左邻右舍的近义词成语 【东家西舍】 【三邻四舍】 【东邻西舍】 【街坊邻里】 【左邻右里】 左邻右舍的反义词四字词语 〖天涯海角〗 〖天南海北〗 左邻右舍的近义词成语带有解释 三邻四舍 [sānlínsìshè] 泛指邻居。 左邻右里 [zuǒlínyòulǐ] 泛指邻居。 东家西舍 [dōngjiāxīshè] 犹言左邻右舍。住在左右前后的街坊邻居。 东邻西舍 [dōnglínxīshè] 住在左右前后的街坊邻居。 街坊邻里 [jiēfānglínlǐ] 街坊:邻居。指住处邻近的人。亦作“街坊四邻”。 左邻右舍的反义词四字词语带有解释 天南海北 [tiānnánhǎiběi] 天南地北。 天涯海角 [tiānyáhǎijiǎo] 也说天涯地角。形容极偏远的地方。宋张世南《游宦记闻》卷六:“今之远宦及远服贾者,皆曰天涯海角,盖俗谈也。” 关于左邻右舍的详细解释 zuǒlínyòushè 【成语的意思和解释】--左右的邻居。指相邻的地区、部门、单位等。 【成语来源出自哪里】--明吴承恩《西游记》:“云来雾去,走石飞砂,唬得我一家并左邻右舍,俱不得安生。” 【成语繁体字写法】--左鄰右捨 【成语拼音简写】--zlys 【褒义还是贬义】--中性成语词语,没有明显褒义贬义批评或者赞美 【成语使用办法和性质】--联合式;作主语、宾语、定语;指左右的邻居 【成语形式结构】--联合式成语 扩展阅读:用左邻右舍写一句话 (1)、他为人厚道,与左邻右舍关系极好。 (1) he is kind-hearted and has a good relationship with his neighbors. (2)、小两口靠种菜卖菜为生,你敬我爱,和睦相处,孝敬老人,邻里融洽,因而常常受到左邻右舍的羡慕与称赞。 (2) the young couple make a living by growing and selling vegetables. They respect and love each other, live in harmony, show filial piety to the elderly, and live in harmony with their neighbors, so they are often admired and praised by their neighbors. (3)、四美酱园旁有一口水井,左邻右舍的居民均在此井汲水淘米、洗菜、汰衣裳,四美酱园也在此井取水,腌制酱菜。 (3) there is a well next to Simi soy sauce garden, where the residents of the neighborhood draw water to wash rice, wash vegetables, and wash clothes. Simi soy sauce garden also draws water from this well to pickle pickles. (4)、连左邻右舍都来道贺,徐家也派人送了贺仪过来,徐氏也觉得脸上有光,发赏钱也大方了不少。 (4) even the neighbors came to celebrate, and the Xu family also sent people to send congratulatory gifts. The Xu family also felt that they had a light on their face, and the reward was generous. (5)、倘若家中当晚没有这类活计,我们便受雇于左邻右舍,忙了整晚,可以赚个一毛两毛钱,不无小补。 (5) if we don't have this kind of work at home that night, we will be employed by our neighbors. If we work all night, we can make a dime. ![]() |