕 【成语形式结构】--联合式成语 扩展阅读:用担惊受怕写一句话 (1)、安琪拉故作宽怀大度的说道:肉团是第一次在大城市里面转悠,迷失方向是很正常的,不过害得我们担惊受怕的,随便给几个金币当作损失费吧。 (1) Angela pretends to be magnanimous and says: it's the first time for the meat ball to wander around in a big city. It's normal for us to lose our way, but we are scared. Just give us a few gold coins as a loss. (2)、实在难做就不去做了,家里还有点钱,你看做什么生意恰当,拿去做点小生意,自古以来将本求利是天经地义的事,免得每天担惊受怕的。 (2) if it's really difficult to do it, don't do it. There's still some money at home. What kind of business do you think is appropriate? Take it to do some small business. Since ancient times, it's natural for you to seek profit from capital, so as not to be afraid every day. (3)、女人就是这样,千方百计想着如何守住大门,却放任男人打开窗户干着眉飞色舞的勾当,一辈子都在担惊受怕中度过,却不知道亡羊补牢。方莹 (3) women are just like this. They try their best to keep the door, but let the man open the window and do his brow dancing. They spend their whole life in fear, but they don't know how to make up for it. Fang Ying (4)、让我跪下我也大概毫不犹豫吧。因为想见到那人,快要想疯了啊。我没有好好保护他,没有用心珍惜他,让他担惊受怕,害他颠沛流离。我的报应来了,看不到他让我这几日几近疯狂。河唐先生 (4) let me kneel down without hesitation. Because I want to see that man, I'm going crazy. I didn't protect him well, didn't cherish him with my heart, let him be frightened, and made him homeless. My retribution has come. I can't see him, which makes me nearly crazy these days. Mr. He Tang (5)、因为不懂得怎样信任自己,我们常常会处于一种担惊受怕和焦愁忧虑的状态,而这实际上也是“膝反应”的一个诱因。 (5) because we don't know how to trust ourselves, we are often in a state of fear and anxiety, which is actually a cause of "knee reaction". ![]() |