山崩地裂的近义词成语 【地崩山摧】 【地动山摇】 【山塌地崩】 【山崩地陷】 【山摇地动】 山崩地裂的反义词四字词语 〖岿然不动〗 山崩地裂的近义词成语带有解释 〖地动山摇〗: 地震发生时大地颤动,山河摇摆。亦形容声势浩大或斗争激烈。 〖地崩山摧〗: 土地崩裂,山岭倒塌。多形容巨大变故。 〖山摇地动〗: 山和地都在摇动。形容声势或力量的强大。 〖山崩地陷〗: 山岳崩倒,大地塌陷。 山崩地裂的反义词四字词语带有解释 【山崩地裂】 关于山崩地裂的详细解释 shānbēngdìliè 【成语的意思和解释】--山崩塌;地开裂。多为地震所引起。原用来指灾难性的巨大事变。后比喻声势之大;变化剧然。 【成语来源出自哪里】--东汉班固《汉书元帝纪》:“山崩地裂,水泉涌出。天惟降灾,震惊朕师。” 【成语拼音简写】--sbdl 【褒义还是贬义】--中性成语词语,没有明显褒义贬义批评或者赞美 【成语使用办法和性质】--联合式;作谓语;形容声势巨大 【成语形式结构】--联合式成语 扩展阅读:用山崩地裂写一句话 (1)、你一出世,山崩地裂,你一声口哨,山呼海啸,你一挥手,群猴乱舞,你一嚎叫,群魔颤抖。齐天大圣啊!你可是万圣节的主角!呵呵。万圣节快乐! (1) as soon as you are born, the mountain collapses, the earth falls apart, you whistle, the mountain blows, the tsunami blows, you wave, the monkeys dance, you howl, the demons tremble. Qi Tian Da Sheng! You're the hero of Halloween! ha-ha. Happy Halloween! (2)、倒是有天半夜里,药长老炼药时出了岔子,轰地一声巨响,地动山摇,惊得抱着黑剑睡觉的秦辰,昏头昏脑地跳起来就往外跑,还以为是山崩地裂了呢。 (2) in the middle of the night, there was a big bang when the medicine elder was refining the medicine. The earth moved and the mountains shook. Qin Chen, who was sleeping with his black sword, jumped up in a daze and ran out. He thought that the mountains were falling apart. (3)、要爱,要爱,就要爱,爱你就要爱痛快。你是我一生的最爱,我的心里装满你的爱。哪怕山崩地裂乾坤转,哪怕海枯石烂世间变,也不能改变我对你的爱。要爱日,我要向世界宣告,我要爱你。 (3) to love, to love, to love, to love you, to love happily. You are the love of my life, my heart is full of your love. Even if the earth and the mountains fall apart, even if the world changes, it can't change my love for you. To love the day, I want to declare to the world, I want to love you. (4)、飞机在空中爆炸的时候,传来山崩地裂的巨响。 (4) when the plane explodes in the air, there is a huge sound of mountain collapse. (5)、那是一种倦怠,对整个外在世界关上门,任它山崩地裂、洪水滔天也无动于衷的冷漠,与之相伴的,是绝对的孤独,一个人再如何精彩也无人唱和的孤独。吴沉水 (5) it is a kind of languid indifference to the whole external world, which is indifferent to the collapse of the earth and the torrential flood. Accompanied by it is absolute loneliness. No matter how wonderful a person is, there is no one to sing. Wu chenshui ![]() |