姿态万千的近义词成语 【变化莫测】 【千姿百态】 【白云苍狗】 【变化多端】 姿态万千的反义词四字词语 〖古井无波〗 〖枯木朽株〗 〖暗无天日〗 〖生不逢时〗 〖一命呜呼〗 姿态万千的近义词成语带有解释 变化多端 [biànhuàduōduān] 端:头绪。形容变化极多。也指变化很大。 变化莫测 [biànhuàmòcè] 测:估测。变化很多,不能预料。 白云苍狗 [báiyúncānggǒu] 唐杜甫《可叹》诗:“天上浮云如白衣,斯须改变如苍狗。”比喻世事变幻无常。 千姿百态 [qiānzībǎitài] 形容姿态多种多样,各不相同。 姿态万千的反义词四字词语带有解释 【姿态万千】 关于姿态万千的详细解释 姿态万千[ zī tài wàn qiān ] [ zī tài wàn qiān ] 原指女子的美媚,形容树木等美丽的景物形容容貌。 扩展阅读:用姿态万千写一句话 (1)、妈妈每年做的香囊都不尽相同,但一样的漂亮别致,姿态万千! (1) mother makes different sachets every year, but the sachets are the same beautiful and unique, with thousands of postures! (2)、其身侧坐一位身着紫色纱衣的妇人,月眉星目,衣香鬓影,姿态万千,一顾倾城,比起此刻丰容靓饰的楚云芝还要略胜一筹。 (2) sitting beside her is a woman in purple gauze. She has moon eyebrows, stars, beautiful clothes, and a lot of postures. She is a little better than Chu Yunzhi. (3)、九寨沟的水实在是姿态万千,不仅“瀑布”那么简单,九寨沟中的树正沟、日则沟、则查洼沟三条主沟形成“Y”形分布,各有特色。 (3) the water in Jiuzhaigou is in a myriad of forms, not only as a waterfall, but also as a Y-shaped distribution of Shuzheng, Rize and zechawa in Jiuzhaigou. (4)、我看着那片海棠花海,大片大片的白,却姿态万千,千娇百媚,还有垂丝海棠群怡倒悬,在绿叶间时隐时现,宛如脉脉少女,倒是很有一番迷人风景。 (4) I look at the sea of crabapple flowers, which are white in large areas, but they are charming and charming. There are crabapple hanging upside down, looming and appearing among the green leaves, just like a girl in pulse, which is very charming. (5)、初中生活像一首诗,初读平淡无奇,实则姿态万千;初中生活像一幅画,略看素雅平常,实则蕴藏着最真诚的感动;初中生活像一杯没有加糖的苦咖啡,初品带着淡淡的苦涩,实。 (5) junior high school life is like a poem, the first reading is plain, but in fact, it has a myriad of gestures; junior high school life is like a painting, a little elegant and ordinary, in fact, it contains the most sincere touch; junior high school life is like a cup of bitter coffee without sugar, the first product with a touch of bitterness, real. ![]() |