手疾眼快的近义词成语 【眼明手快】 【心灵手巧】 【眼疾手快】 手疾眼快的反义词四字词语 〖呆头呆脑〗 〖笨手笨脚〗 手疾眼快的近义词成语带有解释 眼疾手快 [yǎnjíshǒukuài] 见〖手疾眼快〗。 眼明手快 [yǎnmíngshǒukuài] 眼力好,动作快,形容反应快。 心灵手巧 [xīnlíngshǒuqiǎo] 心思灵敏,手灵巧,形容人聪明能干。 手疾眼快的反义词四字词语带有解释 呆头呆脑 [dāitóudāinǎo] 形容迟钝的样子。 笨手笨脚 [bènshǒubènjiǎo] 形容动作不灵活或手脚不灵巧。 关于手疾眼快的详细解释 shǒujíyǎnkuài 【成语的意思和解释】--疾:快。眼到手也到;指手和眼睛的动作都很快。形容动作机灵;眼光敏捷。 【成语来源出自哪里】--明吴承恩《西游记》:“原来悟空手疾眼快,正在那混乱之时……哪吒脑后,着左膊上一棒打来。” 【成语拼音简写】--sjyk 【褒义还是贬义】--中性成语词语,没有明显褒义贬义批评或者赞美 【成语使用办法和性质】--联合式;作谓语、状语;含褒义 【成语形式结构】--联合式成语 扩展阅读:用手疾眼快写一句话 (1)、杨言一发飞斧再次扔出,强哥手疾眼快的W移位,闪过了飞斧。 (1) as soon as Yang Yan throws the flying axe again, brother Qiang moves quickly and dodges the flying axe. (2)、大牛砰地一巴掌拍到桌上,把筷子筒震飞了老高,幸好小宇手疾眼快一把捞住,这才没掉落到地上。 (2) Daniel slapped the chopstick tube on the table and shook it high. Fortunately, Xiaoyu was quick to catch it, so it didn't fall to the ground. (3)、王毅毕竟也是一个练家子,虽然还没有上过战场,却也是手疾眼快,瞬间就看出了吴江的身后有三个学生瞬间跃起,朝着吴江踹了过去。 (3) Wang Yi, after all, is also a practitioner. Although he has not been to the battlefield, he is also quick-sighted. In an instant, he can see that there are three students jumping up behind Wu Jiang and kicking at Wu Jiang. (4)、李天畴手疾眼快将墙角的几包东西拎了起来,“谭大哥,东西忘拿了。 (4) Li Tianchou quickly picked up several bags of things in the corner, "brother Tan, I forgot to take them. (5)、武旦宗手疾眼快,一指点中耶律文光膻中要穴,一指透力耶律文光脚一软昏迷过去,武旦宗将他五花大绑,驼在马上,自己也骑上马,一路向太行山扬鞭策马。 (5) Wudan Zong was quick with his hands and eyes. He pointed to zhongyelu Wenguang and tanzhongyao acupoints, pointed to Touli and Yelu Wenguang's feet fell into a coma. Wudan Zong tied him up, camel on his horse, rode on his horse and rode all the way to Taihang Mountain. ![]() |