披麻戴孝的近义词成语 【没有相关词语】 披麻戴孝的反义词四字词语 〖张灯结彩〗 披麻戴孝的近义词成语带有解释 【披麻戴孝】 披麻戴孝的反义词四字词语带有解释 【披麻戴孝】 关于披麻戴孝的详细解释 pīmádàixiào 【成语的意思和解释】--指长辈去世,子孙身披麻布服,头上戴白,表示哀悼。 【成语来源出自哪里】--元无名氏《冤家债主》第二折:“你也想着一家儿披麻带孝为何由,故来这灵堂里寻斗殴。” 【成语拼音简写】--pmdx 【褒义还是贬义】--中性成语词语,没有明显褒义贬义批评或者赞美 【成语使用办法和性质】--作谓语、状语、宾语;指哀悼 【成语形式结构】--联合式成语 扩展阅读:用披麻戴孝写一句话 (1)、第二天早上,花红柳绿的商智良家变成了黑白相间的灵堂之地,粱嫂和粱习彪、商智良披麻戴孝的守在粱子生的棺木前,附近的邻居来了许多人,宇文盛东又来了。 (1) the next morning, the red and green shangzhiliang's family turned into a black-and-white mourning hall. Liang's sister-in-law, Liang Xibiao and Shang Zhiliang stood in front of Liang's coffin. Many people came from the neighborhood, and Yuwen Shengdong came again. (2)、民间讲究披麻戴孝至少服满三七. (2) people pay attention to wearing hemp and filial piety, and at least serve 37 years (3)、无数的江湖豪客从四面八方赶来,身着素衣,披麻戴孝,自发前来,为拯救苍生、阻止幽冥屠皇重生而死的冯炎秋送上一程。 (3) numerous rich and powerful people came from all over the world, dressed in plain clothes and dressed in hemp and filial piety, to help Feng Yanqiu save the common people and prevent the death of Youming Tu Huang. (4)、虽说是为自家人办事儿,但也马虎不得,后世儿孙需披麻戴孝,行叩拜大礼,并向亡魂自骂不孝,惊扰了先人,烧纸人、纸马、元宝、衣服等供先人地下享用。 (4) although they are working for their own family, they are not careless. Future generations need to dress up in mourning, pay homage to the dead, and scold themselves for being unfilial, which disturbs their ancestors. They use paper burners, paper horses, Yuanbao, clothes and so on for their underground enjoyment. (5)、显王府,一片缟素,来吊唁的人群络绎不绝,朱凌峰和朱凌宇披麻戴孝地跪在灵堂接受吊唁。 (5) Xianwang mansion is a place full of elements, and people come to mourn in an endless stream. Zhu Lingfeng and Zhu Lingyu kneel down in mourning hall to accept their condolence. ![]() |