喷薄欲出的近义词成语 【如日东升】 喷薄欲出的反义词四字词语 〖日薄西山〗 喷薄欲出的近义词成语带有解释 【喷薄欲出】 喷薄欲出的反义词四字词语带有解释 【喷薄欲出】 关于喷薄欲出的详细解释 pēn bó yù chū 【成语的意思和解释】-- 喷薄:气势旺盛;喷涌而出的样子;欲:将要。原形容水流喷涌的样子。后形容太阳将升上地平线时;光芒四射的样子。 【成语来源出自哪里】-- **《星星之火,可以燎原》:“它是立于高山之巅远看东方已见光芒四射喷薄欲出一轮朝日。” 【成语繁体字写法】-- 噴薄慾出 【成语拼音简写】-- pbyc 【褒义还是贬义】-- 中性成语词语,没有明显褒义贬义 【成语使用办法和性质】-- 偏正式;作谓语、定语;含褒义 【成语形式结构】-- 偏正式成语 扩展阅读:用喷薄欲出写一句话 (1)、思来想去,还是没辙,看着小周喷薄欲出的胸脯,要是能抓一把就好了,可惜……对了,没错,灵如泉涌,运笔如飞,写下‘没扎着’。 (1) I can't help thinking about it. Looking at Xiao Zhou's chest, I wish I could grasp it. Unfortunately By the way, it's true that the spirit is like a spring, the pen is like flying, and the words "not tied up" are written down. (2)、一轮红日正从那里喷薄欲出,嫣红的光芒洒向大地,一切都红彤彤的,是那么的美丽。 (2) a red sun is coming out from there, and the bright red light is shining on the earth. Everything is red and beautiful. (3)、鸟儿唱着欢乐的歌,迎接着喷薄欲出的朝阳;被暴风雨压弯了腰的花草儿伸着懒腰,宛如刚从梦中苏醒;偎依在花瓣、绿叶上的水珠闪烁着光华。 (3) the birds are singing joyful songs to welcome the rising sun; the flowers and plants bent down by the storm are stretching, just like waking up from a dream; the water droplets on the petals and green leaves are shining. (4)、于此同时,他体内战力贯通全身,体内灰白色战气如同铅汞般涌动,战气喷薄欲出。 (4) at the same time, the combat power in his body runs through his whole body, and his gray war gas surges like lead and mercury. (5)、千百双眼睛盯着这把流光四转,金光闪闪的大刀,众人眼中都妒火都喷薄欲出,心中长叹,为什么不是送给我的呢?“多谢师兄厚爱,师弟感激不尽!”。 (5) thousands of pairs of eyes are staring at this shining and shining sword. Everyone is jealous in their eyes, and they are ready to burst out. They sigh in their hearts, why didn't they give it to me? "Thank you very much, elder martial brother. Thank you very much!". ![]() |