屏气凝神造句写一句话简单的 (1)、当比赛结束后,我们都屏气凝神的认真听讲,到底是谁获得冠军了。 (2)、同学们都屏气凝神的思考着一道很难的数学题。 (3)、有一次,我屏气凝神地搭着积木,生怕它倒了,因为那是我化了心血才搭好的。 (4)、我屏气凝神地搭着积木,生怕它倒了,感觉与杨俊是一样的。 (5)、我屏气凝神地搭着积木,很怕他倒下去,因为那样我就白费功了。 (6)、音乐课上音乐老师搞笑的语言虽然我们没有屏气凝神的听,但我们却学习到了音乐。 (7)、考试成绩即将公布了,我紧紧盯着老师手里的考卷,屏气凝神,生怕自己考差了。 (8)、我屏气凝神地做作业,生怕做错了被老师批评。 (9)、考试成绩就要公布了,我屏气凝神地盯着拿着成绩单的老师,生怕自己的成绩很丑。 (10)、只见指挥把指挥棒举起,全场立即变得鸦雀无声,所有人都屏气凝神地等待着。 (11)、他屏气凝神地听着音乐。 (12)、同学们都屏气凝神地听老师讲解那道复杂的数学题。 (13)、全场人都屏气凝神,依照气功大师的指挥认真练功。 (14)、伊丽莎白女王公园是温哥华最受喜爱的公园,佔据了城市的最高点,视野美得令人屏气凝神。 (15)、实弹射击时,我屏气凝神地注视着靶心。 屏气凝神造句带有中英文翻译写一段话 (1)、有一次,我屏气凝神地搭着积木,生怕它倒了,因为那是我化了心血才搭好的。 (1) once, I held my breath and set up a building block for fear that it would fall down, because it took me a lot of effort to build it. (2)、老头平举一手,反手朝下,是个石子落在地上弹开不远,江辰慌忙的将它们聚拢,屏气凝神,脑瓜子飞速运作,与此同时,老头喉咙沙哑的穿出“一,二,三。 (2) the old man raised his hand flat, backhand down, and it was a stone that fell on the ground not far away. Jiang Chen hurriedly gathered them together, held his breath, and the brain melon seeds were running at full speed. At the same time, the old man's throat was hoarse and put out "one, two, three". (3)、见此,他们连忙都盘膝而坐,屏气凝神,调息自己体内的能量。 (3) seeing this, they all sat with their knees crossed, holding their breath and breathing the energy in their bodies. (4)、同学们屏气凝神,全神贯注地听老**不紧不慢地讲故事。 (4) the students held their breath and listened attentively to the story told by the old Red Army. (5)、我屏气凝神地搭着积木,生怕它倒了,感觉与杨俊是一样的。 (5) holding my breath, I set up the building block for fear that it would fall. I feel the same as Yang Jun. (6)、想到这,龙仁屏气凝神,开始引导另一波后天元气在经脉中转运,只是,当运转后天元气到达眼部经脉的时候,龙仁感到眼睛轻微的一痒,龙仁也没怎么在意。 (6) thinking of this, long Ren held his breath and began to guide another wave of acquired energy to transit in the meridians. However, when the acquired energy reached the meridians of the eye, long Ren felt a slight itch in his eyes, and he didn't care much about it. (7)、而台下的的学生们也都开始屏气凝神了起来。 (7) and the students under the stage also began to hold their breath. (8)、沈浪赶忙屏气凝神,呼吸吐纳,炙热的精华随着吐纳慢慢沿着奇经八脉缓缓散开,将浑身脉络中的寒气一一驱散。 (8), Shen Lang hurriedly breathed, breathing, the deep concentration of hot essence along with the eight channels of Qi slowly dispersed, and the cold air in the whole body was dispersed. (9)、实弹射击时,我屏气凝神地注视着靶心。 (9) when shooting with live ammunition, I stare at the bull's-eye with my breath held. (10)、陆青峰他们四人,站在距离疾风豹大概三百米远的地方,屏气凝神,仔细观察着这只疾风豹。 (10) Lu Qingfeng, the four of them, stood about 300 meters away from the leopard, holding their breath and observing the leopard carefully. 屏气凝神造句写一句话复杂的 (一)、同学们屏气凝神,全神贯注地听老**不紧不慢地讲故事。 (二)、考试成绩就要公布了,我屏气凝神地盯着拿着成绩单的老师,生怕自己的成绩很丑。 (三)、当老师开始挥毫落笔,大家无不屏气凝神观看,端直的毛笔几笔之后就是一幅苍劲的好字,最后加上红色落款,美不胜收,令人叹为观止。 (四)、热身完毕,真正的好戏开锣了!“预备,观察!”大家均屏气凝神,盯着魔方猛看。 (五)、有一次,我屏气凝神地搭着积木,生怕它倒了,因为那是我化了心血才搭好的。 (六)、陆凡走到墨石前,屏气凝神,然后猛然一拳击出。 (七)、所有人都是屏气凝神得看着这团怪风,丝毫不敢大意,这是他们的最后希望。 (八)、我屏气凝神地搭着积木,生怕它倒了,感觉与杨俊是一样的。 (九)、实弹射击时,我屏气凝神地注视着靶心。 (十)、知道这是正主要出现了,陈傲立马屏气凝神死死盯着江滩。 (十一)、我屏气凝神地捧着小金鱼,生怕它从我手上"溜"走了。 (十二)、如果你屏气凝神地驻足谛听,将听到这个古老文明的深邃,假使你漫不经心地散步走过,你也将感受遥远书香的古典气味。 (十三)、伊丽莎白女王公园是温哥华最受喜爱的公园,佔据了城市的最高点,视野美得令人屏气凝神。 (十四)、面对高级怪物,陆云也不敢大意,屏气凝神,待野猪那尖锐的獠牙冲撞过来时,抽身避开它的冲锋,一脚踢在野猪肚子上。 (十五)、此时的秦牧也知这万年冰凤不是吃素的,立马屏气凝神,拉开架势认真迎战起来。 |