少年老成的近义词成语 【少年事重】 【后生可畏】 【老成持重】 【少年老诚】 少年老成的反义词四字词语 〖乳臭未干〗 〖少不更事〗 少年老成的近义词成语带有解释 (一)、少年事重: (二)、老成持重:老成:阅历多而练达世事;持重:做事谨慎。办事老练老成持重 (三)、后生可畏:后生:年轻人,后辈;畏:敬畏。年轻人是可敬畏的。后生可畏 少年老成的反义词四字词语带有解释 少不更事 [shàobùgēngshì] 年纪轻,经历的事情不多。《隋书·李雄传》:“吾儿既少,更事未多。”更(gēng):经历。 乳臭未干 [rǔxiùwèigān] 身上的奶腥气还没有完全退掉,形容人幼稚不懂事理(含讥讽意),有时用来表示对年轻人的轻蔑或不信任。 关于少年老成的详细解释 shào nián lǎo chéng 【成语的意思和解释】-- 老成:经历多。阅历广。懂得人情事故。人虽年轻;却很老练稳重。 【成语来源出自哪里】-- 汉 赵岐《三辅决录 韦康》:“韦元将年十五,身长八尺五寸,为郡主簿。杨彪称曰:‘韦主簿年虽少,有老成之风,昂昂千里之驹。’” 【成语拼音简写】-- snlc 【褒义还是贬义】-- 中性成语词语,没有明显褒义贬义 【成语使用办法和性质】-- 主谓式;作谓语;含褒义 【成语形式结构】-- 主谓式成语 扩展阅读:用少年老成写一句话 (1)、人类往往少年老成,青年迷茫,中年喜欢将别人的成就与自己相比较,因而觉得受挫,好不容易活到老年仍是一个没有成长的笨孩子。我们一直粗糙地活着,而人的一生,便也这样过去了。 (1) human beings are often young and old, confused, middle-aged people like to compare other people's achievements with their own, so they feel frustrated, and finally live to old age, they are still a stupid child without growth. We have been living rough, and people's lives have passed like this. (2)、期间,那些尝过灶糖而馋嘴的李世民的儿女,竟然在小年那一天尽数涌入张允文的府中,哪怕是一幅少年老成模样的李承乾和已经初长成的襄城郡主。 (2) during this period, the greedy sons and daughters of Li Shimin, who had tasted kitchen sweets, poured into Zhang Yunwen's house on that day, even a young and mature Li Chengqian and a newly grown Xiangcheng princess. (3)、处馆数月,芳卿尝时在楼上调丝弄竹,要引动他,不料陆仲含少年老成得紧,却似不听得般,并不在采菱、谢鹏面前问一声是谁人吹弹。 (3) for several months, Fang Qing tried to stir him up by mixing silk and bamboo upstairs. Unexpectedly, Lu Zhonghan was young and mature, but he didn't seem to listen. He didn't ask Cailing and Xie Peng who was playing. (4)、俗话说:青取之于蓝而胜于蓝!可俗话又说:姜还是老的辣!我看你现在老青老青了,你让人那蓝可咋活呀,甭管了,继续你少年老成,事事成功吧! (4) as the saying goes: green is better than blue! But as the saying goes: ginger is still spicy! I see that you are old and young now. How can you make people live? Forget it. Continue to be young and mature, and succeed in everything! (5)、没错,是这样,我们很多人早早地谈恋爱,在我们还不知道爱是个什么东西的时候就已经对它厌倦了,我们玩儿感情游戏,一面少年老成感叹这世界真爱难求,一面又不曾真正检讨自己对爱情到底是什么态度。独木舟 (5) that's right. Many of us fall in love early, and we are tired of love when we don't know what it is. We play emotional games. On the one hand, when we are young and mature, we sigh that it is hard to find true love in the world, on the other hand, we don't really review our attitude towards love. Canoe ![]() |