才高八斗的近义词成语 【学富五车】 【才华横溢】 【才占八斗】 【博览群书】 【才识过人】 【满腹经纶】 【如椽大笔】 【八斗之才】 才高八斗的反义词四字词语 〖才疏智浅〗 〖才疏志浅〗 〖胸无点墨〗 〖才疏学浅〗 才高八斗的近义词成语带有解释 (一)、学富五车:五车:指五车书。形容读书多,学识丰富。学富五车 (二)、八斗之才:才:才华。比喻人极有才华。八斗之才 (三)、才当曹斗: 才高八斗的反义词四字词语带有解释 胸无点墨 [xiōngwúdiǎnmò] 形容读书太少,文化水平极低。 才疏学浅 [cáishūxuéqiǎn] 见识少,学问不深(多用于自谦)。 才疏智浅 [cáishūzhìqiǎn] 才识不高,智力短浅,用作自谦之词。 关于才高八斗的详细解释 cái gāo bā dǒu 【成语的意思和解释】-- 才:文才。形容人文才很高。 【成语来源出自哪里】-- 明 陈汝元《金莲记 偕计》:“不佞姓苏,名轼,字子瞻,眉州眉山人也。学富五车,才高八斗。” 【成语繁体字写法】-- 才高八鬥 【成语拼音简写】-- cgbd 【褒义还是贬义】-- 褒义性质的成语,用来赞美一个人和事情 【成语使用办法和性质】-- 主谓式;作谓语、定语、宾语;形容人的文才高,知识丰富 【成语形式结构】-- 紧缩式成语 扩展阅读:用才高八斗写一句话 (1)、你为未来对象设下许多标准,但最后与你牵手的往往是标准之外的那个。遇见他时,那些长相、体重、有没有身骑白马、是不是才高八斗都不重要了。因为,他不是你喜欢的那种人,却是你喜欢的那个人。张皓宸 (1) you set many standards for future objects, but the one you hold hands with is often the one beyond the standard. When I met him, it didn't matter what he looked like, how heavy he was, whether he was riding a white horse, whether he was talented or not. Because he is not the kind of person you like, but the one you like. Zhang HaoChen (2)、他才高八斗,满腹经纶,每次考试不用复习也能考满分,真厉害。 (2) he is very talented and well versed. He can get full marks in every exam without review. It's amazing. (3)、那鞠躬尽瘁死而后已的诸葛亮,步步为营宝刀不老的黄忠,才高八斗惊绝艳艳的曹植,治世能臣乱世枭雄的曹操,宽以待人求贤如渴的刘备,义冠云天万夫莫敌的关羽。 (3) Zhuge Liang, who died with all his might, Huang Zhong, who lived step by step, Cao Zhi, who was brilliant and gorgeous, Cao Cao, who was able to govern the world, Liu Bei, who was eager to be virtuous and Guan Yu, who was loyal and loyal. (4)、,“名列前茅”、“金榜题名”、“连中三元”、“鲤鱼跳龙门”、“才高八斗”、“成竹在胸”、“如登春台”等菜名也走上了餐桌。 (4), "top of the list", "top of the gold list", "Lianzhong Sanyuan", "Liyu leaps to the dragon's gate", "talented eight duels", "ready to grow up" and other dishes are also on the table. (5)、才高八斗,天下才共一石,曹子建(曹植)独占八斗,我得一斗,天下共分一斗。谢灵运 (5) if you have eight talents, there will be only one stone in the world. Cao Zijian (Cao Zhi) monopolizes eight talents, so I have one, and there will be one in the world. Xie Lingyun ![]() |